WaluigiYoyoPony's home timeline


  1. Yes, Five.

    Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 08:22:28 UTC from web
    • Oh lord, give me a Kliment Voroshilov 2

      Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 08:21:07 UTC from web
      • If you think about it, we are all just squares.

        Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 08:18:56 UTC from web
        • I'm not a furry, I just want 5 blue anthropomorphic wolves to nut in me like any normal person.

          Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 08:16:36 UTC from web
          • I, like many weebs, have no imagination, that is why we put an image of a person on a pillow and not hug a real Hal man cyborg with flames and right ass jeans.

            Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 08:16:08 UTC from web
            • This is the last time Pinterest plays with my mind and abuse the color pink! I will not subscribe to this bullduggery!

              Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 08:14:09 UTC from web
              • I am a non normal person who does not express normal... Ish... Things.

                Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 08:11:49 UTC from web
                • So like it's been a long while, in college now and I will be on tomorrow o3o tired as hell but... Why am I talking to myself? WHAT INSANITY HATH I WROUGHT?!

                  Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 08:11:14 UTC from web
                  • Baka

                    Wednesday, 27-Jul-16 08:10:38 UTC from web
                    • Kurwa

                      Friday, 17-Jun-16 20:46:45 UTC from web
                      • Talk about a sight for sore eyes

                        Friday, 17-Jun-16 20:36:37 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                      • MY CONVERSATION SKILLS :D

                        Friday, 17-Jun-16 20:43:56 UTC from web
                        • if you afre interested, Limbo will be free on Steam on the next tuesday

                          Friday, 17-Jun-16 20:32:10 UTC from web
                        • No big amounts of alcohol
                          No coffee
                          No cigs
                          No drugs
                          Get on my level.

                          Thursday, 16-Jun-16 00:46:11 UTC from web
                        • I am kind of soft core

                          Friday, 17-Jun-16 20:29:29 UTC from web
                          • isapaabulinnusabakattesulesilmamunavarvivabrikukuldvaravaauvahtkonnaulemapuhapaevaajakiririnnataskusisevoodrivahe

                            Friday, 17-Jun-16 20:19:38 UTC from web
                            • It's been Kaksteist Kuud

                              Friday, 17-Jun-16 19:49:20 UTC from web
                            • <3 This song http://pny.lv/0kj7k

                              Friday, 17-Jun-16 20:17:24 UTC from web
                              • Bouta see this fish die. http://rainbowdash.net/url/847377

                                Friday, 17-Jun-16 20:05:05 UTC from web
                              • TFW I am doing Comppetetive germs

                                Tuesday, 07-Jun-16 02:36:10 UTC from web
                                • @Rarity Euro Trucker looksamazing http://pny.lv/0iz41

                                  Tuesday, 07-Jun-16 01:48:42 UTC from web
                                  • now it does... strange

                                    Sunday, 29-May-16 20:14:30 UTC from Choqok
                                  • Friend is doing Dark Souls 3 Playthrough http://pny.lv/0ht98

                                    Sunday, 29-May-16 20:13:50 UTC from web
                                    • Yeah. Childhood. http://pny.lv/0hhkv

                                      Friday, 27-May-16 08:58:19 UTC from web
                                      • Aparenlty *LE SHRUGERU*

                                        Wednesday, 25-May-16 01:48:15 UTC from web
                                        • It is a real thing

                                          Wednesday, 25-May-16 01:48:06 UTC from web
                                          • Though it still does nothing to explain the mystery of Nintendo 94 and it's two controllers support.

                                            Wednesday, 25-May-16 01:35:17 UTC from web
                                          • Magical Mystery NES cartridge http://pny.lv/0h7r9

                                            Wednesday, 25-May-16 01:13:09 UTC from web
                                            • *Fears for his Heresy*

                                              Friday, 20-May-16 08:37:46 UTC from web
                                            • Four more exams, then prom, then that's it. Finito

                                              Friday, 20-May-16 06:53:10 UTC from MuSTArDroid