Lazlow B's home timeline


  1. am I having a stroke, or is everyone but me having a stroke

    Monday, 16-Jan-17 21:39:50 UTC from web
  2. Every man, woman and child should own a tiger just in case another tiger comes along

    Monday, 16-Jan-17 21:35:14 UTC from web
  3. Someone just asked me if theoretically their gun would have more stopping power if he was running while he shot... At what age do you generally learn things like Newton's third law ?

    Monday, 16-Jan-17 16:11:16 UTC from web
  4. "Fake news" is an anagram of "A few nukes"....... Really makes you think.............

    Monday, 16-Jan-17 15:40:05 UTC from web
  5. I just saw a movie theory that linked the movie Zootopia to the whole Contra & FBI & drug epidemic from the history books. And all I have to say is ... WHAT ?!? ... Howmuch conspiracy kool-aid must you drink before you make outrageous jumps like that ( which are, to be honest, not even researched well since the original Zootopia was all about Jack Savage and Shock Collars )

    Monday, 16-Jan-17 14:39:12 UTC from web
  6. Aww... Mods ! ... I was reading that :(

    Monday, 16-Jan-17 12:48:55 UTC from web
  7. sometimes you have to admit your ideas are just unpopular.

    Sunday, 15-Jan-17 09:20:47 UTC from
  8. We are past the season for the Ghost of Christmas Ass.

    Saturday, 14-Jan-17 23:33:04 UTC from web
  9. I just witnessed video and audio streamed over the the controller ports to a SNES. It was magnificent.

    Saturday, 14-Jan-17 21:06:47 UTC from web
  10. "It is actually really sad to hear accounts of harassment in VR when it is such a new technology" ... I had to take a quad take on that to verify if I heard that right.

    Saturday, 14-Jan-17 17:37:56 UTC from web
    • ... Possibly the best thing I have gotten stuck in my head all year.

      Saturday, 14-Jan-17 13:49:25 UTC from web
    • I normally delete notices from other instances that end up on the top six of popular, but I cannot bring myself to delete Buntain Simpson

      Saturday, 14-Jan-17 11:41:06 UTC from web

      Saturday, 14-Jan-17 08:50:36 UTC from web
    • Now one might argue that two wrongs don't make a right, but I ask you - can two wrongs make it funny?

      Friday, 13-Jan-17 19:00:54 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    • I hope 2017 is the year that people realise "overrated" doesn't even really make sense as a concept

      Friday, 13-Jan-17 14:00:33 UTC from web
    • Today I woke up with a terrible headache, it is almost like half the nerdoverse has been screaming and raging at something. And then I logged on, Ohh Nintendo. Well I guess that means I should severely tone down my expectations before I go see anything.

      Friday, 13-Jan-17 10:44:20 UTC from web
      • Since Tribes : Ascend can be considered dead in the water for all intents and purposes with all the blatant hacking going on. I find myself TERRIBLY excited for this game called Midair.

        Thursday, 12-Jan-17 13:46:08 UTC from web
        • So one of my co-workers is saying that Trump is dumb because he thinks the earth is flat. *rolleyes*

          Wednesday, 11-Jan-17 11:08:16 UTC from web
          • We are number one, exept...

            Tuesday, 10-Jan-17 20:52:27 UTC from web
          • Oh no... it does not even work under DirectX I just found out. Well time to scrap DirectX in it's entirety then

            Monday, 09-Jan-17 23:51:04 UTC from web
            • It just took me just short of 3 hours to get something done under directx ( I tried 9 10 an 11 ), while it took me less than 3 minutes in OpenGL... ... ... I know what I am going to use for this project...

              Monday, 09-Jan-17 23:50:24 UTC from web
              • "Hi, it is me, [name of close friend], I am in the IC right now"
                "Hi, it is me, [name of close friend], I am in the ICU right now"

                One of the 2 will get a way bigger jumpstart reaction out of me. And it still baffles me that people get those 2 mixed up

                Sunday, 08-Jan-17 23:14:48 UTC from web
                • Did anyone have the pleasure to play Cloud Pirates ?

                  Sunday, 08-Jan-17 12:57:38 UTC from web
                  • ... What does "amagamation" mean ?

                    Sunday, 08-Jan-17 12:49:31 UTC from web
                  • Welcome to RDN, a censored place for mostly ex-MLP fans where talking about pushing Onions out of butthole's is A-OK.

                    Sunday, 08-Jan-17 02:14:58 UTC from web
                  • I hate corn

                    Sunday, 08-Jan-17 01:07:02 UTC from web
                    • Show all 36 replies
                    • @nerthos NO. Cheese will always overwhelm popcorn ( appart from the REALLY young cheeses, and at that point the butter/oil flavour becomes too strong for the cheese to matter... Might as well use milk-flavour at that point ) ... And as such you pop your corn with multiple cheese flavours to bring out it's greatness.

                      Sunday, 08-Jan-17 02:03:29 UTC in context
                    • @nerthos @critialcloudkicker Perfect popcorn: for once, don't listen to Alton Brown.
                      Clarify butter: this raises the smoke point to just the popping temperature and removes all water. Use 1/4 C butter to 1/2 C popcorn.

                      On an electric stove, turn the dial to 4/5 high. Put the butter in the saucepan, with three kernels. Constantly shake the pan back and forth on the burner. When the three kernels pop, take the pan off the heat and put in the corn. Let the heat soak in for about one minute. Put the pan back on the heat and shake.

                      When the popping is done, you can salt the corn (popcorn salt, none other, and not too much) as you pour it in the bowl, if you have three hands or an assistant. Do not pour more butter on now: the butter already coats each popped kernel perfectly: a thin layer all over, and all excess removed by the popping agitation. The inside is dry and fluffy.

                      Sunday, 08-Jan-17 06:17:37 UTC in context
                    • @nerthos @mushi Almost anything worth growing is, except for peanuts.

                      Sunday, 08-Jan-17 06:42:30 UTC in context
                  • who the HECK calls rhubarb a fruit

                    Sunday, 08-Jan-17 01:14:53 UTC from web
                  • I swear corn is a vegetable

                    Sunday, 08-Jan-17 01:11:17 UTC from web
                  • Trump: "Goddammit! How come every time us Americans put up a wall stupid Mexicans have to come and knock it down?"

                    Sunday, 08-Jan-17 00:27:55 UTC from web
                    • Show all 8 replies
                    • @nerthos He will use the biggest words in his instructions to the builders.

                      Sunday, 08-Jan-17 00:46:25 UTC in context
                    • @m14brony It'll be a black wall with gold Ts along the lenght.

                      Sunday, 08-Jan-17 00:50:23 UTC in context
                    • @m14brony Politicians lie. liars lie. and people with skeletons in their closets most surely are an expert at lies. And last election cycle I did simply not see anyone who would not do something other than that. And I followed the election probably more closely than even Joe Average American, I found it enticing. What continues to surprise me however is that anyone is still surprised by what has now been reduced to 'gimmicks' such as using an opportunistic campain slogan and tweak and fiddle with it till you have something that works.

                      Will anything ground-shattering ever happen with the wall and Mexico ? Nah, I doubt it, Secure Fence Act of 2006. Most interesting stuff already has been done by some other Republican methinks

                      Once the American President elect touches Obamacare though, that is where I think the puppets will REALLY start to dance.

                      Sunday, 08-Jan-17 00:58:58 UTC in context
                  • I found this cat today

                    Sunday, 08-Jan-17 00:31:30 UTC from web