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  1. So here's the funny thing. Visually, FiM is only getting better. But I am more hyped for the comic than Season 3. I also like watching the Mentally Advanced Series and Rainbow Dash Presents more than rewatching Season 2. Season 1 still makes me smile, but I've seen it so many times that I want something new. So ultimately, I'm looking to fans to bring the next cool thing (yet have no faith that they will).

    Sunday, 22-Jul-12 18:01:49 UTC from web
  2. I'm going to do something stupid while @redenchilada goes to bed.

    Wednesday, 11-Jul-12 07:44:01 UTC from web
  3. Y'know. Pokey Pierce shows up at Diamond Tiara's Cutieceanera in Call of the Cutie (the balloon popping scene), and the children's school talent show in The Show Stoppers. Then later in season 2, we see a similar pony (May not be the same one, though. Perry?) Off in Canterlot. If it's the same guy, he really gets around! If not, then o.o maybe associating his safety pin with children is on to something.

    Monday, 16-Jul-12 16:02:13 UTC from web
  4. !technoponies New Song *yay*

    Sunday, 15-Jul-12 00:17:56 UTC from web
  5. Today! ShinyDragon5916 will conquer #!

    Saturday, 14-Jul-12 18:27:48 UTC from web
    • Smashing!

      Saturday, 14-Jul-12 14:37:23 UTC from web
    • And after all of that... It's not that tasty. :B

      Saturday, 14-Jul-12 13:51:06 UTC from web
    • @princesstrixie ._. That sounds horrifying. I'll have to bump hot glue somewhere between rainbows and habanero.

      Saturday, 14-Jul-12 13:48:02 UTC from web
      • Rule # of oven cooked cheese-filled product: Do not eat cheese filled product immediately after turning off the oven. It is probably still hot. And by hot, I mean hotter than habanero. Hotter than the molten core of the Earth. Hotter than the surface of the sun that keeps us alive bask in the torture of its reliant subjects when it feels a sunstorm coming on. Hotter than raw unprocessed rainbow right from the factory, consumed at the core of the Earth while on fire, mixed with habanero so darn hot that it got its own rainbow-sun cutie mark for being so hot. And the worst part is you can't get the hot cheese off. At least not before the damage is done to your flesh. Good thing I spent all this time writing this post instead of eating it, though. Should be cool enough to actually eat noOOOWWAAAAHHHHH

        Saturday, 14-Jul-12 13:43:07 UTC in context
    • Whoa, it stopped I_o

      Thursday, 21-Jun-12 13:02:03 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    • MAde breakfast without setting the house on fire. Victorious.

      Saturday, 14-Jul-12 13:29:43 UTC from web
    • 2nd of May 2012: the day RDN's use of the word "party" increased dramatically.

      Wednesday, 02-May-12 16:07:25 UTC from web
    • @thatonepony Thanks!

      Wednesday, 11-Jul-12 07:52:03 UTC from web
    • @thatonepony Sorry, I only know one Ricardo, and he wasn't a pony. Though I guess ponyrelevance isn't required here, is it?

      Wednesday, 11-Jul-12 07:45:16 UTC from web
    • !technoponies NEW DUBSTEP SONG :D

      Wednesday, 20-Jun-12 19:26:32 UTC from web
      • !technoponies New song :D

        Saturday, 02-Jun-12 16:25:48 UTC from web
        • 'Course I go to a pony site to complain about pony. That isn't helping with the 'drowning myself in pony' part.

          Sunday, 27-May-12 05:08:33 UTC from web
        • updated page and info for now.

          Sunday, 27-May-12 11:38:27 UTC from web
        • You can all stop that conversation now, if it turns in to a sh**storm then I will just silence people, and I may forget to not. I don't care who you are.

          Sunday, 27-May-12 11:11:34 UTC from web
        • Windoze confirmed for being here since LAST year

          Sunday, 27-May-12 11:19:14 UTC from web
        • Can't rely on the show for light and happy. Can't rely on the MUSH for light and happy. Sure as Hell can't rely on the fanwork for light and happy. So why keep drowning myself in pony? Force of habit. Even knowing my faith is ill placed, I really hope Season 3 is either veering in a completely different direction, or going back to the friendship-specific focus of Season 1. But why do I care, when I find the other FiM fans around me insufferable? I just. I just can't flipping flying feathers give a freaking foal's tail twist about all this stuff like I used to. I can't. I just can't. I can't pony. I Can't. Pony. /can'tfrench /lingeringfrustration

          Sunday, 27-May-12 05:07:30 UTC from web
        • Hugs for the @scribus!

          Friday, 25-May-12 03:32:37 UTC from web
        • !technoponies NEW SONG WHOOO!

          Tuesday, 22-May-12 00:52:12 UTC from web
          • No but seriously someone make us a better button

            Friday, 04-May-12 21:59:38 UTC from web
          • !technoponies hello my ponies

            Saturday, 19-May-12 04:38:42 UTC from web
          • Gmod beta keys for those interested. !vgp !steam

            Wednesday, 09-May-12 23:40:07 UTC from web
          • Come on guys, it's just meat.

            Thursday, 10-May-12 12:20:28 UTC from web
          • I don't think I gross out easy, but the amount of blood I just squeezed out of myself was pretty unsettling.

            Monday, 07-May-12 07:19:21 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          • Butts will never not be funny to me.

            Sunday, 06-May-12 22:21:59 UTC from web
          • Luna Eclipsed: Luna in the Applebob thingy. Not quite slapstick, but it is a visual joke dependent on subverting typical physics. Royal Wedding Gatling Gun Twilight: Yep, this counts. It's visual, it takes front stage, and it is the joke. '<General> Not A Morning Pony - Nightmare_Moon says, "Team bugpony blasting off agaaaaaiiiin *ding*"' Questionmark? I sorta don't count it, since it's not really funny at all, but it is kinda cartoony.

            Saturday, 05-May-12 15:08:55 UTC from web
            • Season 1 had a taste of cartoony slapstick in say Appleflat in Applebuck Season, RainbowFaceplant in Griffon the Brushoff and Rainbow Crash in Bridle Gossip. Does anypony have examples of slapstick or cartoon physics in Season2? I'm not looking for ponyvpony like in Lesson Zero's ponypilesplosion or the wedding's combat scenes. I mean cases where the physical action is the joke.

              Saturday, 05-May-12 07:22:32 UTC from MuSTArDroid