Kitnoki Inbiri's home timeline


  1. I have a important announcement! I am being promoted at work!

    Wednesday, 10-Oct-12 23:42:49 UTC from web
  2. @cabal I'm writing about brony fandom and I'd love an interview with you. Interested?

    Monday, 08-Oct-12 14:39:35 UTC from web
  3. do people get banned easy on this site???

    Monday, 08-Oct-12 01:45:46 UTC from web
  4. @noir I'll see what I can do. Making a better deck usually involves spending money on better cards, though.

    Monday, 08-Oct-12 01:57:13 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
  5. @widget may I please have my admin rights back?

    Monday, 08-Oct-12 01:52:28 UTC from web
  6. Whenever I click "Account" and log in, it takes me to my inbox in "Personal". Also if you do it in "Account", it will take you to "Personal". Someone fix this.

    Monday, 08-Oct-12 01:44:21 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  7. 'Sup you dawgs.

    Friday, 05-Oct-12 17:43:44 UTC from web
  8. Oh hey look! A contest!

    Friday, 28-Sep-12 00:57:37 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
  9. @purpletinker may I have some candy?

    Friday, 28-Sep-12 00:54:56 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    • Whats up?

      Wednesday, 26-Sep-12 00:54:48 UTC from web
    • @widgit it has come to my attention via a little birdy that there appears to be a group looking to harm Might you know anything about this?

      Friday, 21-Sep-12 23:33:40 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    • @widgit Admin rights are not functioning. #

      Friday, 21-Sep-12 00:37:38 UTC from web
      • No backroom deals to regulate the Internet. Speak out now against #, the new #

        Friday, 21-Sep-12 00:31:51 UTC from web
      • I kind of feel like a hypocrite for getting onto someone for heckling a person right after doing it myself, but... in my defense, mine was funnier.

        Saturday, 15-Sep-12 03:09:04 UTC from web
      • bradshoemaker: You're all magnificent people, every last one of you. I LOVE LIFE.

        Saturday, 15-Sep-12 03:19:04 UTC from

        Friday, 14-Sep-12 13:34:57 UTC from web
      • At first I thought I broke my browser game again when I tried to open it at school. Then I realized school still uses Internet Explorer 8 and I haven't been doing any wrong (I mean, like, really. I should support an outdated browser which can't even understand what "height=30%" means?)

        Friday, 14-Sep-12 13:26:12 UTC from web
      • So, what ways are there to record console gameplay on your computer? Say, if I wanted to stream myself playing Red Dead Redemption or something.

        Monday, 10-Sep-12 01:54:07 UTC from web
      • Back. :D

        Monday, 10-Sep-12 01:23:08 UTC from web
      • @widget You are attempting to reply to the God-Creator, the One above all. It is only logical for the servers to be unable to handle it.

        Wednesday, 05-Sep-12 02:50:02 UTC from web
      • @widget uhh... would this have anything to do with our server?

        Wednesday, 05-Sep-12 02:48:58 UTC from web
      • @redenchilada I hope nothing horrible has happened. I be devastated. Hopefully she and her detractors may have decided to quiet down a bit. Perhaps she is now under a different name? Oh well... wherever in the world she is, @purpletinker has a special place among our brony community and will always be remembered. I remember her the first time we met IRL. I may have pushed to her from quiet fan to full community organizer, and a darn good one to boot. #

        Wednesday, 05-Sep-12 02:42:12 UTC from web
      • @widget the google is full of hate. If you google her name, there is a bunch of hate site dedicated to her, not sure google bomb? Plus she has deactivated her deviantart site.

        Wednesday, 05-Sep-12 02:36:32 UTC from web
      • @purpletinker It's playtime! :D

        Wednesday, 05-Sep-12 02:28:22 UTC from web
      • @redenchilada @moonprincess Cool it!

        Monday, 20-Aug-12 03:27:05 UTC from web
      • @Ceruleanspark I will be deploying a Bugzilla application in awhile to help deal with bugs and requests.

        Monday, 20-Aug-12 03:25:36 UTC from web
        • Hey! I have a chat going on here, I would like your concerns directed to me instead of screaming at each other. Settle down, or you get the banhammer!

          Monday, 20-Aug-12 03:17:43 UTC from web
        • Hey everyone! I will be hanging out in the chat today. Got concerns or questions?

          Monday, 20-Aug-12 02:49:46 UTC from web
        • 19*C what is that in *F

          Tuesday, 14-Aug-12 15:45:11 UTC from web
        • HELLO EVERYPONY!!!!!!

          Monday, 13-Aug-12 00:23:07 UTC from web