


    Friday, 08-Nov-13 18:49:24 UTC from web
    1. @pony what the cherry

      Friday, 08-Nov-13 18:50:32 UTC from web
      1. @mastertdi

        Friday, 08-Nov-13 18:52:18 UTC from web
        1. @pony I was more referring to the # grandma

          Friday, 08-Nov-13 18:52:59 UTC from web
    2. @pony you want these cookies?

      Friday, 08-Nov-13 18:50:36 UTC from web
      1. @vcgriffin Oh I have these cookies. You better believe!

        Friday, 08-Nov-13 18:51:59 UTC from web
        1. @pony sweet potato kinishes

          Friday, 08-Nov-13 18:53:30 UTC from web
          1. @vcgriffin @mastertdi @rarity I want Tagalong to sell me her cookies!

            Friday, 08-Nov-13 18:56:46 UTC from web
        2. @pony SBN ?

          Friday, 08-Nov-13 18:59:24 UTC from web
          1. @critialcloudkicker tis a silly place! It's a version of RDN that lingered after it no longer served as a test site for upgrades a long-ish time ago. It's unmoderated so saucy stuff and whining about RDN goes on there mostly.

            Friday, 08-Nov-13 19:01:58 UTC from web
            1. @pony Could you recommend it as a dump place for stuff that would get a smile to the face of many, but is outside of the scope, and way outside of the taste, of RDN ?

              Friday, 08-Nov-13 19:06:37 UTC from web
              1. @critialcloudkicker only if you're legally an adult by Canadian standards

                Friday, 08-Nov-13 19:11:02 UTC from web
                1. @pony but there are totally people younger than that on SBN

                  Friday, 08-Nov-13 19:12:30 UTC from web
                  1. @rarity I think, last time I checked

                    Friday, 08-Nov-13 19:12:39 UTC from web
                2. @pony ... Do Canadians take into account the age you feel you are in any way shape or form ?

                  Friday, 08-Nov-13 19:12:40 UTC from web
                3. @pony It was 13 when I joined

                  Friday, 08-Nov-13 19:13:25 UTC from web
                  1. @mastertdi @rarity @critialcloudkicker I know the age rule probably gets broken. I'm terrible at keeping track. For legal purposes, since the site deals with mature content on occasion, I'm required to say adult members only.

                    Friday, 08-Nov-13 19:14:58 UTC from web
                    1. @pony Whoops brb going to jail

                      Friday, 08-Nov-13 19:16:09 UTC from web
                      1. @mastertdi Take care... Don't drop the soap this is probably just a saying... right ? ... Right ?!?

                        Friday, 08-Nov-13 19:17:06 UTC from web
                        1. @critialcloudkicker brb dropping soap

                          Friday, 08-Nov-13 19:17:25 UTC from web
                          1. @mastertdi ... And now the soap is dirty... And looks at you in foul contempt... And it would spew profianity at you if it had a mouth... Good job.

                            Friday, 08-Nov-13 19:19:40 UTC from web
                      2. @mastertdi Mor likely the adults would just get v&

                        Friday, 08-Nov-13 19:17:38 UTC from web
                        1. @pony now what are the odds of that, Pony?

                          Friday, 08-Nov-13 19:19:26 UTC from web
                          1. @rarity not very high as long as we're not seeking out minors and we at least say that it's for adults

                            Friday, 08-Nov-13 19:21:31 UTC from web
                            1. @pony @rarity I would know. Kappa

                              Friday, 08-Nov-13 19:21:59 UTC from web
                              1. @pony I hope your "love interests" are as repulsed by that kind of behavior as I am

                                Friday, 08-Nov-13 19:23:58 UTC from web
                                1. @rarity More like kind of scared honestly.

                                  Friday, 08-Nov-13 19:28:33 UTC from web
                    2. @pony Are you a mod ?

                      Friday, 08-Nov-13 19:16:20 UTC from web
                      1. @critialcloudkicker nopers. I don't know if there are any active mods there right now. Even the admin is inactive. The owner pops in on occasion, but not much.

                        Friday, 08-Nov-13 19:18:40 UTC from web
                        1. @pony Has the password been rediscovered?

                          Friday, 08-Nov-13 19:20:20 UTC from web
            2. @pony yeah, I've never been. I would bee too nice on there

              Friday, 08-Nov-13 19:07:58 UTC from web
    3. @pony oh my god Japan

      Friday, 08-Nov-13 18:52:32 UTC from web
    4. @randomwonderbolt Originally RDN was for all ages. I think it just got too stresful to keep it that way or something.

      Friday, 08-Nov-13 19:16:03 UTC from web
    5. @randomwonderbolt You're so cool the rules don't affect you, that's why

      Friday, 08-Nov-13 19:18:49 UTC from web
      1. @mastertdi Pretty much this, actually.

        Friday, 08-Nov-13 19:19:14 UTC from web
    6. @pony I was just wondering; last I knew, it was lost in the sands of time.

      Friday, 08-Nov-13 19:23:44 UTC from web
      1. @scribus I usually like to clear new admittances with the only user there who isn't on RDN since he's half the reason I visit SBN

        Friday, 08-Nov-13 19:27:53 UTC from web
    7. @randomwonderbolt The 13 and up clause is mostly just something in the TOS so angry parents can't sue if their kid sees something they don't like.

      Friday, 08-Nov-13 19:27:00 UTC from web
      1. @redenchilada @randomwonderbolt and believe it or not this threat has been made

        Friday, 08-Nov-13 19:28:19 UTC from web
      2. @redenchilada hey did you ever reacquire your modship?

        Friday, 08-Nov-13 19:29:19 UTC from web
    8. @snowcone within 7 of the wrinklers there are 30 quadrillion more.

      Friday, 08-Nov-13 19:38:35 UTC from web
    9. @snowcone ooh! dem total cookies!

      Friday, 08-Nov-13 19:41:57 UTC from web
    10. @snowcone I don't know how Grey does it!

      Friday, 08-Nov-13 19:44:55 UTC from web
    11. @snowcone *dies

      Friday, 08-Nov-13 19:45:05 UTC from web