Luke lawlor's home timeline


  1. Choosing furniture is agony.

    Sunday, 04-Nov-18 19:23:42 UTC from web
  2. Not sure if any of you have tried Dragalia Lost yet. Quite fun if you're into mobile games, it's basically Fate: Grand Order but with actual gameplay and passable dialogues you don't want to skip.

    Thursday, 01-Nov-18 06:14:05 UTC from web
    • Apparently they're gonna be writing Apu out of The Simpsons starting this season. I know that these days he's sort of a controversial character and a lot of people don't like him, and I'm not really one to complain about PC culture, but Apu's character goes beyond his ethnicity, and I think the people who called for his removal ignored that. With that being said, I’m not going to pretend this is a tragedy. Ultimately, whatever they choose to do with the character on The Simpsons is up to them. Apu's been out of focus for several years now, so I can't say that his absence would be a huge deal, because that would be disingenuous. The Simpsons is also a much different show now than it was thirty years ago. Almost none of the original writers are still on the show, and a few of them are even younger than the show itself. If their vision of the show doesn't include Apu, I can't really fault them.

      Friday, 26-Oct-18 22:06:16 UTC from web
    • I can count the amount of Hispanic-American cartoon characters on mainstream TV on one hand, none of them are Puerto Rican, and one of them is this lady (voiced by Mike Henry, a white actor). In fact, I’m struggling to think of a single Hispanic character in ANY animated media, save for my namesake in My Little Brony (whose Hispanic heritage is touched on lightly, if at all), to actually be voiced by a Hispanic actor (and I’m guilty of vocal blackface, whiteface, orangeface...) Hispanic characters in media are often portrayed as illegal immigrants or drug dealers. Or both. On The Simpsons, we have a whopping TWO Hispanic characters—one of them is batcaveing Bumblebee Man, and the other one is Dr. Nick maybe. I don’t sound like cherryin’ Dr. Nick. I don’t know a SINGLE Hispanic person that sounds like Dr. Nick. AND he’s incompetent! But APU, the hard-working ladies man with a DOCTORATE in COMPUTER SCIENCE, is the problem?

      Monday, 29-Oct-18 04:32:46 UTC from web
    • elon musk vapes liquified cash and battery acid from ignited teslas

      Thursday, 18-Oct-18 16:42:15 UTC from web

        Thursday, 18-Oct-18 09:58:34 UTC from web
      • @ceruleanspark

        Wednesday, 17-Oct-18 23:58:22 UTC from web
        • I don't even dislike some of these shows but I thought the video might be interesting to some of you. # language at parts but that's about all the questionable content

          Tuesday, 16-Oct-18 06:43:56 UTC from web
        • @nerthos because if it is. I'd say having a presitend who says children die because the mothers have cavities, that platypus milk is an amazonian product and is is constantly saying he supports the military dictature is not not my biggest dream

          Saturday, 13-Oct-18 14:25:04 UTC from web
        • Remember @scoot ? It's his birthday

          Wednesday, 10-Oct-18 18:35:12 UTC from web
          • I bear an old name. It cannot be killed.

            Wednesday, 10-Oct-18 18:23:44 UTC from web
            • @mushi So what are your feelings on the first round results?

              Monday, 08-Oct-18 05:15:05 UTC from web
            • @ceruleanspark Not sure if I have the date right but if I do, happy birthday.

              Wednesday, 03-Oct-18 01:18:40 UTC from web
              • @tiffany

                Thursday, 20-Sep-18 00:08:32 UTC from web
              • Hey @mushi

                Wednesday, 12-Sep-18 02:05:03 UTC from web
                • Dangerously close to spending money

                  Sunday, 09-Sep-18 19:02:15 UTC from web
                • Also, since it's been a while, DEATH TO AMERICA etc

                  Friday, 07-Sep-18 10:33:17 UTC from web
                • so this cartoon opens on a very long zoom-out and i keep finding myself tempted to animate absolutely every member of the crowd. (Largest crowd scene I've ever done)

                  Friday, 07-Sep-18 04:16:52 UTC from web
                • i think my roommate is gay but i don’t think he trusts me enough to let me know. should i bring that up eventually or just leave it be, because i don’t want him to like suppress something about himself around me because he thinks he’d make me uncomfortable (he wouldn’t)

                  Thursday, 23-Aug-18 22:34:40 UTC from web
                • Final Space is worth watching if you've got netflix, incidentally.

                  Thursday, 23-Aug-18 20:47:34 UTC from web
                • Does Rainbow Six Siege require some kind of "Dickloaf Certificate" before you're allowed to use voice? Because I swear to god, these people...

                  Thursday, 23-Aug-18 20:43:33 UTC from web
                  • Why didn't Thanos just double the amount of resources in the universe?

                    Thursday, 23-Aug-18 20:00:09 UTC from web
                  • RIP Stefán

                    Wednesday, 22-Aug-18 16:05:19 UTC from web
                    • Bought the Genesis Flashback last night. Tonight I intend on returning it to the store. !vgp

                      Tuesday, 07-Aug-18 13:57:02 UTC from web
                    • Brock: I mango boys. I cherry white, white boys.

                      Saturday, 04-Aug-18 20:04:35 UTC from web
                    • Why the Christ do I keep trying to enjoy Roguelike games? !vgp

                      Saturday, 04-Aug-18 00:48:15 UTC from web
                      • I just got a load of notifications from an RDN YouTube channel I didn’t know existed. Apparently bound to the “webmaster@“ email address

                        Thursday, 02-Aug-18 07:24:02 UTC from web
                        • I dreamed you guys missed me. That seems implausible

                          Sunday, 22-Jul-18 19:05:44 UTC from web
                        • Are speedrunner glitches also easier than just plain beating #? !vgp

                          Friday, 20-Jul-18 03:31:56 UTC from web
                          • Almost bought a Genesis Flashback yesterday until reviews pointed out bloat games and poor cartridge support. !vgp

                            Monday, 16-Jul-18 14:15:20 UTC from web