Notices by Rising Superstar Eric (liamcadenza), page 6

  1. @mrmattimation

    Thursday, 22-May-14 21:20:53 UTC from web in context
  2. !nowplaying Green Day- Deadbeat Holiday (Old Green Day is best Green Day <3)

    Thursday, 22-May-14 21:17:28 UTC from web
  3. If the whole acting thing doesn't pan out, Hugh Jackman would make one hell of a wrestleman. He can even cut a promo.

    Wednesday, 21-May-14 20:29:23 UTC from web
  4. @mrmattimation Not a single straight gene in his DNA

    Wednesday, 07-May-14 22:14:23 UTC from web in context
  5. @mrmattimation Gay people can have baby mamas you racist

    Wednesday, 07-May-14 22:13:47 UTC from web in context Repeat of tiff
  6. @rancidrob Man. It's so weird seeing it on the track. I mean, it's real. There is a professional racecar driver with a shibe on his hood. It's surreal.

    Wednesday, 07-May-14 17:30:42 UTC from web in context

    Wednesday, 07-May-14 17:03:18 UTC from web
  8. @cinnamonswirl Congrats, by the way!

    Friday, 02-May-14 18:45:43 UTC from web in context
  9. @cinnamonswirl Whoa, when did that last one happen?

    Friday, 02-May-14 18:39:53 UTC from web in context
  10. Apparently my cakeday is today. How do I into karma

    Wednesday, 30-Apr-14 20:27:00 UTC from web in context
  11. @cinnamonswirl Then you're not a guy who looks like a girl, silly. Unless that's not what you were implying and I'm being stupid again

    Wednesday, 30-Apr-14 19:40:06 UTC from web in context
  12. @cinnamonswirl Aren't you female though?

    Wednesday, 30-Apr-14 19:38:13 UTC from web in context
  13. @nerthos yes perfect

    Wednesday, 30-Apr-14 19:34:52 UTC from web in context
  14. @awlderpy The best part is that it advertises itself as a Canadian company and probably just shoved that into Google Translate and printed it verbatim.

    Wednesday, 30-Apr-14 19:26:38 UTC from web in context

    Wednesday, 30-Apr-14 19:22:50 UTC from web in context
  16. @lucario Can you direct me to these guys who look like girls?

    Wednesday, 30-Apr-14 19:21:02 UTC from web in context
  17. RT @thtaoneladywiththereallydumbusername @fpbbg vf npghnyyl xvaqn ubg

    Thursday, 24-Apr-14 21:06:13 UTC from web

    Wednesday, 23-Apr-14 17:57:16 UTC from web in context
  19. @mastertdi is that a threat or an offer

    Saturday, 19-Apr-14 18:15:52 UTC from web in context
  20. @mastertdi YOU SUCK MCBAIN

    Saturday, 19-Apr-14 17:25:07 UTC from web in context
  21. @rarity I was more disappointed that they didn't have the hype Vanilla intro in Super, because the intro for Super isn't nearly as good.

    Saturday, 19-Apr-14 13:10:12 UTC from web in context

    Saturday, 19-Apr-14 13:02:03 UTC from web in context
  23. @mastertdi He made a post on G+ that was something along the lines of "I have some questions for those who consider being gay acceptable (I don't)." He was promptly uncircled and blocked.

    Friday, 04-Apr-14 17:17:55 UTC from web in context
  24. I don't recall Widget displaying any homophobia while he was here, though. Strange.

    Friday, 04-Apr-14 17:15:31 UTC from web in context
  25. @redenchilada Or, y'know, just uncircle widget.

    Friday, 04-Apr-14 09:36:19 UTC from web in context
  26. I'm sorry but Sakura Trick OP x DK Rap is the greatest thing ever

    Wednesday, 02-Apr-14 16:13:32 UTC from web
  27. @miki To be fair the Shield is mangoesing awesome and the Wyatts are on their way there. But he ain't comin' back. Not for a while at least.

    Friday, 28-Mar-14 20:01:09 UTC from web in context
  28. @miki Pour out a forty for CM Punk.

    Friday, 28-Mar-14 19:55:05 UTC from web in context
  29. Have I really only been here for two years? Feels like so much longer.

    Monday, 24-Mar-14 15:51:08 UTC from web
  30. I've been watching season 1 of the Pokemon anime all day and boy is it ever awful

    Monday, 24-Mar-14 15:50:11 UTC from web