Deleted's home timeline


  1. it looks simple enough to replace the n64's analog stick with a gamecube one, i think im gonna try this instead of buying a new controller

    Monday, 06-Feb-17 17:28:17 UTC from web
  2. Gee, pc gamers always get the best titles for themselves!

    Monday, 06-Feb-17 18:30:18 UTC from web

    Monday, 06-Feb-17 18:56:20 UTC from web
    • @mrmattimation Some reboots are good, some reboots are terribad, and some franchises have an extended story in comics or whatnot. It would be a crying shame if they were to make a Samurai Jack reboot akin to how they screwed up Teen Titans ( Go ) or ( the new ) PowerPuff Girls, and those franchises just had to reboot from a blank slate since the creator had a hardon for some fanfic he got his hands on ( that is the short version )

      Monday, 06-Feb-17 19:03:04 UTC in context
  4. Man, this just isn't working for me. I still feel way too scrutinized out here. Like saying the wrong thing could get misread by the wrong people and then I'd be up the creek again. I feel like I don't have permission to be angry or sad or feel injustice anymore. I'm gonna go somewhere else for a while.

    Monday, 06-Feb-17 11:28:21 UTC from
  5. Is it Superb Owl time again or something ?

    Monday, 06-Feb-17 09:56:38 UTC from web
    • ... why would anyone buy this when emulation is a thing ? I mean I could attach my N64 and spend some time to get it working, then be dissapointed my saves are gone, or I could spend less time downloading an emulator, or I could spend no time and just paying 10 bucks... Hmm...

      Sunday, 05-Feb-17 12:53:00 UTC from web
    • My copy of Microsoft Word has decided that it has never heard of Times New Roman before. Why.

      Sunday, 05-Feb-17 12:15:03 UTC from web
    • Also, my father is the health fanatic who is about to get one eye blind from taking diabetes medicine without prescription to lose weight

      Sunday, 05-Feb-17 00:11:04 UTC from web
    • Also, i guess this is why people like PC gaming (possibly NSFW)

      Sunday, 05-Feb-17 00:13:09 UTC from web
    • I'm watching a medical show, and in tis episode there is a short haired female doctor taking care of a child and my fater is like "OMG, how can a batcaveing dyke like her become a pediatrician if she was born to never have children?!"

      Saturday, 04-Feb-17 23:51:53 UTC from web
    • anyone who uses g.e-hentai is an empty life. -- Samuel Goldwyn

      Saturday, 04-Feb-17 19:20:05 UTC from
    • I hope the Lego Batman movie will be shown in English somewhere near me. Given that's a movie for children it's highly unlikely.

      Saturday, 04-Feb-17 19:27:36 UTC from web
    • uploaded my new cache plugin to gitgud, adding some stuff to my hardened-postactiv to make it easier to use. Will add my quick user search plugin later.

      Saturday, 04-Feb-17 07:27:50 UTC from
    • Today I am going to a Brony convention that is within traverseable distance from my home. I guess you could say I'm nervoucited.

      Now you could say 'so what, Bronies are a dying thing anyway', and you'd be right. However I generally like the people in the Dutch community, and I did not see any of them since 2015 due to work. ... And probably incompetence...

      Saturday, 04-Feb-17 07:17:38 UTC from web
      • @ajr Right now I'm trying to rely on AI teammates during planning but they keep dying unless I take direct control of them. Often times when I tell them to open a door and throw a flashbang inside, they'd just immediately get shot by an enemy who was hiding away. What I'd do normally in that situation would be to open the door just a crack and toss a grenade that way but it seems like the AI don't know how to do it unless I haven't figured something out.

        So yeah, I've been stuck on this one level for hours.

        Saturday, 04-Feb-17 06:52:03 UTC from
      • Can anyone give me a quick rundown of why I should ( or should not ) CFW my 3DS XL ?

        Friday, 03-Feb-17 20:34:12 UTC from web
        • I wonder if that is real ( probably not )

          Friday, 03-Feb-17 09:02:15 UTC from web

          Friday, 03-Feb-17 10:00:40 UTC from ban me pls
        • I'm 12 and what is this

          Friday, 03-Feb-17 09:50:51 UTC from web
        • Though I did enjoy that I do not know what is scarier, that a movie like this would never make it past the rating board in 2017 or the robotic voice that keeps telling me the approximation of injuries

          Friday, 03-Feb-17 09:22:43 UTC from web
          • "It is 2017, what do you mean you do not have FaceBook ?!?" ... Really, people like that exist apparently. I used to have FaceBook, it did not add anything to my life really, and when FaceBook decided that my e-mail was invalid my account was lost in eternal limbo. You can not get support anywhere, probably because you are the product, not the client. Advertising companies are the client. I reckon they get proper support.

            Friday, 03-Feb-17 08:23:12 UTC from web
          • I totally was about to do something, but I forgot what it was

            Thursday, 02-Feb-17 23:36:13 UTC from web
            • I feel bad. I made someone a bit barfy and dizzy with my VR experiment, such that he had to stop the experiment. It's fine that he did that (I said that it was his right to do that at any time). I just feel bad because I made him feel bad.

              Thursday, 02-Feb-17 21:43:04 UTC from web
            • i feel more alive each time i icecle shot a Flyign Pharah dead

              Tuesday, 31-Jan-17 22:41:28 UTC from web
            • So I finally looked up what that mess what about between Leslie Jones ( The black ghostbuster, 2016 ) and Milo Yiannopoulos was about. Holy crap what a lot of noise about bleeding hearts and 'virtuous' trolling. And though I think it boils down to a battle of "everyone should be nice to everyone" vs "I will use freedom of speech in a defiant way to combat your standpoint". Oddly enough this time around I am very much on Milo's side this time around.

              Wednesday, 01-Feb-17 13:11:19 UTC from web
              • Someone: [posts victims of Quebec shooting]
                An idiot: UM WHY aren't you posting pictures of all the people who Muslims have killed???!

                Wednesday, 01-Feb-17 12:14:28 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              • i am confused

                Tuesday, 31-Jan-17 21:01:31 UTC from web
              • Who remembers PowerPC?

                Tuesday, 31-Jan-17 20:12:46 UTC from
              • Wear thong underwear backwards

                Tuesday, 31-Jan-17 18:48:22 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              • How goes in this place

                Tuesday, 31-Jan-17 19:57:03 UTC from web