Leigh Roberts's home timeline


  1. How the hell does Eva Marie still have a job wih WWE

    Friday, 17-Jan-14 22:16:29 UTC from web
    • And he tries.

      Friday, 17-Jan-14 22:10:17 UTC from web
    • Oh man, Miz on commentary is gonna get annoying real fast.

      Friday, 17-Jan-14 22:08:17 UTC from web

      Friday, 17-Jan-14 22:11:38 UTC from web
      • WWE needs more good face commentators. Michael Cole isn't enough.

        Friday, 17-Jan-14 22:09:50 UTC from web

          Friday, 17-Jan-14 22:06:23 UTC from web
          • "This is a time-travelling space onion of a game"

            Friday, 17-Jan-14 19:39:28 UTC from web
            • Hasbro censored Derpy again. http://ur1.ca/gfwl3 #

              Friday, 17-Jan-14 14:24:40 UTC from web
            • SKULLGIRLS http://ur1.ca/gfyco

              Friday, 17-Jan-14 19:31:34 UTC from web
              • Irwin R. Scheister is Bray Wyatt's dad. That's murdocking weird.

                Wednesday, 15-Jan-14 22:34:38 UTC from web
                • Marco

                  Wednesday, 15-Jan-14 20:33:02 UTC from web
                • "The Stephanie McMahon Protection Agency"

                  Sunday, 12-Jan-14 23:04:09 UTC from web
                  • spotify why ;;

                    Sunday, 12-Jan-14 04:01:04 UTC from web
                  • You don't understand how happy it makes me that Tombstone is part of the Soundclown community

                    Thursday, 09-Jan-14 21:41:39 UTC from web
                  • Wordfilter I love you forever http://ur1.ca/gdmdp

                    Thursday, 09-Jan-14 21:38:28 UTC from web
                    • @sprite Okay. Helpful guide: "No b'y" = No murdock, Sherlock. "Yes b'y" = Of course (sarcastically). Your other one I've never hear before. In some places it's just an alternate version of "eh" (as is "right")

                      Thursday, 09-Jan-14 21:37:19 UTC from web
                    • This is going to escalate to a grapesing canada vs america debate isnt it....

                      Thursday, 09-Jan-14 21:19:19 UTC from web
                    • http://ur1.ca/gdlx7

                      Thursday, 09-Jan-14 20:03:44 UTC from web
                    • I have no idea how HTML works, can someone explain why this isn't working properly? http://ur1.ca/gdlkq

                      Thursday, 09-Jan-14 19:05:15 UTC from web
                    • WWE Network is the best idea that WWE have had since they killed off WWECW.

                      Thursday, 09-Jan-14 19:07:16 UTC from web
                      • There are like three sfur threads on the front page of /b/ what the murdock

                        Thursday, 09-Jan-14 18:56:42 UTC from web
                      • Jessie Pavelka might just be too handsome.

                        Thursday, 09-Jan-14 18:34:49 UTC from web
                      • I've discovered that I can no longer listen to Fasten Your Seatbelts without hearing "Combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell."

                        Wednesday, 08-Jan-14 22:28:16 UTC from web
                      • Can someone explain to me why people don't like In Silico? I think it's better than Immersion.

                        Wednesday, 08-Jan-14 21:40:17 UTC from web
                      • The only words I know in Japanese are tsukurimashou sate sate nani ga dekiru ka na

                        Wednesday, 08-Jan-14 21:29:40 UTC from web
                      • DK DONKEY KONG

                        Wednesday, 08-Jan-14 21:22:29 UTC from web
                      • !nowplaying Pendulum- Mutiny http://ur1.ca/gdcux

                        Wednesday, 08-Jan-14 21:04:41 UTC from web
                        • See the thing I love about Ken Ashcorp is he loves weird cute internet mangoes, like I do, but he also likes the dumb regular people bullgrapes that I love too, like WWE and football.

                          Wednesday, 08-Jan-14 17:53:03 UTC from web
                          • This, however, is pretty god damn interesting. http://pny.lv/88i

                            Tuesday, 07-Jan-14 21:56:23 UTC from web
                          • @sprite YOP FA WEN DA MAWNIN COME

                            Tuesday, 07-Jan-14 20:57:03 UTC from web