James Reyes's home timeline


  1. forgot all about kitsune^2 for a good uh 8 years lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDvvt1kmL1Q

    Saturday, 03-Aug-19 23:28:36 UTC from web
  2. just played laser tag for the first time in like a decade. i didn't do well in either game and i also really hurt my shoulder but i wanna go again

    Saturday, 03-Aug-19 21:45:13 UTC from web
  3. Today is an important international holiday. Wish us a happy anniversary or perish

    Friday, 02-Aug-19 09:25:54 UTC from web
  4. turns out this is the brightest timeline. would hate to be those other guys right now! https://twitter.com/Complex/status/1155899522922557440

    Monday, 29-Jul-19 18:20:12 UTC from web
    • Guess who's fired! :(spoiler - it me)

      Friday, 26-Jul-19 13:07:17 UTC from web
    • we need to crush Andy's team because they didn't ask me to join

      Friday, 26-Jul-19 17:53:48 UTC from web
      • they're saying I'm problematic jerry!
        You? Problematic?
        [KRAMER bursts in]

        Saturday, 15-Oct-16 20:39:35 UTC from shitposter.club
      • My name's Kelis, and you might have saw,
        My milkshake got me in trouble with the law.
        It's better than yours, but that's no good
        I'm coming down to your neighborhood.

        The boys won't come to my yard,
        Because I have a bracelet to keep me far.
        Let's not start a big kerfuffle,
        because I'm doing the sex offender shuffle.

        Saturday, 29-Oct-16 21:32:14 UTC from web
      • according to all known laws of linguistics, there is no way japanese kanjis should be used in a language. The japanese, of course, use it anyway because they dont care what baka gaijins think is impossible

        Thursday, 05-Jan-17 19:51:31 UTC from web
      • the bot that just followed me is in my area should i be scared

        Friday, 12-Jul-19 23:47:58 UTC from web
      • i'm taking a bet that as of last week i've officially had more hernias in my life than most of you

        Tuesday, 09-Jul-19 21:23:54 UTC from web
      • I can't believe I was able to run do-release-upgrade on this server and it work *perfectly*.

        Monday, 24-Jun-19 21:06:50 UTC from web
      • I miss Touhou games. Do they still make those?

        Monday, 10-Jun-19 22:19:49 UTC from web
      • The only piece of videogame news that matters right now is the existence of Wooloo, the round sheep pokemon.

        Monday, 10-Jun-19 22:18:09 UTC from web
        • In ancient Rome / there was a poem / about a dog / who found two bones

          Monday, 20-May-19 20:04:21 UTC from web
          • happy to announce that the new Carly Rae Jepsen album is thoroughly fantastic

            Saturday, 18-May-19 12:52:14 UTC from web
            • Detective Pikachu is the exact film I've wanted for 17 years now and I loved every minute of it!!!

              Wednesday, 15-May-19 22:34:15 UTC from web
            • Whoever is in charge of Brazils internet should reboot it.

              Tuesday, 14-May-19 20:08:39 UTC from web
              • for a while now I've wanted to try streaming RPG Maker so that viewers could help create the world, characters, plot etc. only issue is it would need a moderate number of people to actually be fun

                Sunday, 12-May-19 21:55:34 UTC from web
              • alternatively i could just stream Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links :thinking:

                Sunday, 12-May-19 21:57:19 UTC from web
                • just did an art livestream for the first time, was neat

                  Sunday, 12-May-19 21:24:52 UTC from web
                • The text box is REALLY hard to type with

                  Wednesday, 08-May-19 16:55:17 UTC from web
                • yo

                  Wednesday, 08-May-19 16:55:01 UTC from web
                  • literally who asked for a new hour long Vampire Weekend album in 2019

                    Monday, 06-May-19 16:07:02 UTC from web
                  • damn, a year ago today i had life changing surgery, can you believe it

                    Thursday, 25-Apr-19 16:59:19 UTC from web
                  • new lackadaisy page! https://www.lackadaisy.com/comic.php?comicid=171

                    Monday, 15-Apr-19 16:29:00 UTC from web
                    • And now, the highpoint of Homestuck: >[S] John: Reunite with your loving wife and daughter. https://www.homestuck.com/story/1931

                      Sunday, 14-Apr-19 15:16:32 UTC from web
                      • I FELL IN LOVE WITH THE BOY NEXT DOOR

                        Sunday, 14-Apr-19 13:06:31 UTC from web
                        • General Border gave the order
                          Major Scott brought the shot
                          Captain Bammer brought the rammer
                          Sargent Chowder brought the powder
                          Corporal Farrel brought the barrel
                          Private Parriage brought the carriage
                          But Drummer Hoff fired it off

                          Wednesday, 03-Apr-19 18:11:11 UTC from web
                          • I just want @scribus to know that my phone pinged me that I had received his monthly donation just as I flushed the toilet, so it felt like he was paying me for that.

                            Wednesday, 03-Apr-19 11:21:28 UTC from web