kimono groups

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  • Roleplay Ponies roleplayponies Roleplay Ponies Equestria

    A group for ponies who want to roleplay as cast members or their own original character ponies to post.

  • I'm a girl, can I play ponies too? bronettes I'm a girl, can I play ponies too?

    I love the bronies but do you ever get the feeling you're only filly in the stable? Connect with other pony fans of the XX persuasion.

  • Role-Play Ninja Poni!!! ninjaponi Role-Play Ninja Poni!!! The Dojo, Ponyville, Equestria

    You know how I said the other day that ponies would make good ninjas? Now we have a group for it! *BLUSHIES!!*

  • MLP FiM: Dischord Disaster (working title) dischordisaster MLP FiM: Dischord Disaster (working title)

    The epic Fanfic/RP project spawned on RDN

  • Stringed Musical Instrument Ponyfans lyreponies Stringed Musical Instrument Ponyfans The Music Hall, Fillydelphia, Equestria

    For anypony who plays the harp or lyre IRL, this group is for you! In fact, any stringed instrument will do.

  • Night Owls nightowls Night Owls

    Sleepless in Equestria.

  • Balloons Everywhere! Hundreds of Them! balloons Balloons Everywhere! Hundreds of Them!

    A group for anyone who likes balloons for any reason. For discussions, notices, observations, ponderings, suggestions, or whatever else.

  • Portal and Portal 2 Ponyfans portalponi Portal and Portal 2 Ponyfans Aperture Laboratories

    For all of you Portal and Portal 2 fans out there, this is the group for you!