Tails's home timeline


  1. Wait, the tickle boat that killed that guy?

    Monday, 15-May-17 21:54:01 UTC from web
    • I'm sorry, I don't know what I'm saying. I'll kill you! Gimme a burger!

      Monday, 15-May-17 20:52:39 UTC from web
      • If you take your burgers from me, I will murder you and your mouthy wife.

        Monday, 15-May-17 20:52:00 UTC from web
        • white male holy genocide

          Saturday, 13-May-17 23:05:14 UTC from web
        • He's in his own home! Hostage is a bit much

          Thursday, 11-May-17 20:47:30 UTC from web
          • Should the FAQ have a wiki for our garbage and memes?

            Thursday, 11-May-17 18:23:51 UTC from web
          • http://pny.lv/1j017

            Thursday, 11-May-17 18:43:45 UTC from web
            • if you're still there, ihatemangos95 or whatever: i miss you, dad

              Tuesday, 09-May-17 21:44:08 UTC from web
            • I missed one.

              Tuesday, 09-May-17 21:36:46 UTC from web
            • it's funny because that racist shtick made him fit in even better

              Tuesday, 09-May-17 21:26:36 UTC from web
            • Maybe a better question. Why is Kingdom Hearts.

              Sunday, 30-Apr-17 03:22:29 UTC from web
            • WHen she tells me she doeant like childrn cardgames http://rainbowdash.net/attachment/858506

              Sunday, 30-Apr-17 00:42:23 UTC from web
            • I knew it was done before

              Sunday, 30-Apr-17 03:15:31 UTC from web
            • Customer: *sees that I am currently stocking shelves in a checkout line which is barricaded from the rest of the store by a large mobile shelf* are you open

              Sunday, 30-Apr-17 02:57:35 UTC from web
            • you know I finally figured out why websites save your payment information. It's so they can make money off of you when you're intoxicated

              Sunday, 30-Apr-17 02:48:28 UTC from web
              • A bunch of teenagers just walked into the store, come on man, it's 10:30

                Sunday, 30-Apr-17 02:27:09 UTC from web
              • Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Luck of the Irish

                Sunday, 30-Apr-17 02:23:16 UTC from web
              • because basically my evenings now besides Saturday are just sit in bed and Chromecast youtube to my TV

                Sunday, 30-Apr-17 01:02:26 UTC from web
              • what if asriel not dead? undertale twin soul part 2 come mattimation anniversary 5

                Sunday, 30-Apr-17 01:44:49 UTC from web
              • What the Potato Knishes do they put in 5 Hour Energy that makes you totally alert without making your heart feel like it's about to explode

                Sunday, 30-Apr-17 01:33:59 UTC from web
              • guys give me a reason to sit in my computer chair and actually log in during the week

                Sunday, 30-Apr-17 01:02:05 UTC from web
              • http://i.imgur.com/cponQkL.jpg

                Sunday, 30-Apr-17 00:30:29 UTC from web
                • note to self don't eat 3 donuts and then consume multiple types of intoxicants

                  Saturday, 29-Apr-17 23:59:42 UTC from web
                • NIntendo of america hates happiness http://rainbowdash.net/attachment/858503

                  Saturday, 29-Apr-17 22:19:59 UTC from web
                • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COaOCuv0yWA Forza is a serious racing simulator

                  Wednesday, 26-Apr-17 17:40:42 UTC from web
                  • Ice Age Trail kicked my arse through the whole 83mi I managed, and yes I know no one here cares. Same old same old. Time to ponder getting drunk and trying to sleep without letting the urge get to me.

                    Sunday, 23-Apr-17 02:45:43 UTC from web
                  • I have successfully survived a live performance by Corey Feldman!

                    Saturday, 22-Apr-17 23:06:04 UTC from web
                  • I don't think I will ever be happy

                    Saturday, 22-Apr-17 15:01:06 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  • Does everyone's gmail get ads for dating mature women or am I just that easy to figure out

                    Saturday, 22-Apr-17 09:53:50 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  • http://i.imgur.com/Z2JrqsJ.jpg Only he can save us now.

                    Thursday, 20-Apr-17 17:38:29 UTC from web