Austin James Gates's home timeline



    Tuesday, 23-Sep-14 14:24:12 UTC from ban me pls
  2. "Got something to say? Need to say it? Unfulfilled?"

    Sunday, 10-Aug-14 22:33:50 UTC from web
  3. Do robots even have genders?

    Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:11:33 UTC from web
  4. @admin ahaha.

    Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:07:15 UTC from web
    • ,mr,fejre,cmlre

      Monday, 12-Aug-13 22:29:37 UTC from web
      • I have no mlp merchandise except one plastic cup

        Monday, 12-Aug-13 22:26:15 UTC from web
      • I want more thou

        Monday, 12-Aug-13 22:27:06 UTC from web
        • Wha

          Monday, 12-Aug-13 22:25:22 UTC from web
          • wow good bye

            Monday, 12-Aug-13 20:18:45 UTC from web
          • OK!

            Monday, 12-Aug-13 20:20:15 UTC from web
            • Egg, I am your farter!

              Monday, 12-Aug-13 20:18:17 UTC from web
            • Egg, I am your fater!

              Monday, 12-Aug-13 20:16:50 UTC from web
              • :|

                Monday, 12-Aug-13 20:15:02 UTC from web
                • >:|

                  Monday, 12-Aug-13 20:14:29 UTC from web
                  • YO, AUSTIN IN THE HOUSE

                    Monday, 12-Aug-13 20:13:23 UTC from web
                  • !equestriagaming

                    Monday, 12-Aug-13 20:12:03 UTC from web
                    • !equestriagaming

                      Monday, 12-Aug-13 20:12:00 UTC from web
                      • Well you guys heard him everybody get out

                        Monday, 12-Aug-13 01:35:15 UTC from web
                      • Are you all on a phones, I'm on a Computer.

                        Monday, 12-Aug-13 01:38:00 UTC from web
                      • Isn't rainbow dash awsome

                        Monday, 12-Aug-13 01:40:10 UTC from web
                      • In my headcanon Rainbow Dash has a crippling fear of salt. !coderpony #

                        Monday, 12-Aug-13 01:36:35 UTC from StatusNet Android
                      • ok, i'll calm down

                        Monday, 12-Aug-13 01:36:07 UTC from web
                        • it's everypony

                          Monday, 12-Aug-13 01:35:45 UTC from web
                        • I fluffen HATE cloppers

                          Monday, 12-Aug-13 01:34:47 UTC from web
                        • NO CLOPPERS

                          Monday, 12-Aug-13 01:33:33 UTC from web
                        • SING WITH ME, MY LITTLE PONY, MY LITTLE PONY

                          Monday, 12-Aug-13 01:32:41 UTC from web
                        • not a single soul comes throgh

                          Monday, 12-Aug-13 01:27:44 UTC from web
                          • where your fears and horrors come true

                            Monday, 12-Aug-13 01:26:56 UTC from web
                            • in the rainbow factory

                              Monday, 12-Aug-13 01:26:25 UTC from web
                              • Do any of u clop, if so, i will kill u

                                Monday, 12-Aug-13 01:15:44 UTC from web