Gage LeBoeuf's home timeline



    Sunday, 26-Feb-17 09:34:38 UTC from web
    • "Hey, I'm Zenn's upstairs neighbour, I think it's a good idea to play with drills and hammers"
      "at 8:30AM, on a SUNDAY"
      "and now I'm gonna make some wierd sound that resembles a horse learning to tapdance"

      Sunday, 26-Feb-17 09:14:04 UTC from web
      • lmaoooo, even Fox's interviewees are fake

        Saturday, 25-Feb-17 19:38:34 UTC from web
      • OHOHOHOH
        There's wild Ipecacuanha near my college


        Wednesday, 22-Feb-17 12:07:58 UTC from web
        • so, my new and updated book about poisonous and medicinal plants shows a bunch of invasive plants that weren't in the previous version
          Turns out American Poke Weed grows 10mins walk from my house....
          Time to make some Vomit poison

          Wednesday, 22-Feb-17 11:57:49 UTC from web

            Wednesday, 22-Feb-17 10:08:46 UTC from web
          • Next person I see IRL insulting my sister for her being gay will get choke slammed into a bed of nails

            Tuesday, 21-Feb-17 01:38:50 UTC from web
            • Titanfall 3: And I can't get up

              Monday, 20-Feb-17 06:49:47 UTC from web
              • Given time, owls will even hear in 4D

                Monday, 20-Feb-17 06:43:00 UTC from web
              • Maybe they were great horned owls, I did only just now realize that they looked like they had ears and that birds don't have ears. So I guess there were tufts and I am a terrible bird watcher.

                Monday, 20-Feb-17 06:28:17 UTC from web
              • Reminds me of this

                Monday, 20-Feb-17 05:27:13 UTC from web
              • now that I think about it what exactly IS Hekapoo

                if I had to put my money on something, I'd say an Ifrit

                Monday, 20-Feb-17 05:30:07 UTC from web
              • so, finally caught up to Star vs the forces of Evil
                and damn
                Hekapoo is best girl

                Monday, 20-Feb-17 05:00:00 UTC from web
              • Just saw Dr. Strange
                I didn't know Madds was in it

                Dude's agent must be cherrying amazing if he keeps landing him awesome gigs like that

                Saturday, 18-Feb-17 00:24:35 UTC from web
                • Must... resist... urge to fight... with ex...

                  Friday, 17-Feb-17 21:09:59 UTC from web
                • Nightmare fuel Steven Universe Pearl doll

                  Thursday, 16-Feb-17 14:29:30 UTC from web
                • Patanjali products by Baba Ramdev.. i love them all

                  Wednesday, 15-Feb-17 13:25:13 UTC from web
                • Chip & Dale's Rescue Rangers in: Squirrel Team Six!

                  Wednesday, 15-Feb-17 04:11:17 UTC from web
                • well, i spent the valentines day's night putting a catterpillar on my face

                  Tuesday, 14-Feb-17 23:11:45 UTC from web
                • Hi all, is it good today?

                  Tuesday, 14-Feb-17 08:55:29 UTC from web
                • So, apparently there's a "Burn yourself with Ice and Salt Challenge"
                  Getting REEEEEAL tired of this grape

                  Tuesday, 14-Feb-17 08:55:18 UTC from web
                  • I don't think the Japanese know what "Re:" means

                    Tuesday, 14-Feb-17 08:49:19 UTC from web
                    • Happy socially-acceptable kinky sex day

                      Tuesday, 14-Feb-17 06:40:21 UTC from web
                    • it seems that my hatred of the French has escalated to a point where just hearing the language has turned into a major sexual turn-off for me...

                      meh, not missing on much

                      Tuesday, 14-Feb-17 06:21:02 UTC from web
                      • who wants to partake in the parlour game known as "consume the beverage"?

                        Monday, 13-Feb-17 05:46:17 UTC from web
                      • tmw your friends all start ragging on boxed wine as always being cheap banana

                        Monday, 13-Feb-17 03:52:08 UTC from web
                        • @awl so, their problem is not with the taste, but with the price?
                          kuz if so your friends are dumb af

                          Monday, 13-Feb-17 03:57:04 UTC in context
                        • @zennx I think it's a stigma of the being from a box and not a bottle more than anything. I recall having some of the best wine when I was in Italy coming from a box; I believe it was Alguerese but don't remember the specific name.

                          Monday, 13-Feb-17 04:31:55 UTC in context
                        • @awl that's stupid, the box, more specifically the sealed bag, is vastly superior to the bottle
                          It keeps light from degrading the wine, is a better thermal insulator, has a 0% probability of making the wine taste like cork and has a much smaller chance of breaking into sharp fragments and cutting your veins making you bleed till you go into shock and eventually death.
                          Your friends' thought process is Potato Knishes and they should feel bad for it

                          Monday, 13-Feb-17 05:15:52 UTC in context

                        Monday, 13-Feb-17 04:24:35 UTC from web
                      • this one scene is five minutes long. I kiwiing did it again you guys

                        Monday, 13-Feb-17 03:01:23 UTC from web
                      • Also Homesar as Lancer

                        AAAAAA'M A LAUNDRY FLAKEWALL

                        Sunday, 12-Feb-17 23:49:01 UTC from web
                        • Hey Stwong Bawd, check out aww these Bwade Wowks

                          Sunday, 12-Feb-17 23:43:20 UTC from web