

  1. By the way, today's episode of The Batman is about evil furries.

    Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:33:01 UTC from web
    1. @thelastgherkin I knew it.

      Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:34:27 UTC from web
      1. @anarchycarcino 2006? Wonder where that kid is now.

        Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:35:31 UTC from web
      2. @anarchycarcino Let's hope he broke out of his shell.

        Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:36:07 UTC from web
        1. @anarchycarcino Anyway, the Terrible Trio has been reimagined as a group of outcast college kids who enact their revenge on the society that shuns them by turning into anthropomorphised animals.

          Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:37:44 UTC from web
          1. @thelastgherkin I'm almost afraid to ask if you're joking or not.

            Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:38:13 UTC from web
            1. @anarchycarcino It's real. Babs is at college with them, and Langstrom's making an antidote.

              Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:40:09 UTC from web
              1. @thelastgherkin W-what? WHAT?

                Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:40:49 UTC from web
                1. @anarchycarcino I will be very surprised if either Bats or Babs is turned into an animal too before the episode finishes.

                  Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:42:06 UTC from web
                  1. @thelastgherkin What the hell are you watching

                    Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:42:38 UTC from web
                    1. @anarchycarcino The Batman, series 5, episode 9, "Attack of the Terrible Trio".

                      Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:43:13 UTC from web
                      1. @thelastgherkin Wait, there's your problem, I hear series 5 is when The Batman gets bad.

                        Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:14:41 UTC from web
                        1. @anarchycarcino It's not TOO bad.

                          Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:18:17 UTC from web
                          1. @thelastgherkin I hear series 3 and 4 is where it hits its stride. And then 5 messes that all up.

                            Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:19:12 UTC from web
                            1. @anarchycarcino I like the first two seasons better. It starts off as experimental and brooding and artistic, and gradually metamorphoses into a "traditional" Batman cartoon.

                              Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:20:29 UTC from web
                              1. @thelastgherkin I dunno, I finished series 1 two days ago. I'll start 2 today.

                                Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:21:05 UTC from web
                                1. @anarchycarcino Shway.

                                  Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:22:46 UTC from web
                                  1. @thelastgherkin I'm too shway for anything else.

                                    Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:23:26 UTC from web
                                    1. @anarchycarcino And to be fair, the Terrible Trio episode was nowhere near as ridiculous as the robo-Joker one.

                                      Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:27:13 UTC from web
                                      1. @thelastgherkin Guess I'll find out.

                                        Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:28:14 UTC from web
                                        1. @anarchycarcino Aww man, I just confused Thanagar with Tamaran and got really disappointed when Hawkman showed up instead of Starfire. :(

                                          Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:29:55 UTC from web
                                          1. @thelastgherkin Teen Titans was airing around that time, so that would be a no go.

                                            Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:31:27 UTC from web
                                            1. @anarchycarcino Not by season five. Robin's been in it since season four.

                                              Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:32:26 UTC from web
                                              1. @thelastgherkin Hm. Odd. But the odds of them throwing the still relatively unknown Starfire into it are lower than Hawkman.

                                                Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:34:47 UTC from web
                                                1. @anarchycarcino I don't know about that. Count Vertigo was in it not long ago.

                                                  Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:36:31 UTC from web
                                                  1. @thelastgherkin I guess Hawkman is more relevant to Batman than Starfire is.

                                                    Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:37:21 UTC from web
                                                    1. @anarchycarcino And yet no Gentleman Ghost! D:<

                                                      Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:37:48 UTC from web
                                                      1. @thelastgherkin Justice League Unlimited had Gentleman Ghost..

                                                        Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:38:42 UTC from web
                                                        1. @anarchycarcino

                                                          Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:39:22 UTC from web
                                                          1. @loak

                                                            Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:39:54 UTC from web
                                                        2. @anarchycarcino NEVER ENOUGH GENTLEMAN GHOST

                                                          Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:39:22 UTC from web
                                                          1. @thelastgherkin Gentleman Taskmaster.

                                                            Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:40:20 UTC from web
                                                            1. @anarchycarcino Gentleman Ghost would be my waifu if waifus weren't stupid.

                                                              Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:41:19 UTC from web
                                                              1. @thelastgherkin I...I have waifus..

                                                                Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:42:24 UTC from web
                                                                1. @anarchycarcino That's correct.

                                                                  Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:44:43 UTC from web
                                                                  1. @thelastgherkin Vriska isn't stupid

                                                                    Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:45:20 UTC from web
                                                                    1. @anarchycarcino That's also correct.

                                                                      Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:47:02 UTC from web
                                                                      1. @thelastgherkin But she is my waifu.

                                                                        Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:47:38 UTC from web
                                                                        1. @anarchycarcino That is stupid.

                                                                          Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:49:00 UTC from web
                                                                          1. @thelastgherkin wehh

                                                                            Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:49:21 UTC from web
                                                                            1. @anarchycarcino

                                                                              Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:50:08 UTC from web
                                                                              1. @thelastgherkin S-s-Starlightbolt!

                                                                                Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:50:36 UTC from web
                                                                                1. @anarchycarcino Is she fictional?

                                                                                  Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:51:54 UTC from web
                                                                                  1. @thelastgherkin No!

                                                                                    Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:52:19 UTC from web
                                                                                    1. @anarchycarcino Proceed unmolested.

                                                                                      Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:54:30 UTC from web
                                                                                      1. @thelastgherkin Okay...

                                                                                        Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:55:10 UTC from web
                                                                                        1. @anarchycarcino Wait, isn't she gay?

                                                                                          Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:58:32 UTC from web
                                                                                          1. @thelastgherkin Yeah, so?

                                                                                            Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:59:19 UTC from web
                                                                                            1. @anarchycarcino Oh, no reason.

                                                                                              Thursday, 30-Aug-12 15:03:02 UTC from web
                                                                                              1. @thelastgherkin I can dream :<

                                                                                                Thursday, 30-Aug-12 15:03:33 UTC from web
                                                                                                1. @anarchycarcino If it makes you feel any better, you have more gay non-fictional 'waifus' than I do.

                                                                                                  Thursday, 30-Aug-12 15:05:23 UTC from web
                                                                                                  1. @thelastgherkin Haha more than you know actually. I guess it's just bad luck.

                                                                                                    Thursday, 30-Aug-12 15:06:03 UTC from web
        2. @anarchycarcino Oh, and now they're going to turn everyone in college into furries so they can cover their tracks.

          Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:38:25 UTC from web
      3. @anarchycarcino ITT: Bronies making fun of furries.

        Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:38:58 UTC from web
        1. @omni I'm only making fun of evil, fictional ones.

          Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:39:26 UTC from web
        2. @omni ITT: Implied bronies

          Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:39:41 UTC from web
          1. @anarchycarcino I'm sorry for assuming people who are members of a site called "Rainbow Dash Network" to like the show?

            Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:40:37 UTC from web
            1. @omni I can like the show and not be called a brony thank you very much.

              Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:41:24 UTC from web
              1. @anarchycarcino Since when did brony have another meaning then "someone who likes My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic"? Because as long as it still has that definition, no, you can't like the show without being called a brony.

                Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:43:08 UTC from web
                1. @omni Sure you can. Some people don't want themselves labelled as things.

                  Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:44:09 UTC from web
                2. @omni So if I play the call of duty games I'm a call of duty fan boy then.

                  Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:44:45 UTC from web
                  1. @anarchycarcino I never used the word "fanboy". If you eat meat you're a meat-eater, if you like the show, you're a brony. Is it that unlogical?

                    Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:45:22 UTC from web
                    1. @omni If you like swimming, you must be an amphibian.

                      Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:46:44 UTC from web
                      1. @thelastgherkin That's nonsense and you know it is. If you have an actual, decent argument, go ahead, but if you just do junk like that you're being annoying. The definition of "someone who likes the show" is "brony", the definition of "someone who likes to swim" is not "amphibian".

                        Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:50:32 UTC from web
                        1. @omni No, the definition of someone who likes the show is "fan".

                          Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:51:39 UTC from StatusNet Android
                          1. @redenchilada Liking something doesn't automatically make you a fan of it. The word fan is derived from fanatic and implies at least some level of obsession with the subject matter.

                            Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:52:39 UTC from web
                        2. @omni I gotta disagree there. I think *most* would agree bronies are fans of the show, not just people who happen to like the show.

                          Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:53:48 UTC from web
                          1. @toksyuryel Fair enough, Wikipedia seems to agree as well: "Brony, a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic". I switched up fan and "someone who likes something", which is silly of me. At any rate, I'm not the only one who did that :P

                            Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:54:43 UTC from web
                            1. @omni Wikipedia is a valid indisputable source of information, yes

                              Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:55:23 UTC from StatusNet Android
                              1. @redenchilada Wikipedia is fairly valid is most cases, especially when it hasn't been edited for several weeks. It's really one of the most trust-able sources for quick look-ups on the Internet.

                                Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:09:42 UTC from web
                                1. @omni I remember one occasion when a celebrity died, and someone edited Wikipedia to change their mother's name to something false. Shortly, hundreds of obituaries were reporting the fake name as grieving instead of the real mother. This is the very definition of a "quick lookup", and also where it fails.

                                  Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:17:54 UTC from web
                                  1. @thelastgherkin I clearly stated "not edited in a long time" which means that that is clearly NOT the case here. Wikipedia has a "history" button for a reason. That people don't use it, doesn't make it a bad source. That's like saying you can't do anything with a computer because you don't understand how to turn it on.

                                    Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:19:41 UTC from web
                                  2. @thelastgherkin In the local TV here, a politic humor show made up a "celebrity romance" between one of it's star reporters and some model or something, to show how the TV is all quick lookup. It ended up with them laughing and the whole drama press furious at them.

                                    Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:24:06 UTC from web
                                    1. @nerthos Which is why one should never read the content of Wikipedia articles and instead skip on down to the sources at the bottom.

                                      Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:26:03 UTC from web
                            2. @omni Most people equate "fan" with "like". It's one of those popular usage things that are going to be the death of me someday.

                              Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:56:31 UTC from web
                              1. @toksyuryel I'm sorry ::(

                                Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:06:23 UTC from web
                    2. @omni some people just don't like to be called a brony can we just leave it at that?

                      Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:47:16 UTC from web
                    3. @omni I can like the show without being labeled as a brony. Can't I just be a regular fan? Or, just a guy who likes to watch the show? Good things don't come to mind when I (And I only speak for me here) think of the word brony. I would rather not be called as such if I can help it.

                      Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:47:31 UTC from web
                      1. @anarchycarcino Humans do some pretty terrible things but I don't see you crusading against being called one of those.

                        Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:30:08 UTC from web
                        1. @toksyuryel Oh for God's sake....

                          Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:30:46 UTC from web
                          1. @scribus Does the truth hurt? Do you want to try redefining what a human is so you can exclude yourself from falling under the same definition as the ones you don't like? Because there is no difference between that and trying to redefine brony for the same purpose. You can't have one and not the other without being a hypocrite.

                            Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:39:35 UTC from web
                            1. @toksyuryel If you're considered a human, then yes, I don't want to be one of you.

                              Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:40:47 UTC from web
                              1. @scribus OOOOOHHHHHH!

                                Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:41:28 UTC from web
                              2. @scribus You're kinda only proving his point with that statement.

                                Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:41:52 UTC from web
                            2. @toksyuryel Alright, let's do this then. You would argue that a person has no right to decide which labels they wear ("Don't call me brony," "Too bad you watch MLP I say you are so you are"). By that logic, a trans* person isn't allowed to say they are anything but their birth gender ("I'm a woman in a man's body," "You have a man's body, I say you're a man, you are"). To give one group (trans) self-label rights and not another (MLP fans) would be hypocrisy. As such, by the logic you've already demonstrated, trans-folk cannot self-label and thus are stuck with their birth genders. Don't blame me, folks, @toksyuryel proved it. If he tries to say otherwise, he negates his own argument on the brony issue and becomes, himself, a hypocrite.

                              Thursday, 30-Aug-12 15:07:36 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                              1. @scribus The other day he was arguing the exact opposite.

                                Thursday, 30-Aug-12 15:08:32 UTC from web
                              2. @scribus that's over-simplified though. With trans folk they undergo a physical change that arguably changes their identity, whereas with people who like FiM, they fit the definition of brony still, but just don't like the label.

                                Thursday, 30-Aug-12 15:09:47 UTC from web
                                1. @pony But why should they be allowed to undergo the transformation in the first place if they are not allowed to decide their own identity and thus label themselves?

                                  Thursday, 30-Aug-12 15:15:15 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                  1. @scribus A brony might choose to disown the show and thus become a non-brony. It's simply a word used to describe what a person is or isn't. Labels may hurt or annoy and so might be avoided, depending on the circumstances. I grant you that, but they serve a useful purpose

                                    Thursday, 30-Aug-12 15:19:20 UTC from web
                                    1. @pony "I stereotype, it's faster?"

                                      Thursday, 30-Aug-12 15:20:18 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                      1. @scribus close, but not all labels are stereotypes. I think it's more accurate to say that stereotypes apply to labels. Labels are innocent words.

                                        Thursday, 30-Aug-12 15:21:58 UTC from web
                                        1. @pony Yeah, but label and stereotype end up getting pretty close at times. And in my experience, labels make things simpler, and stereotypes are simplified presentations of a group. I'd prefer "I am a fan of ___" because all it states is appreciation of ___, where as "I'm a ---" can confer much more if a lifestyle has become associated with --- in particular.

                                          Thursday, 30-Aug-12 15:28:56 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                          1. @scribus That makes sense to me. It's why I don't blame anypony who doesn't want to be called brony. I just think that insisting that no definition of the word applies is silly if and when it does actually apply.

                                            Thursday, 30-Aug-12 15:34:28 UTC from web
                                            1. @pony For me, it is like saying: "I'm not gay, I just want to have sex with men and not with women." In my opinion, everyone who is too old to be the "target audience" of MLP FiM is a Brony - everything which is added to that (like the "you have to accept love and tolerance" idiocy) is either people trying to feel special or just prejudices.

                                              Thursday, 30-Aug-12 15:38:01 UTC from web
                                              1. @hakupony I agree again. I've always thought a broad definition of brony is best. I suppose even some children might like to call themselves bronies.

                                                Thursday, 30-Aug-12 15:40:18 UTC from web
                                                1. @pony Okay, for me, you wouldn't qualify before entering puberty, but if you take my defiition, it does not really matter - being a Brony doesn't make you a better person, it just gives you the situation to like something which is considered weird in your age group. So if children want to talk to me about MLP - then I'll talk to them because I think the topic is interesting :3

                                                  Thursday, 30-Aug-12 15:43:33 UTC from web
                                                  1. @hakupony That makes sense. I can just imagine some kids thinking they want to be part of the fandom and so adopting the label. i'm thinking of the kid(s) in this video

                                                    Thursday, 30-Aug-12 15:46:44 UTC from web
                                                    1. @pony Well, if they want to, then they can consider themselves members. I'd welcome them. Hell, not long ago, I discussed Avatar the last airbender with a few boys arount the age of eleven - good taste does know no age :3

                                                      Thursday, 30-Aug-12 15:49:12 UTC from web
                                        2. @pony Basically, we need stereotypes because we don't know the whole complexity of peoples behaviour. So we need to assume how to treat them by lacking information, so we assume those people act the same way like people with the same characteristics. Stereotypes and labels all are necessary to keep ourselves working as social animals - the art is just to keep in mind that you may have the wrong idea and to be open for learning...

                                          Thursday, 30-Aug-12 15:33:07 UTC from web
                                          1. @hakupony I absolutely agree

                                            Thursday, 30-Aug-12 15:36:02 UTC from web
                              3. @scribus I had a feeling you might try to pull something like this. You seem like the type of person who really hates to be wrong and will use any kind of argument, no matter how flawed, just to appear right. The mistake you made here was in thinking that that I had categorically stated all external labels are automatically correct, which, if you'll read again, you will see I did not. I am, in actual fact, arguing against the idea that "I don't like some of the people with this label" is a valid reason for rejecting any definition of it which includes you. The meaning of a word and whether or not it fits you is perfectly fine to debate- I am merely saying that simple dislike of people who fit that meaning is never a valid factor in rejecting a candidate meaning. Reasons for actions are at the heart of this discussion, not the actions themselves. I don't care if you're not a brony, but if you're going to say why think of something better than "I am not one because I dislike some".

                                Thursday, 30-Aug-12 15:20:53 UTC from web
                                1. @toksyuryel I am not a brony because I dislike some. Get over it. It's all the reason I need.

                                  Thursday, 30-Aug-12 15:22:19 UTC from web
                                  1. @anarchycarcino That doesn't mean it's incorrect to call you a brony, just that maybe others shouldn't because you dislike the stereotype associated therewith, no?

                                    Thursday, 30-Aug-12 15:27:10 UTC from web
                                    1. @pony It is, because I'm not a brony.

                                      Thursday, 30-Aug-12 15:27:56 UTC from web
                                      1. @anarchycarcino someone fitting the definition of something is that thing. You may debate the definition, but there will always be some who prefer and use a definition that you dislike, and due to the ambiguous nature of our language, they wouldn't be entirely incorrect, just insensitive to your distaste for the word. Denial won't change how the majority of people use the word brony.

                                        Thursday, 30-Aug-12 15:33:02 UTC from web
                                        1. @pony I am not a brony because I dislike some bronies. You seem to not be getting this.

                                          Thursday, 30-Aug-12 15:35:28 UTC from web
                                          1. @anarchycarcino The interesting part is that most of these people aren't actually interested in the semantic complexities of group membership. They just refuse to accept that there are parts of the fandom a person could dislike, and work backwards from there in an attempt at "forcible inclusion".

                                            Thursday, 30-Aug-12 15:37:49 UTC from web
                                            1. @ceruleanspark I'm aware.

                                              Thursday, 30-Aug-12 15:38:25 UTC from web
                                          2. @anarchycarcino

                                            Thursday, 30-Aug-12 15:38:08 UTC from web
                                2. @toksyuryel >The type of person who really hates to be wrong and will use any kind of argument >Scribus >Go away.

                                  Thursday, 30-Aug-12 15:22:44 UTC from web
                                3. @toksyuryel seems legit

                                  Thursday, 30-Aug-12 15:24:01 UTC from web
                                4. @toksyuryel Calling my argument flawed when all it was was a repurposing of your own statement? How . . . what's the word? . . . Hypocritical.

                                  Thursday, 30-Aug-12 15:25:28 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                  1. @scribus It would be a repurposing of my statement if it in any way was what I said, except, as I pointed out, it was not what I said. At no point did I say anything to the effect of "people have to accept what other people call them"- what I did say was that your reason for doing so should be consistent. If "I hate humans so I'm not a human" sounds absurd, why shouldn't "I hate bronies so I'm not a brony" also sound absurd? Consistency. Try coming back to my post when your reading of it isn't clouded by emotion and perhaps then you will see the words I actually typed and not what you wish I had typed.

                                    Thursday, 30-Aug-12 15:29:43 UTC from web
                        2. @toksyuryel I like being human.

                          Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:30:55 UTC from web
                        3. @toksyuryel Because that's genetic. Come on.

                          Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:31:05 UTC from web
                        4. @toksyuryel good point

                          Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:32:29 UTC from web
                3. @omni Probably since so many bronies decided to turn liking a cute cartoon into a new religion.

                  Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:44:47 UTC from web
                4. @omni Since rabid fans have turned the word into a negative label? I don't care for the term either, if only because of its association with the "love and tolerate" hokey that appears oh-so-often.

                  Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:47:39 UTC from StatusNet Android
                  1. @redenchilada @anarchycarcino @ecmc My point was: This is a website which clearly states itself to be "for bronies", but I have to watch out with the term "brony" to not offend people? It feels a bit... far-fetched, that's all, I'm not saying I'm going to refuse trying to remember to not call him that way.

                    Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:49:11 UTC from web
                    1. @omni Have you not seen this issue crop up before?

                      Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:49:50 UTC from web
                      1. @scribus No, I have not. And really, what's the fuss all about anyway? I never see sites for goths or furry communities getting angry over being called "goth" or "furry", and those have a fair amount of "bad publicity" as well.

                        Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:51:44 UTC from web
                        1. @omni on of the definitons on Urban dictionary states [i]Fans of the new G4 My Little Pony show "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic". Mostly refers to the older male viewers of the show, but female fans use it too. [b]A Brony is generally pretty involved in the community at large[/b].[/i] This one sums it up for me, Bronies contribute.

                          Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:55:03 UTC from web
                    2. @omni We use the term "bronies", still? I thought that was removed from the site notice.

                      Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:50:26 UTC from StatusNet Android
                    3. I don't see why it's so objectionable to be called a brony.

                      Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:56:29 UTC from web
                      1. @pony This, exactly. I have no problem not calling someone that way, but this is the first time I see anyone object to it and it's strange, especially due to the nature of this very website.

                        Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:57:11 UTC from web
                        1. @omni To be honest, a fair few people on this site have gone from fans to just "likes the show" and likely hang around more for the community than anything else.

                          Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:00:39 UTC from StatusNet Android
                          1. @redenchilada Here here.

                            Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:01:29 UTC from web
                          2. @redenchilada Well the community is certainly a nice one. I certainly feel right at home with the bronies unlike the sonic community.

                            Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:03:50 UTC from web
                          3. @redenchilada @mechashockwave OOOHHHHHH!

                            Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:04:24 UTC from web
                          4. @redenchilada To be expected really, given the position of this site in relative to the rest of the fandom. We are pretty far on the fringe.

                            Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:08:34 UTC from web
                            1. @toksyuryel I can't say it wouldn't be interesting to have more than 10 users on here a day, but it would break the homey feeling I have. I don't mind being on the fringe.

                              Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:10:21 UTC from web
                              1. @anarchycarcino I wouldn't still be here if it bothered me. What bothers me is when people try to act like we're *not* on the fringe.

                                Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:31:47 UTC from web
                      2. @pony Here you go.

                        Thursday, 30-Aug-12 13:58:25 UTC from web
                      3. @pony probably because there are many different opinions as to what the term actually means. Like, some people say it's just about being part of the fandom, some say it's just about watching the show, some say it involves buying merch etc.

                        Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:00:23 UTC from web
                        1. @ecmc @anarchycarcino @omni *nods* I was kind of disappointed when I found out some dislike being called brony because the word gave a name to the fandom (or people who like the show) for me, and I was happy to be able to identify with others that way.. Yes there are large groups of bronies that do things that make me blush (not an easy thing mind you) and want to facehoof, but I see no reason to object to the term especially when used on RDN.

                          Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:06:28 UTC from web
                          1. @pony You missed the part where I identify that word with bad things, watch every video on that channel again and get back to me. Then you're fired.

                            Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:07:43 UTC from web
                            1. @anarchycarcino xD I think I'll pass. The video you linked was more than embarrassing enough. I get why you wouldn't want to identify with it elsewhere, but on RDN I still don't see any reason to object.

                              Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:10:34 UTC from web
                              1. @pony Why compromise how I feel anywhere? I have integrity, be it the internet or real life.

                                Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:11:51 UTC from web
                                1. @anarchycarcino hmm.. I suppose there's no reason really. I'm just sort of saddened by it because I liked the idea of being united under one word. I can't blame you though. I have mixed feelings about being identified with the various odd ponies who've admitted on the news to clopping regularly to ponies and other terribly embarrassing things like what you linked.

                                  Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:16:24 UTC from web
                                  1. @pony We are united under one thing, it's a little more than a word. It's called My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. Bronies watch it. People who like cartoons watch it. I watch it. You watch it.

                                    Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:18:29 UTC from web
                                    1. @anarchycarcino Now I feel warm and fuzzy. Thank you. :D

                                      Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:19:21 UTC from web
                                      1. @pony Shut up.

                                        Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:19:44 UTC from web
                                        1. @anarchycarcino x3 ♪"The fire of friendship lives in our hearts!"♫

                                          Thursday, 30-Aug-12 14:20:58 UTC from web
    2. @thatonestocking More like a Joseph Heller-esque "Only sane people can decide how they'd like to be labelled, and anyone who'd reject the label we've forced on them must be insane"

      Thursday, 30-Aug-12 15:40:08 UTC from web