verybritishrarity groups

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  • Video Game Ponies! videogameponies Video Game Ponies!

    A group for all the ponies who enjoy playing video games! From FPS to RPG to RTS!

  • London Bronies londonbronies London Bronies London

    Hi, This is the start of a group to organise a London based meet! Please sign up if you live anywhere near the area and want to meet other UK bronies. So if you have any ideas of places we could go please let me know and help this become an awesome meet.

  • Love and Tolerate the Crap out of Carcino loveandtoleratethecrapoutofcarcino Love and Tolerate the Crap out of Carcino He be trollin'. And he be hatein'. Be we don't care 'cuz we're all bronies! <3

    Remember how amazin' Mister Carcino Pony used to be? He was more or less loyal, kind, honest, generous, an' he always made everypony laugh. But now, he's bein' a meanie meanie pants, a jerk, and a qualified troll. As bronies, it's our duty to love an' tolerate the crap out of Mister Carcino. We gotta show him how magical friendship can REALLY be. We love you, Carcino!!

  • Clumsy Bronies clumsybronies Clumsy Bronies

    We are clumsy bronies! We are always dropping things, knocking stuff over and getting on people's nerves, while not intending too. We also tend to be very forgetful. If any of the above fits you, join us! If you do not fit under any of the above, join us anyways!

  • Of all the worst things that could possibly happen this is the worst thing ofalltheworstthingsthatcouldpossiblyhappenthisistheworstthing Of all the worst things that could possibly happen this is the worst thing

    What? I really mean it this time!

  • The royal canterlot voice! royalcanterlotvoice The royal canterlot voice!