tenebarius subscriptions, page 4

These are the people whose notices tenebarius listens to.

  • noooooo poomagooopkedmskmcf noooooo poop


  • Emerson Wrobel chip Emerson Wrobel SE Mi. / NW Oh. Luna Pier, Mi.

    Just me no more no less

  • Mary boo rosepale Mary boo

    Hi, im 15... And I like playing the uke for my enjoyment and I'm weird :) Also, my big brother is chillman23. And also yes, I am a blank flank.

  • Hans van Hörten blots Hans van Hörten Tempe, Arizona

    A semi-regular on porkslope's streams.

  • colfax colfax
  • Kai Sumtin truebrokai Kai Sumtin Scotland

    I'm a newbie bronie n stuff :P I'm quite into the show but in the line of merchandise, I have absolutely nothing yet. And the first thing on my list is a T-shirt... and yeah I love Techno and Dubstep music and I am a Proud Scot who is a Proud Brony :D

  • Brony Mike bronymike Brony Mike White Rock, BC, Canada http://www.youtube.com/BronyMike

    PMV artist extraordinaire. Pinkie Pie for best pony.

  • Jb xvinylscratchx Jb suffolk, va, usa

    i like drawing(not good at it but still like to try lol) playing video game mainly rpgs. music lots of music. love anime and animals. my psn game tag is vvDJ_PON-3vv be sure to add me also friend me on Facebook http://m.facebook.com/?_rdr#!/xvinylx.xscratchx?__user=100004476214835

  • Stepy Kins stepykins Stepy Kins
  • Solidus Sans liquidusmira Solidus Sans Donkey Kong Country

    sometimes i go to the store and eat all the cheddar cheese

  • Gregory Lewanski midnightsprint Gregory Lewanski Orange County, CA

    New to being a Brony as of August 2012. I'm a huge fan of comics, anime, all manner of video games, classic horror and sci-fi, and all manner of literature. I'm trying to make my way as an amateur author, and so far, it's been rather lackluster. I'm reworking an old self-published book to put out, and I'm also working on a short horror book for a friend's haunted attraction. That said, the music I love is a wide mix, since I've been raised in a family of musicians. I myself play more than a few instruments. I love classic rock, metal, country, and classical as the most commonly played genres in my iTunes and CDs. What do I like about MLP? It makes me happy. Which surprises me. In a good way. Hopefully some of you out there will want to befriend me, since I'm kind of quiet, and fail to take the initiative a lot of the time. So please, talk to me! Friend me! Something! I'm new and don't know my way around. ><

  • Matthew Broderick mibthebrony Matthew Broderick Londonland

    That sounds like a stupid idea. LET'S DO IT!!!!!

  • derp jojoax derp derp http://jojoax.deviantart.com/gallery/

    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ There is a table for you. I like reading, techno, video games and best of all My Little Pony! I also like drawing, and ill add more when i think about it.

  • DJ luna bunny DJ luna A cloud?

    i live in a cloud! I love you all...pravia is my waifu...follow me on deviantart my name is numbahthr33 i do drawings if yawnt.....

  • Ryan Besemer cheesydeth Ryan Besemer Nunica, Michigan, United States http://www.facebook.com/rybear.besemer

    Hey, I am Ryan, my online named is Cheesydeth. I love video games, music, of course Ponies, singing, dancing, hanging with friends and having a few drinks. If anyone wants to talk feel free to add me on facebook, or talk to me on here. I am also a sound production and management major in college, so yeah, that's my dream in a nutshell, music, and everything to do with it.

  • Cristina cosmipinkie Cristina Barcelona, Spain http://boberia-boberia.blogspot.com/

    Hello! I'm Cristina, a female brony from Spain. I born at 11th May 1997, actually I'm 14 years old. I love Pinkie Pie, the green color, the chocolate and... moooore! I speak English, Spanish, Catalan &... ¿LolSpeak? I really like make new friends and having fun ^^

  • Ashton Davis baglesman Ashton Davis Texas

    Am a brony looking to talk to other bronies my age. Into multiple games for computer, and I love to hang out.

  • Katy Brown cavatina Katy Brown UK
  • Colin Morrow geppttoonstixs Colin Morrow Cherry hiil, New Jersey

    Hi i'm Colin and i am a Brony and a metal head Everypony is best pony except Trixie

  • Crash lightningcrash Crash Hamilton, Ohio

    A lone pony trots along an empty dusty road. His wings furled back against his sides, he pushes on as the wind whips dirt into his face. He quests for two things: his purpose in life and a pony to share his heart with.

  • Neil nakkecil22 Neil Georgia, United States http://s13.zetaboards.com/MLPFiE/index/

    A brony in northeast Georgia. That was my first mistake. A lot of people may find it offensive but anytime I see someone struggling, even online, I make it a point to pray for them. I'm putting that there because I know all too well that sometimes you need to know that someone cares and, well, most of the time it's the best I can do.

  • chaosmagic chaosmagic Oberdrosen/Burgenland/Austria http://chaosmagicsmod.tumblr.com

    My name is Chaosmagic or Chaos for short. I'm interested in lotsa stuff xD I like to make friends and stuff. My manelanguage is german, but my english is not too bad either X'D I'm from Österreich ( austria ) ^-^ I'm androgyne and interested in males c:

  • pie pie


  • jake Smith pandavondrunk jake Smith London,UK

    Hey i'm a 14 year old uk resident i am a nerdfighter, a whovians, a writer, a anarchist, a gamer, and a wanna be musician but lack the knowledge.

  • anypony anypony anypony somewhere in ponyville

    just you're tipical brony crazy about ponies

  • Michael Peele awesomeman1000 Michael Peele New York http://bannanapeele.deviantart.com/


  • ゆきくん vampixxkitty ゆきくん New Zealand http://ameblo.jp/vampixxkitty/


  • Caim car Caim

    I have finally accomplished my mission.

  • iluvzfluttershy iluvzfluttershy iluvzfluttershy Rockford, Illinois

    Im Darren, I am 15. I am a Sophmore. I love meeting new people but am also shy about it. I feel like im the only brony in the Rockford area so im hoping to make new friends, join events, and share the magic of friendship. My pony name is Mixtape. I love my 2004 Hyundai Elantra. I am into (other than mlp) graphic design, video creating, music, Dj ing, swimming, Visiting nearby Chicago, and watching TV. I am also on the Playstation 3 Network. PSN User: IcRaShAoT PS, Fluttershy Rockz

  • - aaaa - -
