Weiss Valkyrie's home timeline


  1. poo

    Wednesday, 12-Aug-15 00:15:45 UTC from web
  2. Wow. I wasn't even thinking about Monty Python. I was thinking about a totally different thing.

    Tuesday, 11-Aug-15 23:53:37 UTC from web
  3. . http://rainbowdash.net/attachment/825938

    Tuesday, 11-Aug-15 23:35:22 UTC from web
  4. I got paid to do this. I SURE AM A SELLOUT HUH GUYS? !art http://rainbowdash.net/url/825936

    Tuesday, 11-Aug-15 23:27:37 UTC from web
  5. Wacka wacka

    Tuesday, 11-Aug-15 23:04:48 UTC from web
    • Always fresh, Always Tim Horton's

      Tuesday, 11-Aug-15 22:59:55 UTC from web
    • asdf

      Sunday, 09-Aug-15 14:20:23 UTC from web
      • When someone tries to start a conversation with you about some outlandish idiotic conspiracy.

        You: "Hey, you know who wants to hear about this?"
        Nutjob: "Who?"
        You: "Illumi not me"

        Sunday, 09-Aug-15 02:49:31 UTC from web
      • wibble wibble

        Sunday, 09-Aug-15 02:31:01 UTC from web
        • Like seriously why do I not have Splatoon yet. I need it. gahh

          Saturday, 08-Aug-15 15:09:02 UTC from web
        • GUYS SOMEONE ON TUMBLR DREW MY INKLING http://northernnarwhal.tumblr.com/post/126162968001/gomigomipomi-i-saw-this-inkling-at-the-plaza

          Saturday, 08-Aug-15 08:51:23 UTC from web
        • Who needs GRUB when you can just swap hard drives!

          Sunday, 02-Aug-15 14:50:14 UTC from web
          • I bought my first PS3 game http://adiwan.tumblr.com/post/125671913724/obligatory-flea-market-loot-post-ducktales It means now that I need to find a PS3

            Sunday, 02-Aug-15 14:38:27 UTC from Choqok
          • Yup. Reinstalling.

            Sunday, 02-Aug-15 14:36:46 UTC from web
          • So... Now... Do I completely wipe this computer and reinstall the 64 bit version... or do I stick with 32...

            Sunday, 02-Aug-15 14:31:36 UTC from web
            • Huh. so that's what the sadface Windows 10 BSOD looks like.

              Sunday, 02-Aug-15 14:28:58 UTC from web
            • ohMY GOD

              Sunday, 02-Aug-15 14:28:35 UTC from web
              • weee deleting recovery partitions that take up way too much space

                Sunday, 02-Aug-15 14:16:36 UTC from web
              • So I just watched episode 100.

                Sunday, 02-Aug-15 13:58:40 UTC from web
              • And there we go. Techdisk is now running Windows 10

                Sunday, 02-Aug-15 01:31:03 UTC from web
              • I'm a certified wuss. My dad had a horror movie on in the same room as me and I had to leave because scary.

                Friday, 24-Jul-15 02:00:17 UTC from web
              • asdf!

                Friday, 24-Jul-15 01:55:03 UTC from web
              • This all seems in order http://rainbowdash.net/attachment/699795

                Friday, 07-Mar-14 07:10:33 UTC from web
              • asdfj

                Friday, 24-Jul-15 01:17:29 UTC from web
                • http://rainbowdash.net/url/825263 best car

                  Thursday, 23-Jul-15 23:09:04 UTC from web
                • Five Nights at Freddy's 4 came out today. The first game came out less than a year ago.

                  Thursday, 23-Jul-15 22:11:15 UTC from web
                • I'm tired.

                  Thursday, 23-Jul-15 22:10:16 UTC from web
                • Wibbly wobbly

                  Thursday, 23-Jul-15 22:08:46 UTC from web
                • wait hang on since when is ABP back

                  Thursday, 23-Jul-15 01:38:27 UTC from web
                • 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 HAMBURGER

                  Wednesday, 10-Oct-12 15:58:10 UTC from StatusNet Desktop