Notices by xeleanorxrigbyx (xeleanorxrigbyx), page 9

  1. @nerthos Also have to make sure you have seatbelts in the doomcar.

    Monday, 28-Apr-14 15:20:37 UTC from web in context
  2. @nerthos Vest first, death vehicle second. Sounds like a good start.

    Monday, 28-Apr-14 15:17:44 UTC from web in context
  3. @nerthos Well get on it Tony Stark

    Monday, 28-Apr-14 15:14:57 UTC from web in context
  4. @nerthos I can only imagine what it would cost to fuel that beast though.

    Monday, 28-Apr-14 15:01:54 UTC from web in context
  5. Sprint is sending me money? What is this, the twilight zone?

    Monday, 28-Apr-14 14:58:05 UTC from web
  6. @nerthos That's the way to do it. No one will ever cut you off again.

    Monday, 28-Apr-14 14:57:28 UTC from web in context
  7. @nerthos I just need a Batmobile. Just roll up and over everything while I cackle madly.

    Monday, 28-Apr-14 14:56:33 UTC from web in context
  8. @nerthos I need to ante up to match everyone around here and get the largest pickup I can find. My poor car wouldn't do so well currently.

    Monday, 28-Apr-14 14:54:19 UTC from web in context
  9. @nerthos That is something I need to work on. I should probably take my road rage down a tick. Even when I'm not hungry. People just get stupid in cars thoughl.

    Monday, 28-Apr-14 14:52:31 UTC from web in context
  10. @nerthos Got stuck driving home from Georgia to Oklahoma (12ish hour drive) on Christmas day. Had a container of goldfish crackers and nothing else, figured at least a McDonald's or something would be open. Nope, nothing. Surprised no one was murdered.

    Monday, 28-Apr-14 14:48:37 UTC from web in context
  11. @nerthos I don't know then. Everything goes from 0-9001 if I haven't eaten for a while. Shoes get left lying around? Not an issue if I'm not seriously hungry. Haven't eaten in a while? Might as well have punched me in the face.

    Monday, 28-Apr-14 14:45:33 UTC from web in context
  12. Things I don't want to do today:
    1. Stab myself in the face
    2. Eat thumbtacks
    3. Deal with Apple support

    Monday, 28-Apr-14 14:36:30 UTC from web
  13. @nerthos Hey, thanks. :) I feel like I'm relatively healthy but when my sleep or food is messed with bad things happen. Mostly anger related.

    Monday, 28-Apr-14 14:35:46 UTC from web in context
  14. @nerthos Awww dang, don't let me keep you awake then. Sounds like a nifty superpower though (lack of side effects)

    Monday, 28-Apr-14 14:33:50 UTC from web in context
  15. @nerthos Well what are you still doing up? Just a glutton for punishment?

    Monday, 28-Apr-14 14:31:11 UTC from web in context
  16. @nerthos Ah, good plan. Sleep seems to fix a lot of things.

    Monday, 28-Apr-14 14:29:41 UTC from web in context
  17. @nerthos Awwww. Hope you feel better.

    Monday, 28-Apr-14 14:28:28 UTC from web in context
  18. @redenchilada ಠ◡ಠ

    Monday, 28-Apr-14 14:28:03 UTC from web in context
  19. @nerthos Very well. Philosophy away!

    Monday, 28-Apr-14 14:25:07 UTC from web in context
  20. @nerthos I don't know if I should take that philosophically or gutterminded.

    Monday, 28-Apr-14 14:23:53 UTC from web in context
  21. @nerthos This is true. Getting deep up in RDN.

    Monday, 28-Apr-14 14:22:28 UTC from web in context
  22. @pony Ha, that story is brilliant.

    Monday, 28-Apr-14 14:21:44 UTC from web in context
  23. @nerthos I see. Hmmm, well to shatter that image of maturity..... BUTTS! HAHAHAHAHA.

    Monday, 28-Apr-14 14:20:22 UTC from web in context
  24. @nerthos Huh, interesting. Maturity I guess?

    Monday, 28-Apr-14 14:17:46 UTC from web in context
  25. @nerthos Uh...... thanks....?

    Monday, 28-Apr-14 14:15:48 UTC from web in context
  26. @pony I know that feeling. I put my schooling on hold for work and at some point I'll finish it. I'm 23 and I don't have an associate's yet. :(

    Monday, 28-Apr-14 14:14:42 UTC from web in context
  27. Guess I'll follow suit and sleep.

    Sunday, 27-Apr-14 07:02:33 UTC from web in context
  28. Wow, look at all of the music on iTunes that I have that I never listen to.

    Sunday, 27-Apr-14 06:26:47 UTC from web
  29. @nerthos Excellent

    Sunday, 27-Apr-14 06:18:28 UTC from web in context
  30. @nerthos Oh yes. We must.

    Sunday, 27-Apr-14 06:16:27 UTC from web in context