Lazlow B's home timeline


  1. Ohno @thelastgherkin has a new avatar //again// . It is like being slapped in the face by the little voice inside of me that screams "I do not like change !"

    ... Actually I am rather bored and my imagination is hyperstimulated because of it

    Wednesday, 25-Jan-17 11:06:33 UTC from web
  2. Today I learned that the cell phone exploded in Law Abiding Citizen. I always thought that the protagonist/antagonist hid a gun somewhere aimed at where the judge would be when she answered her phone.

    Wednesday, 25-Jan-17 20:20:22 UTC from web
    • Trump still uses his unsecured Android phone. Somebody tell Hillary to email him why that's bad.

      Wednesday, 25-Jan-17 18:23:29 UTC from MuSTArDroid

      Wednesday, 25-Jan-17 16:00:56 UTC from web
    • Charming fellow.

      Wednesday, 25-Jan-17 10:37:08 UTC from web
    • "The Nintendo Switch ( NX ) is agressively mediocre" ... Not sure who said that, but it's my number 1 favourite quote about the thing now

      Tuesday, 24-Jan-17 15:48:15 UTC from web
      • Yay. Windows 10 update at my workplace. I'm sitting for 30 minutes and it reached 12%.

        Tuesday, 24-Jan-17 10:26:21 UTC from web
      • How do you explain Tim Allen?

        Tuesday, 24-Jan-17 10:33:42 UTC from web
      • One of my Star Warsy friends discovered the internet it seems for this was just passed to me.

        Tuesday, 24-Jan-17 10:33:30 UTC from web
        • We have arrived at the time where those plastic figurines from Nintendo ( amiiboys ? ) are now officially less expensive than WiiU games. Sadly I am trying to figure out what WiiU game to buy for the RecRoom

          Monday, 23-Jan-17 19:57:32 UTC from web
          • Some of my friends want to play local multiplayer versus Mortal Kombat now. So I guess someone is going to have to bite the bullet and buy it. Question is though do we play MK 2011 or MK X. Me personally I am in favour of MK3 but hey that is just me. And I am probably weird

            Monday, 23-Jan-17 00:11:33 UTC from web
            • Nice curveball there Google. But I know that's not the REAL Skeletor ( # for blood, gore, gibs, and generally other terms associalted with Mortal Kombat )

              Sunday, 22-Jan-17 22:38:39 UTC from web
              • Sad!

                Sunday, 22-Jan-17 19:42:51 UTC from web
              • I sometimes have issues guessing gender with english as in my mother tongue a noun is generally implied to be male unless specified otherwise.

                Sunday, 22-Jan-17 22:18:56 UTC from web
                • @nerthos I'd probably do well myself to take a look at elementary-grade grammar books since I am at that point where I completely forgot just how nouns even work.

                  However I notice that by just winging it I am still better than roughly 98% of native English speakers. Whoops, Besides I would rather learn a new language.

                  Sunday, 22-Jan-17 22:27:27 UTC in context
              • do do do, do-do do do

                Sunday, 22-Jan-17 22:01:35 UTC from web
              • So I stopped watching MLP a while back, but I'm curious, have they covered the topic of death and grieving in the show?

                Sunday, 22-Jan-17 21:28:43 UTC from web
              • ... Why is the Witcher 3 GOTY cheaper than Call of Duty Black Ops 2 ? The latter one is FOUR years old ( also 2 months )

                Sunday, 22-Jan-17 18:36:01 UTC from web
                • Show all 5 replies
                • @nerthos I would not go as far as to call Activision thieves. However I think it is abundantly clear at this point that CD projekt really prefer to see their games in the hands of gamers who legitimately paid for them so that their brand name grows. Meanwhile Activision probably sees gamers as nothing but a number, like how a farmer sees his cattle as nothing but a number.

                  Now someone is telling me that I should go play some CoD games because of the singleplayer stories, and I probably would have been ohkay with it if those OLD OLD OLD games were in the vicinity of the costs of a few ( 3 ? ) bag of crisps but even Modern Warfare 2 still stands at a whopping 25 bags of crisps, Black Ops 2 stands at 85.

                  Still not going to call them thieves. But I am going to call them insane.

                  It is probably cheaper and more enjoyable to see a longplay with all the death's cut out while nomming popcorn.

                  Sunday, 22-Jan-17 18:50:17 UTC in context
                • @critialcloudkicker Well, I'm pretty sure I could beat the story of a CoD in an afternoon, so not buying any.

                  Sunday, 22-Jan-17 18:59:46 UTC in context
                • @nerthos According to some articles I just read, most players finish a CoD singleplayer campaign within the time the average player takes to finish The Order : 1886. ( However CoD has a 10 times stronger hand for the completionists ). Interesting.

                  Sunday, 22-Jan-17 21:05:00 UTC in context
              • Totally honest question. What is wrong with the world ? If I read any of the big articles in any newspaper or watch the news on TV the main thing being served is nothing but "HATE"

                Sunday, 22-Jan-17 17:37:28 UTC from web
                • Can dogs even read ?

                  Sunday, 22-Jan-17 12:19:50 UTC from web
                  >People still think it's for bronies when it hasn't been the case for years

                  Saturday, 21-Jan-17 10:35:42 UTC from web
                • No fair, I want to buy to replace my current mouse but it does not ship outside of the continent of America it seems :(

                  Saturday, 21-Jan-17 00:16:02 UTC from web
                  • Finally I can die

                    Friday, 20-Jan-17 22:49:00 UTC from web
                  • For any USA citizens, reminder that there will likely be racial hate groups and other politically driven thugs attempting to cause disturbances and riots today, so make sure to carry a bottle with water and basic first aid supplies, as well as self-defense tools as law allows in your state. This goes double for people living in urban areas with a leftist majority. Stay safe.

                    Friday, 20-Jan-17 13:07:43 UTC from web

                    Wednesday, 18-Jan-17 14:13:04 UTC from web
                  • what if

                    Wednesday, 18-Jan-17 11:00:20 UTC from web
                    • @mushi I am confused by that question... I mean, he did ? Sorta ? ... Or maybe we are talking about giving sending Stalin back in time to Januari 1 1889 to kick Klara Hitler in the womb ? ... Or maybe I should play Red Alert 1 again for that sounds very familiar somehow

                      Wednesday, 18-Jan-17 13:12:11 UTC in context
                  • ... It took me about 2 minutes to realize why the water is so thick they are miniatures

                    Tuesday, 17-Jan-17 12:37:57 UTC from web
                    • urge to clean RISING

                      Tuesday, 17-Jan-17 11:23:10 UTC from
                    • What is your favourite leg?

                      Tuesday, 17-Jan-17 10:06:57 UTC from web
                    • *brainfart* ... So when Gamespy shut down in 2014 along went a lot of game-lobbies and game-servers for a TON of games, including a truckload of Wii and DS(i) titles, maybe even a WiiU or 3DS game somewhere. But in the future, we, the consumer, will have to pay for Nintendo themselves to uphold these servers ? ... Why does this bug me so much ? ... How did Gamespy even make money ?

                      Monday, 16-Jan-17 21:52:02 UTC from web
                    • Every man, woman and child should have a fat friend just in case a tiger comes along

                      Monday, 16-Jan-17 21:40:06 UTC from web