Lazlow B's home timeline


  1. Late Morning RDN

    Saturday, 07-Jan-17 10:26:35 UTC from web
  2. *looks outside* ... Oh no... SNOW ! *spends the rest of the day hiding under the covers*

    Saturday, 07-Jan-17 10:21:41 UTC from web

      Friday, 06-Jan-17 10:05:08 UTC from web
    • 1000 Degree Knife vs RDN

      Wednesday, 04-Jan-17 09:57:45 UTC from web
    • I'll try to quote by memory. "The only reason computer monitors are better for gaming is because computer monitors make use of the hyper-threading capabilities of the CPU, and that easily frees up an extra terraflop or so on the GPU, and only gives the illusion of a highter framerate... I dare you, try to hook up your PC to a Smart-TV" ... I hope you are laughing now cus I sure was

      Tuesday, 03-Jan-17 23:52:40 UTC from web
      • This just started getting thrown around on some of my chat-groups. And I LOVE it

        Tuesday, 03-Jan-17 23:33:18 UTC from web
        • DUDE!!!!!! Amethyst just got NAKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cartoon Network, are you for real????????????????????????????????

          Tuesday, 03-Jan-17 22:06:17 UTC from web
        • One of my vague friends is having CPU trouble, it reaches 88 degrees and then probably a thermal shutdown, while it is 30 degrees in normal windows use. Seen what an old beast it is and how he treated it when he asked me to fix it I laughed, HAH not bloody likely. So now he wants a new computer with an i7

          Tuesday, 03-Jan-17 22:05:41 UTC from web
          • oh my god you guys, you know those terrible Frozen Flash games like "Elsa Give Birth a Baby" and banana like that? THERE ARE Z O O T O P I A O N E S

            Monday, 02-Jan-17 22:43:16 UTC from web
          • Bugbear: people who can't reblog something without adding their own two cents every goddamn time

            Monday, 02-Jan-17 09:11:21 UTC from web
          • Best wishes for 2017

            Monday, 02-Jan-17 10:51:14 UTC from web
            • no offense but shut up

              Monday, 12-Dec-16 07:03:40 UTC from
            • Pain ? You wanna know what pain is ? Pain is having to tie up your gaming PC with the mundane task of backing up someone's cracky old tablet android and just seeing the progress bar increase at a rate of 32 bytes per second. This will take at least 30 days :(

              Saturday, 12-Nov-16 12:49:42 UTC from web
              • I woke up today with a sore throat, stuffy nose, broken lips, dry eyes, and a very bad cough. But at least America has eliminated yet another presidential nominee and they are probably very close to ending this facade of a race.

                Wednesday, 09-Nov-16 11:12:27 UTC from web
                • Donald Trump is more scared of the oval office than it is of him

                  Saturday, 05-Nov-16 13:00:25 UTC from web
                • Why in the world would the subtitles for this show start roughly 30 minutes after the start of the show ?

                  Tuesday, 01-Nov-16 15:10:16 UTC from web
                  • I tried watching TV again after so long when I found out that I simply can't anymore, it is horrid.

                    Tuesday, 01-Nov-16 14:46:02 UTC from web
                    • I think I am the only one who is even remotely positive on the Nintendo Switch ( NX ? ). My main motivator being something I have shown @adiwan probably a year ago where I crappily photoshopped ( mspaint ) the controls of a PSP onto a Samsung Galaxy S4. I have high hopes for the usability of the device when someone gets to run Linux on the device. Please be beefy enough for fun things like that.

                      Thursday, 20-Oct-16 17:11:27 UTC from web
                      • I just saw Zootopia, Small problem, French Vid, English Audio I am rather surprised by the ending though. Because of the internet I expected Judy Hopps to die ... Darn you misleading fanarts everywhere ! Hmmyeah, it goes down in my top 50 animated movies, somewhere below Wreck-it-Ralph though, Or Wreck-it-Rhino for that matter. Though I am almost ashamed to admit that that part made me laugh... so corny.

                        Friday, 07-Oct-16 12:31:03 UTC from web
                      • "Bonnie Hopps: Of course, it is okay to have dreams."
                        "Stu Hopps: Just as long as you don't believe too much in them."

                        First 10 minutes of the film and that is what sticks with me the most ? Good job at hitting that sore note there...

                        Friday, 07-Oct-16 10:41:47 UTC from web
                        • "Why would I care about what crazy people think about rationality ?" ... Oh this is going on a Tshirt right now.

                          Tuesday, 04-Oct-16 22:55:23 UTC from web
                          • what does water grenades even mean tho

                            Tuesday, 04-Oct-16 21:14:42 UTC from web
                          • Joe Biden Fluffle Puffed this country by not running for president

                            Tuesday, 04-Oct-16 14:27:15 UTC from web
                          • I had a dream last night where me, Dion, and Michael took a 16-week college course where we had to analyze and deconstruct Sword Art Online.

                            Tuesday, 04-Oct-16 10:39:23 UTC from web
                          • This is new. Someone thinks my comment that ( quote ) "I think videogames should be entertaining, enticing, or educative. Else I am unlikely to play them" is too entitled. How is that entitled ?

                            I dare anyone to come up with a video game that is neither of those 3. And no, Microsoft Office does not count.

                            Monday, 03-Oct-16 23:48:59 UTC from web
                            • Last friday I spend a ton of money on a laptop. This thuesday I will be back at the store because it is prone to crash everytime I have an HDMI device plugged in, pass the audio to the HDMI device, start a game, and press alt+enter ( fullscreen )...

                              Monday, 03-Oct-16 15:27:21 UTC from web
                              • Ohkay, I either borked my CMD into never asking for administrator priveleges again, or you do not need administrator priveleges to ask for "driverquery"

                                Monday, 03-Oct-16 10:14:43 UTC from web
                                • So apparently it is "Negaduck" and not "Megaduck" ... Stupid Dutch dubs. Though I still want the series in Dutch since the VA is BA.

                                  Monday, 03-Oct-16 09:19:55 UTC from web
                                • I know it was a big giant stompy robot, and I know it had many oneliners, probably from a video game, one of them was "size matters". Whom was that again ?

                                  Sunday, 02-Oct-16 19:59:03 UTC from web
                                  • So howmany diffrent transformers timelines are there ? I mean, there is the Classic continuity, the Beast Wars continuity, Shattered Glass continuity, the Wings continuity, the TransTech continuity and the Masters of Mayhem continuity... Am I missing one ?

                                    Sunday, 02-Oct-16 12:25:32 UTC from web