Kassidy's home timeline


  1. currently dating @liquidusmira.. it really is a small world huh

    about a year ago from web
  2. That was a good hotdog

    Saturday, 05-Aug-17 02:25:59 UTC from web
    • *appears then disappears* whoosh

      Sunday, 28-Feb-16 04:43:20 UTC from web
    • So in my absence, what's been happening with the community? Shrinking/growing, amount of OC made these days, etc

      Thursday, 22-Oct-15 04:26:59 UTC from web

      Wednesday, 02-Sep-15 02:35:29 UTC from web
    • @mrmattimation oh really, you wanna fight about that? XD

      Wednesday, 02-Sep-15 02:31:13 UTC from web
    • What happened to @vt3c?

      Wednesday, 02-Sep-15 01:55:57 UTC from web
    • Goose. Where are you goose.

      Friday, 12-Jun-15 05:25:39 UTC from web
    • @maverick I have rehearsal til 11 all week this week so if you can wait until Saturday I might be able to whip something up.

      Monday, 13-Apr-15 03:59:09 UTC from Mayonnaise
    • NSFW but amazing: https://youtu.be/ETfiUYij5UE

      Sunday, 22-Mar-15 06:12:33 UTC from web

      Monday, 16-Mar-15 06:27:59 UTC from web
    • Give me gold star for I have done it!

      Monday, 16-Mar-15 06:15:51 UTC from web
    • DDR till the end of time. You know, it's too bad Timothy isn't here. He's good at the dancing!

      Monday, 16-Mar-15 06:10:15 UTC from web
    • Lalala! Aaaarrrriiiibaaaaaa!

      Monday, 16-Mar-15 06:05:51 UTC from web
    • Can we all just burst out into song and dance?

      Monday, 16-Mar-15 06:02:24 UTC from web
    • Gangsters. Gangsters everywhere

      Sunday, 15-Mar-15 06:56:31 UTC from web
    • http://tinyurl.com/p8s5y8b


      Saturday, 14-Mar-15 06:38:40 UTC from web
    • That feeling when you miss tha old RDN crew

      Saturday, 14-Mar-15 06:37:19 UTC from web
      • @darkw00d Alright. Just wish there was a way to delete my account/change all the @'s of my previous user name

        Saturday, 21-Feb-15 17:29:18 UTC from web
      • That feeling when you are too drunk to help Gordon through City 17

        Sunday, 25-Jan-15 06:07:03 UTC from web
      • Yo guys...... Hey.

        Saturday, 17-Jan-15 07:54:03 UTC from web
      • Do ponies pray to the princesses?

        Saturday, 17-Jan-15 08:00:52 UTC from web
      • Oh man, mah bros!

        Thursday, 15-Jan-15 06:22:35 UTC from web
      • yee

        Thursday, 15-Jan-15 06:55:36 UTC from web
      • @vt3c wallet is so light right now, I need to keep rocks in my pockets or I'll float away

        Tuesday, 06-Jan-15 08:56:25 UTC from web
      • Happy new years. Mine was mangoes, but after party of endless vodka makes it good

        Thursday, 01-Jan-15 09:09:44 UTC from web
      • Wub wub wub!!

        Saturday, 03-Jan-15 07:44:08 UTC from web
        • Hey bros

          Wednesday, 31-Dec-14 08:44:28 UTC from web