john's home timeline


  1. Parappa the network.

    Thursday, 18-Apr-13 02:16:56 UTC from web
  2. It seems my computer can run most gamea pre-2007. Gimme some games to pirate.

    Thursday, 18-Apr-13 01:32:29 UTC from web
  3. RT @snowlynx RT @mushi @redenchilada

    Thursday, 18-Apr-13 02:02:38 UTC from api

      Thursday, 18-Apr-13 01:08:50 UTC from web
    • Oh god, Bully. Pleeease let Bully be supported on my system.

      Thursday, 18-Apr-13 01:39:01 UTC from web
    • !cats

      Thursday, 18-Apr-13 01:30:06 UTC from web
    • I really do think @redenchilada needs to go away, though. He's Texan.

      Wednesday, 17-Apr-13 23:24:41 UTC from web
    • I have no idea why captain falcon is riding a horse, but he is ready to ambush that wagon.

      Wednesday, 17-Apr-13 22:51:31 UTC from web
    • "You know you want a hotdog" Of course I want a hot dog. I always want a hot dog. Even when I'm holding one.

      Wednesday, 17-Apr-13 20:46:26 UTC from web
    • Wait, why do we have a "promoted by administrators" notice section?

      Wednesday, 17-Apr-13 20:29:20 UTC from web
    • interesting comment

      Wednesday, 17-Apr-13 20:35:57 UTC from web
    • I wanna meet everyone here in real life...just not ina dating way if a yones thinking thats what i mean lol why did i egen say that

      Monday, 15-Apr-13 00:35:19 UTC from web
    • !clm this will be fun

      Wednesday, 17-Apr-13 20:31:16 UTC from web
      • …The inside of my nose is still pink

        Wednesday, 17-Apr-13 02:17:09 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      • My nose hurts. :c

        Wednesday, 17-Apr-13 02:41:55 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        • Yep there we go.

          Wednesday, 17-Apr-13 02:15:51 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          • God why can't I mustardroid

            Wednesday, 17-Apr-13 02:14:22 UTC from web
            • @kolzach Leave. Remember how I left for half a year

              Wednesday, 17-Apr-13 02:13:51 UTC from web
            • P.S. Your lord and saviour has returned

              Wednesday, 17-Apr-13 02:07:16 UTC from web
              • I a back from what they like to call din dins

                Tuesday, 16-Apr-13 23:09:01 UTC from web
              • also brb

                Tuesday, 16-Apr-13 23:14:10 UTC from web
                • TEREZI: D4V3, YOU D***!!! DAVE: what DAVE: dont blame me DAVE: i cant control the crab !Homestuck

                  Thursday, 21-Mar-13 09:28:57 UTC from web
                • !homestuck Your lord has returned, you may begin to kiss the ground where I have walked.

                  Tuesday, 16-Apr-13 22:26:48 UTC from web
                • I hate all of you. Especially @Nerthos for making me feel nogalistic with his pony porn.

                  Tuesday, 16-Apr-13 22:11:58 UTC from web
                • Wait grapes let me rephrase that

                  Tuesday, 16-Apr-13 22:12:31 UTC from web
                  • !abqbronies Game night this Friday, 6:00 at East-side Kaboom. Also, there's the kite fest at balloon fiesta park on saturday beginning at 10:00. It's free and I'll be there!

                    Tuesday, 16-Apr-13 02:29:09 UTC from web
                    • !abqbronies in addition to our volunteer work at Wanagi (18 Canoncito Vista RD, Tijeras) this friday at 1:00, we have game night, as usual, at 6:00 at the east side kaboom (1510 Wyoming Blvd). Something special is planned for game night so bring something silly to wear.

                      Tuesday, 09-Apr-13 16:55:43 UTC from web
                    • !abqbronies Sabaku Con is this weekend. I've got a table there to sell my home made pony stuff and there's a pony panel on Saturday night.

                      Friday, 12-Apr-13 06:15:16 UTC from web
                      • !abqbronies ABQ Bronies OC Design Contest! Make the best pony you can to represent Albuquerque and (if it's selected by popular vote) it'll be used to promote the group! We're looking for a female and a male mascot so consider submitting both! Enter your work by Saturday May 4th.

                        Tuesday, 09-Apr-13 16:58:02 UTC from web