critialcloudkicker's favorite notices

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  1. @critialcloudkicker I meant damage to houses and random 5 to one attacks on people who are alone like in the election. As well as employees in stores and the like being victims of violence.

    Friday, 20-Jan-17 14:12:42 UTC from web in context
  2. ...and I said "oatmeal, are you crazy?!"

    Thursday, 25-Aug-16 07:42:02 UTC from web
  3. @scribus America has a health system?

    Monday, 22-Aug-16 23:36:33 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  4. Time to kiwi Matt off by playing Life is Strange

    Saturday, 09-Jul-16 14:47:46 UTC from web in context
  5. They do everything to make everyone not to watch the new Ghostbusters. The title music suuuuuucks

    Thursday, 23-Jun-16 18:44:50 UTC from Choqok in context
  6. @tiffany You are completely missing the point. Everyone except criminals wants rape to stop happening, but accusing innocents of being potential rapists, and convincing women to mistrust every male they come across doesn't reduce rape. I'm pretty sure it'll only increase the chances of an actual rapist getting away because people will think that it's just another innocent being accused of something they didn't do. And that's without even touching the issue of male rape victims.

    Saturday, 18-Jun-16 12:32:36 UTC from web in context
  7. @adiwan You say I made a mistake, I say I'm deliberately making people think they missed a new episode! Only one of us can be right! It's you.

    Saturday, 18-Jun-16 09:27:38 UTC from web in context
  8. Windows 10 can choke on a fart

    Sunday, 08-May-16 14:19:39 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  9. @thelastgherkin But only one Axe Cop.

    Saturday, 07-May-16 20:07:26 UTC from web in context
  10. @ceruleanspark Wisdom is the greatest source of fear. Ignorance is bliss.

    Monday, 02-May-16 10:49:45 UTC from Choqok in context
  11. @mrmattimation damn it that's not the point
    The laws are crap and are being exploited THOUSANDS OF TIMES EVERY DAY.
    People are being flagged for their original content
    Like Jim said in the vid. Miracle of Sound got a copyright claim on his OWN ORIGINAL SONG
    It's not about making money
    It's not about using other people's content for your profit

    Because guess here's an example of the absolute papaya-basket that is youtube:
    I could go and create a new account
    go to one of your videos
    place a copyright claim
    and for the next 15 days I would take ALL ad revenue on that video
    I would not pursue any legal action (kuz d-doy I have no legal claim) and after the 15 days all money you make from there on would be yours
    but not the money of the first 15 days, that's mine, and you can't touch it
    not unless you sue back, but I hardly think that would be in your economic interest

    Thursday, 28-Apr-16 23:16:20 UTC from web in context
  12. @thelastgherkin GOOD THING I'M A WEEB, NOT A NERD

    Monday, 11-Apr-16 17:08:47 UTC from web in context
    who you gonna call?

    Sunday, 10-Apr-16 15:57:03 UTC from
  14. If he were a potato, he'd be a baked potato. If she were a potato, she'd be vodka. Together, they fight crime!

    Thursday, 07-Apr-16 17:11:36 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  15. @critialcloudkicker They're called Romans and they are extinct.

    Monday, 04-Apr-16 00:37:27 UTC from in context
  16. Batman v Duperman: Dawn of Indifference

    Sunday, 03-Apr-16 16:30:49 UTC from web
  17. Somebody, once I've finished moving, kick me in the butt about this stupid puppet I'm supposed to be making.

    Thursday, 24-Mar-16 14:24:46 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  18. @critialcloudkicker You think your response was funny? You think you're witty, huh? You think you can just say that to me and I'll have a little chuckle and click that favorite button? I'll tell you for free that I'm not gonna do that. I didn't even want to humor your wackyXD response to my rhetorical question, but someone's gotta slap your ass for your mistakes and I know no one else here will. Don't EVER try to be funny in my comment thread again. capiche?

    Thursday, 24-Mar-16 12:12:28 UTC from web in context
  19. The internet raises an AI. It becomes a meme-spouter, self-loathing, sarcastic machine. I'm not longer worried about Matrix and stuff.

    Wednesday, 23-Mar-16 23:12:12 UTC from in context
  20. @critialcloudkicker stupid sea breasts

    Wednesday, 23-Mar-16 22:13:52 UTC from web in context
  21. I have gotten into arguments about this with people and they are like "you are denying racism"  and I'm like "you are telling me storms are caused by ghosts and when I say I don't believe in ghosts you are saying I deny storms then"

    Wednesday, 23-Mar-16 20:54:17 UTC from in context
  22. @moonman @bornlibre @saintevremonde What benefit do we get from knowing the intimate details of someone else's personal life? Unless the person is embezzling money to support a mistress or committing some other crime in the process, I don't want to know about it.

    Wednesday, 23-Mar-16 16:29:36 UTC from in context
  23. @thelastgherkin It's too late for you now, your legs have been commandeered (also cute cat, what's her name?)

    Tuesday, 22-Mar-16 15:08:56 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  24. @moonman @discussthang batcavecoin

    Tuesday, 22-Mar-16 15:04:40 UTC from in context
  25. @zennx You're on the List

    Tuesday, 22-Mar-16 14:47:03 UTC from web in context
  26. @thelastgherkin "reasonable people" is my trigger word
    "Trigger" is also my trigger word

    Tuesday, 22-Mar-16 14:40:25 UTC from web in context
  27. @jackmcpapaya Buzzfeed is not a site, it's a virus that infects other sites.

    Wednesday, 16-Mar-16 15:32:45 UTC from in context
  28. *jerry seinfeld voice* what's the deal with quitter? *cue laugh track*

    Friday, 04-Mar-16 19:52:25 UTC from

    Thursday, 03-Mar-16 13:02:48 UTC from in context
  30. @nerthos dude, I am a male in my early 20's, were I not happily engaged I'd be putting my papaya on EVERYTHING (except sharp things) I don't care if it's got skin, fur, scales, or a pulse.

    Sunday, 28-Feb-16 21:34:59 UTC from web in context