Luke lawlor's home timeline


  1. We need to get into the habit of changing the logo every week.

    Monday, 07-Nov-11 02:32:01 UTC from web
  2. Well it sure has been a while, glad to see we're still up and running

    Sunday, 13-Jan-19 12:14:06 UTC from web
    • My only post to be flagged

      Tuesday, 08-Jan-19 09:47:32 UTC from web
    • God help me but sometimes I miss Homestuck

      Wednesday, 09-Jan-19 23:46:25 UTC from web
    • So I've got a friend who wants to go ghost hunting and I'm looking at buying holy water on ebay but I kind of think I could just make my own (if I got ordained online) so.........

      Friday, 11-Jan-19 04:51:57 UTC from web
    • Like god, I'm sure some of you wonder if I'm still here. I am! I even fix this thing when it falls apart still.

      Wednesday, 09-Jan-19 21:02:14 UTC from web
    • Literally want to kill somebody

      Wednesday, 02-Jan-19 22:45:33 UTC from web
    • Dont forget to redownload any wiiware games you want to keep, cause the store is closing on January 30 this year. !vgp

      Tuesday, 01-Jan-19 22:32:20 UTC from web
    • I wonder what cavemen memes were like

      Sunday, 30-Dec-18 03:56:25 UTC from web
    • I smelled memes

      Sunday, 30-Dec-18 00:39:22 UTC from web
    • we are gamers, for we always lose, and a true gamer never loses except when their mean sibling takes the controller away like a dumb doo doo head, stop it brad i'm telling mom

      Saturday, 29-Dec-18 08:17:54 UTC from web
    • What the hell is the point of federation if you just blacklist entire servers at the drop of a hat

      Tuesday, 25-Dec-18 20:41:47 UTC from web
    • Also happy holidays to you all. Hadn't been around before to leave a message.

      Saturday, 29-Dec-18 03:12:33 UTC from web
      • just spent the night dancing with a part russian girl who absolutely wanted to Potato Knishes, how;s everyone else's lives going

        Saturday, 15-Dec-18 01:22:47 UTC from web
      • surely there are more active sites than this to spam big dong meds

        Wednesday, 19-Dec-18 19:32:10 UTC from web
      • today is my dad's birthday and, now that he no longer lives here, i hope he's feeling as awful as he's made us feel all these years

        Saturday, 15-Dec-18 23:12:07 UTC from web
      • Giveaways on both humblebundle and gog for anyone interested

        Friday, 14-Dec-18 17:46:08 UTC from web
        • Man, I seem to have mislaid half a dozen NES cartridges.... !vgp

          Friday, 07-Dec-18 14:56:56 UTC from web
        • @ceruleanspark Thoughts on fallout 76?

          Friday, 30-Nov-18 01:19:33 UTC from web
          • Show all 9 replies
          • @nerthos There are AI enemies, just no NPC humans. It's kind of a man vs. nature sort of thing in that every AI that you DO encounter is usually a wild animal (or a busted robot). There's the usual stuff, there are feral ghouls, super mutants, robots, deathclaws, mole rats, etc. etc., but then there's also some new ones. Scorched are ghouls that are in between feralism and still having some semblance of brain activity, so they don't communicate verbally but they can use guns. Mole Miners hang out in the coal mines and I THINK they're people that have gone mad? I'm not sure, the game's really ambiguous about what they actually are, and you can't see what's underneath their masks. Scorched Beasts are, uh, really buff dragons. The closest thing I've seen to an actual NPC is a supercomputer who reads poetry to you, and I want to put her AI into a synth body and marry her.

            Monday, 03-Dec-18 02:59:23 UTC in context
          • @mrmattimation TFW you'll need to wait 150 years for your robowaifu

            Thursday, 06-Dec-18 01:13:47 UTC in context
          • @nerthos I am not saving my virtue for the wedding night.

            Thursday, 06-Dec-18 01:49:21 UTC in context
        • Welcome to RDN, where you still can’t post Potato Knishes, but you can guarantee your account deletion will be driven by good old 100% human spite

          Tuesday, 04-Dec-18 10:34:45 UTC from web
          • Merry early Festivus to me !vgp

            Saturday, 01-Dec-18 23:28:21 UTC from web
            • RIP alpha timeline George Bush

              Saturday, 01-Dec-18 22:17:22 UTC from web
              • 3 years can go by so fast. I left in May of 2015, and I'm back. Some long term members may remember me. Some may not.

                Wednesday, 28-Nov-18 20:44:49 UTC from web
              • big doo doo

                Thursday, 29-Nov-18 18:40:38 UTC from web
              • OK so like I was all balls deep into Sabrina as a kid, but yeah man I'm still up into my witches, grapees!

                Saturday, 17-Nov-18 05:16:23 UTC from web
              • After years of running this place, I thought I’d seen every way a Linux machine could collapse, but once again, my work has shown me another level of “how did this even happen”. I have a machine at work which is suddenly incapable of any function involving cryptography, including but not limited to: allowing SSH access and serving pages over HTTPS

                Thursday, 15-Nov-18 23:35:44 UTC from web
              • Remember when this place was popular enough for random mothers to threaten to sue me over it? Good times.

                Tuesday, 06-Nov-18 23:20:58 UTC from web
              • Wow that's a real blast from the past. Someone is once again, trying to break into my Minecraft account

                Sunday, 11-Nov-18 00:09:35 UTC from web
                • I'm sure this will trigger at least one of you

                  Saturday, 10-Nov-18 13:22:04 UTC from web
                  • I'm waiting for Fibonacci Nut February.

                    Tuesday, 06-Nov-18 23:22:57 UTC from web