Leonardo's home timeline


  1. @rarity now do you remember who i am?

    Tuesday, 27-Aug-13 15:54:04 UTC from StatusNet Android
  2. well, i have to go. see ya

    Tuesday, 27-Aug-13 15:39:55 UTC from web
  3. Hello all

    Tuesday, 27-Aug-13 15:24:37 UTC from StatusNet Android
  4. I would like to share a kickstarter project with you. It's for raising $6500 so a young man can get his first book published on his own without being forced to change his story to suit company publishers. The book is titled "The Origin of Kings" - This link is here if you like to see more information: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1227561517/the-origin-of-kings - There is a video of the author explaining what his book is about. As of posting this, less than 36 hours remain in the kickstarter and he's nearly halfway to his goal - 3036/6500. Up to this point, the project has only been passed about locally by word of mouth to family, friends, neighbors and coworkers. I believe he can make his goal if enough people are made aware of this project in the next 36 hours. Please pass this along, its an awesome story will be worth the read. # #

    Thursday, 22-Aug-13 01:46:15 UTC from web
    • The hell am I walking in to

      Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 14:16:55 UTC from web
    • I badly want a cookie! *sees raining outside* I want to loathe and be depressed now. :C

      Monday, 19-Aug-13 18:42:41 UTC from web
    • @mrdragon Havn't seen you in a while, how are you ?

      Saturday, 17-Aug-13 13:55:43 UTC from web
    • Since Saltybet just died on me, guess I'm going to sleep. Night RDN

      Saturday, 17-Aug-13 02:34:52 UTC from web
    • I must sleep as well. I need to be up early to get my baby sister on the bus to her first day of kindergarten.

      Friday, 16-Aug-13 06:00:26 UTC from web
    • alright guys I'm out for the time being. g'night RDN.

      Friday, 16-Aug-13 05:56:40 UTC from web
    • As for all of you food eaters. I don't know why you're not eating cherrychangas.

      Friday, 16-Aug-13 05:56:29 UTC from web
      • @awlderpy @flamingpandaomg My character is a good topic to draw for the ponies I roleplay with over on equestriarp.net so I have quite a few pics of him either drawn by myself or them.

        Friday, 16-Aug-13 05:47:35 UTC from web
      • @awlderpy Oddly enough, he is rather close to being rbd's opposite body wise. I could make a list XD. For a better look at the cutie mark http://ur1.ca/f2p1e

        Friday, 16-Aug-13 05:38:52 UTC from web
      • @vt3c Hehe. I'm not in yet. But I've sworn in. Just waiting on the ship date. >.<

        Friday, 16-Aug-13 05:37:58 UTC from web
      • @lightningcrash AWESOME. No wait SO AWESOME /)^3^(\

        Friday, 16-Aug-13 05:36:27 UTC from web
      • Another of my personal projects that haven't seen the public eye. http://ur1.ca/f2p0k

        Friday, 16-Aug-13 05:36:29 UTC from web
        • @vt3c @lunanut @shadoweclipse @awlderpy @flamingpandaomg Wow guys... uh... thanks. There's a version that's beyond that one, but the shading on it looks... ew. The background is pretty cool though.

          Friday, 16-Aug-13 05:30:20 UTC from web
        • @scribus Long time comrade

          Wednesday, 14-Aug-13 04:56:30 UTC from web
          • Do you guys think I should quit Making my YouTube video's?

            Wednesday, 14-Aug-13 01:33:17 UTC from web
          • @mushi Collette has Judgement. It kills everything cmon

            Friday, 09-Aug-13 01:16:30 UTC from web
          • aaaaand i'm back!

            Saturday, 10-Aug-13 22:45:57 UTC from web
          • sup all?

            Saturday, 10-Aug-13 23:19:57 UTC from web
          • hello all

            Saturday, 10-Aug-13 22:42:58 UTC from web
          • @lyraawlderpy i'm alright, just relaxing on my laptop at my friends house. and ah okay.

            Saturday, 10-Aug-13 23:08:40 UTC from web
          • Gnight ponies :D

            Saturday, 10-Aug-13 23:05:22 UTC from web
          • hello guys, i am back.

            Saturday, 10-Aug-13 22:42:27 UTC from web
            • I'm back

              Saturday, 10-Aug-13 20:20:11 UTC from web
            • So I just rendered a shot that I won't use, but it was satisfying to render. I'm going to reward myself by reading this King of the Hill thingy. It's by an author that I like so whatever maybe it won't be bad.

              Saturday, 10-Aug-13 19:11:15 UTC from web
            • @sprite that was random lol

              Saturday, 10-Aug-13 19:40:16 UTC from web
            • time to go back to playing this really bad game.

              Saturday, 10-Aug-13 19:41:42 UTC from web