Alex McCunn's home timeline


  1. Okay everypony, I know I was at the January meetup in Exeter but I sstill need to check how close is the coach station to the train station we'll be meeting at? I ask because a friend may be coming along on Saturday, but he wants to go by coach, but I don't want to be too far away from the group. !uk !southwest

    Thursday, 15-Mar-12 21:04:09 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  2. In Glasgow, !uk, Hamleys has blind bag ponies for £2 each! I got a Big Macintosh today.

    Wednesday, 14-Mar-12 22:23:46 UTC from web
    • Finally watching Friendship is Witchcraft. Creaaaseed.

      Wednesday, 14-Mar-12 22:23:11 UTC from web
      • @stereosounds sorry.. I read your history and remember now. I hope it goes well for you!

        Wednesday, 14-Mar-12 20:32:11 UTC from web
      • I don't know if this is the place to post this, but 16 years ago today my friend was killed in a school shooting in Dunblane, Scotland. She was only five years old. We started playing together as kids because she used to share her My Little Pony toys with me. She gave me my first ever Applejack. I'll never forget her friendship and kindness, despite the fact we were both so young. R.I.P.

        Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 16:54:48 UTC from web
      • I got an unconditional acceptance to college!

        Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 16:15:16 UTC from web
      • The MLP fandom always reminds me to cherish my friends, and enjoy all the time we have together. I really reconstructed with that feeling through here. I want to thank you all.

        Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 16:55:51 UTC from web
        • In happier news, I just restarted Animal Crossing! Do I want to name my city Equestria?

          Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 01:02:04 UTC from web
          • Erm, can someone tell me why there's been transphobic rage at transgender bronies on some other sites recently? ;;

            Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 00:56:27 UTC from web
          • I really want to have a brony Skype chat soon, especially with people from !edinburghbronies...

            Sunday, 11-Mar-12 16:36:44 UTC from web
          • I want to find whoever got into all my accounts (MSN, Skype, Twitter) and shout at them.

            Sunday, 11-Mar-12 23:44:41 UTC from web
            • !uk !yorkshirebronies Some pics from the Liverpool meetup! Group photo: Pinkie's notebook, which got passed around: And a vector because I was bored: I plan to edit and upload the video soon.

              Sunday, 11-Mar-12 22:24:22 UTC from web
            • !edinburghbronies !uk @retrix @stereosounds @creideiki Update on the details can be viewed AGAIN on this:,268.msg2583.html#msg2583

              Sunday, 04-Mar-12 19:45:45 UTC from web
            • Just posting a reminder for everypony in the !southwest, the next Exeter meet up will be taking place on Saturday the 17th of March, the thread with details for this meet up is here :) !uk

              Sunday, 11-Mar-12 15:17:49 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              • !yorkshirebronies !uk Liverpool meetup was boss! Best meetup ever! We raided two stores and bought ALL the blindbags from both! We also had an MLP singalong in the street with a ukelele! Finally we watched MLP in the pub, and got a few odd looks! @trister I had no look finding my 20, 11 and 22 blind bags, so I'm still up for that. :D

                Sunday, 11-Mar-12 14:46:29 UTC from web
                • I have nothing to do today. Coursework is done, not working, it's a Sunday so nowhere is open... curl up on the sofa with a duvet and watch ponies?

                  Sunday, 11-Mar-12 14:04:19 UTC from web
                  • !edinburghbronies Here from the Forum, just saying hi. Also, might want to edit the group and make the tag a little shorter :P

                    Saturday, 10-Mar-12 23:55:31 UTC from web
                    • !edinburghbronies My Skype died, I need everyone's usernames again so we can plan a meetup. Mine's is SyntheticAudio.

                      Saturday, 10-Mar-12 21:32:10 UTC from web
                      • Hee, Solid Sparkle. I think I'm going to enjoy the episode this week. Didn't really enjoy the one last week, but I'm not too keen on Fluttershy.

                        Friday, 09-Mar-12 00:55:27 UTC from web
                        • I have 12 episodes and 4 PMVs on my iPhone to watch on this training residential at night, with the feeling that I'll probably add more before I actually go.

                          Friday, 09-Mar-12 00:53:02 UTC from web
                          • I return! I've been... really unwell, put it that way.

                            Thursday, 08-Mar-12 00:09:17 UTC from web
                          • !yorkshirebronies !midlandsbronies !uk Anyone going to the Liverpool meetup this weekend then? :D

                            Wednesday, 07-Mar-12 22:11:00 UTC from web
                            • Only joined RDN about a week ago, and it's closing down soon? That's too bad. Well I'll still be on for !uk & !edinburghbronies, and I guess I'll check out this Equestria Coffee House, though it's not working for me right now.

                              Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 21:47:48 UTC from web
                            • !yorkshirebronies !midlands !uk Ah man, RDN is shutting down? That's a bummer. Ah well, there are other services! Ponysquare and Cloudsdale here I come! Nothing can stop us!

                              Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 21:28:26 UTC from web
                              • !londonbronies !uk !midlands Dumping a bunch of meetup info. Watford Junction, March 10th ||| Exeter, March 17th ||| Chelmsford, March 31st ||| Nottingham, April 7th ||| Maidstone, April 14th ||| Bristol, April 21st ||| Exeter, May 12th ||| London MCM Expo, May 26th

                                Monday, 05-Mar-12 22:53:02 UTC from web
                                • First day in ages I've been free with no commitments, and I'm at a loss what to do with myself. I feel like I need to be doing something.

                                  Monday, 05-Mar-12 13:24:44 UTC from web
                                  • @stereosounds yh I updated the post, the meetup should happen in april or may depending on when we can get the most people to come.

                                    Sunday, 04-Mar-12 22:39:13 UTC from web
                                  • All of my happiness when surprise art from a friend of my ponysona happens!

                                    Sunday, 04-Mar-12 23:33:33 UTC from web
                                    • Fiancé brought me tea in bed, and we're going to cuddle up to watch the newest episode. Iron Man followed by Iron Will. Now there's a curious showdown.

                                      Sunday, 04-Mar-12 23:05:56 UTC from web
                                    • "PONY STARK BUILT THIS IN A CAVE! WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS!" omg what are my flatmate and fiancé

                                      Sunday, 04-Mar-12 21:52:11 UTC from web