Gage LeBoeuf's home timeline


  1. I love the metric system. I give it 10/10

    Friday, 19-May-17 11:41:56 UTC from web
  2. Minecraft Tower Defense mainly focuses on a fierce fight between Steve and many waves of creatures! And your role is to protect his shelter from their destruction by all means.

    Friday, 19-May-17 09:16:52 UTC from web
  3. What do you call a magical horse that isn't allowed to use its cranial appendage? A eunuchorn

    Thursday, 11-May-17 15:10:44 UTC from web
  4. Is there an in-game reason why the hackers in the Watch Dogs games can use eagle vision, or is the reason literally just "it's AC with guns"

    Monday, 15-May-17 16:31:55 UTC from web
  5. I just realised that Miley isn't even a real name

    Monday, 15-May-17 10:38:35 UTC from web
    I agree with everything here

    especially the bit about Mima


    Monday, 15-May-17 11:17:04 UTC from web
    • There are times I miss the banter believe it or not.

      Sunday, 14-May-17 23:08:06 UTC from web
    • if fetishes gave you super-powers I'd be more OP than Superman

      Thursday, 11-May-17 06:54:35 UTC from web
      • terracotta terracotta terracotta pie

        Wednesday, 10-May-17 17:28:06 UTC from web
      • I know a lot of people like to talk kiwi about Twilight
        "Oh, she's a mango alicorn"
        "she's social inept who for some reason became the magical avatar of [giving a mango about other people's feelings]"
        But I'll say this:
        In when that whole "Taking Flurry-Heart to a room with a highly contagious disease debacle", Flurry threw a gigantic tamper tantrum (as I'm sure you are aware)
        When this happened Twilight, and I want you to take notice of this: DEALT WITH THE PROBLEM LIKE A SANE PERSON by talking to her.

        Last time in MLP that there were 2 alicorns in a room and one of them threw a FrankerZing magic-powered-hissy-fit SHE GOT SENT TO THE MOON FOR ONE THOUSAND YEARS

        so, yeah,
        Twilight > Celestia

        Wednesday, 10-May-17 05:46:36 UTC from web
        • @zennx Celestia imprisoned a dangerous apocalyptic force and arranged for a 1000-year long game to destroy it by harnessing the most powerful magic in Equestria and ensuring this magical protection for the years to come

          Wednesday, 10-May-17 09:39:35 UTC in context
        • @thelastgherkin that baby had enough magical power as a newborn to blast a hole, vertically, through a giant building, BY SNEEZING .
          and even after having been magically restrained had enough power to place and entire room on magical suspension while keeping herself in a magic dome.
          Meanwhile NMM's powers range from Illusions to putting a prick in a manticore's paw, and your average "generic magic beam", that can't even pierce walls.

          Wednesday, 10-May-17 17:55:38 UTC in context
      • It's time to rember the classics
        and you know where you can find said classics?


        Wednesday, 10-May-17 05:33:51 UTC from web
        • being white is like being gay
          everyone that isn't like you thinks you have some sort of world domination agenda, but really you're just as clueless as what to do next as Trump

          Tuesday, 09-May-17 22:46:04 UTC from web
        • @ih8cherryrs oy, this is my turf ya Fluffle Puff

          Tuesday, 09-May-17 21:47:31 UTC from web
          • henlo rainbow dash netwer

            Tuesday, 09-May-17 16:13:27 UTC from web
          • Also I will personally remove, via dull axe, the legs of whoever can't make a comfortable FrankerZing dress shoe for men.

            Tuesday, 09-May-17 15:25:36 UTC from web
          • Eh, cherry it, I just read Shada, what even is time anyway?

            Tuesday, 09-May-17 02:46:51 UTC from web
          • Shoutout to my college for informing me I will not be receiving financial aid for the semester I'm not attending.

            Tuesday, 09-May-17 00:20:04 UTC from web
          • Well root canals went up in cost since 7 years ago lol

            Monday, 08-May-17 17:23:38 UTC from web
            • @awl around 10 years ago I realized that the reason why people complain about dentists is that they suffer when they go there
              I've gone to the dentist twice in my life, the first was because I got hit in the face with a billiard ball and my mouth was bleeding (it healed by itself the next day, but I did get a chipped tooth)
              and the second cause I found a hole in one of my molars (ended getting 3 teeth drilled and filled, but with no pain or anaesthesia)
              I honestly thought every one hated dentist because, like me, they HATE being touched by strangers...
              With Drills
              IN MY MOUTH

              man, that's cherrying wierd

              Monday, 08-May-17 19:02:02 UTC in context
          • Wow, Le Pen got pretty close to winning.

            Monday, 08-May-17 16:24:08 UTC from web
          • fun fact: The stripper pole spins, not the stripper
            yeah, that's right
            IT'S ALL LIES
            FILTHY LIES

            Sunday, 07-May-17 23:30:36 UTC from web
            • I need a new thumb ring, mine's all scuffed and bent kuz I got a heavier short bow

              Sunday, 07-May-17 23:29:56 UTC from web
              • Okay guys legit question is there an open bar in prison?

                Sunday, 07-May-17 23:19:31 UTC from web
              • u bouta smash @ a party n this girl say she 15 wut u do

                Sunday, 07-May-17 21:51:54 UTC from web
              • My process at installing mods on bethesda games:
                Ok, let's get gameplay improvements, minor mechanical tweeks and maybe some texture reworks, let's keep this as immersive as possible
                <20 mods later>
                Oh, cool a TARDIS

                Sunday, 07-May-17 20:32:27 UTC from web
              • So today I got up feeling weird. So I just went and took some R'n'R by reading an X-men comic book. And then my calvanistic goggles kicked into overdrive. ALL YOU MUTANTS ARE DICKS ! No, seriously, about 50% of them are straight up evil and the others try to stop them ? kinda ? Or they are just left alone ? Seriously go do something productive, all of you, Jean & Xavier please go force some panda's to reproduce. Magneto and Cyclops go to some sort of power plant for neigh infinite power. Storm go help people around the globe in securing food ( especially Africa ). Ice-Man go build yourself many MANY beautiful statues made of ice on the poles and end global warming or something **sigh** ... don't mind me, I just needed to vent

                Sunday, 07-May-17 19:28:11 UTC from web
              • Am I becoming more liberal or is it simply the hypocrisy of the fact that 'conservatives' are now in more power?

                Sunday, 07-May-17 19:10:40 UTC from web
              • I don't think it was sexist; reactionary yes. Not understanding that a lot of the time, public eye = public ire, definitely.

                Sunday, 07-May-17 18:59:30 UTC from web
                • @awl it wasn't, you can't just call people sexist kuz they interrupt your pathetic monologue.
                  if you had anything worth listening to, and knew how to papayaing say it ,people would not interrupt you
                  and even if you did, some people are just Potato Knishesing rude
                  or just don't respect you
                  and quite frankly if you start spouting garbage like "sexist micro-agression" you're going to lose all MY respect as a person
                  and looking at the state YT is in, and has been for ages, she doesn't have my respect as a professional either

                  Sunday, 07-May-17 19:10:37 UTC in context
              • not surprising seeing as the CEO of youtube is a Potato Knishesing femitard that thinks being interupted is a sexist micro-agression

                Political Correctness is killing my internet
                soon, I'll have to go to the dark webs to look at the most mundane FrankerZ

                Sunday, 07-May-17 18:53:43 UTC from web
              • Also, if space-rocks' "humanoid" bodies are just hard-light projections then why do they take damage
                and is Amethyst's body smaller, her rock is just as big as other space-rocks', and she can shape-shift into a huge wrestler, so I'm pretty sure her small stature is self-imposed

                Sunday, 07-May-17 19:01:01 UTC from web
                • Steven Universe AU where everything is exactly the same but Peridot has an extra chromosome

                  Sunday, 07-May-17 18:53:56 UTC from web