Leigh Roberts's home timeline



    Saturday, 01-Mar-14 21:22:52 UTC from web
  2. Oh god, Pyramid Head with a great strike in the 9th. This is gonna be a hell of a game.

    Saturday, 01-Mar-14 21:24:48 UTC from web
    • Alicorn Twilight scored in the 5th minute. We've got this one.

      Saturday, 01-Mar-14 21:23:29 UTC from web
      • So Disneycore came out yesterday
        I'm on it a bunch of times (as Xodeux)
        If you like Disney and/or really stupid Soundclown jokes you should check it out I guess

        Tuesday, 25-Feb-14 16:19:55 UTC from web

        Sunday, 23-Feb-14 14:02:04 UTC from web

          Sunday, 23-Feb-14 13:47:04 UTC from web
          • I haven't watched an anime in forever. I think the last one was.. Fruits Basket? I need suggestions. Annnnd.. GO!

            Saturday, 22-Feb-14 20:48:16 UTC from web
          • Guys. Guys. http://www.fangamer.net/products/field-guide-to-kanto GUUUUUUUUUUYS.

            Friday, 21-Feb-14 19:28:03 UTC from web
          • soundclown community please acknowledge my creation of the party in the USA joke thank

            Tuesday, 18-Feb-14 20:59:35 UTC from web
            • Night everyone~

              Sunday, 16-Feb-14 23:21:09 UTC from web
            • Guys, I think I like ponies again.

              Sunday, 16-Feb-14 23:10:34 UTC from web
            • canada is second in medals so far. (now to destroy germany)

              Sunday, 16-Feb-14 22:27:38 UTC from web
            • Aw man, now I have nostalgiafeels. If I could go back to the day that little 12 year old me first started watching My Little Pony, I would. Right now. I was happier then than I ever was and happier than I probably will be for a long time.

              Sunday, 16-Feb-14 21:36:46 UTC from web
            • @toksyuryel I think I fixed openID for you~

              Sunday, 16-Feb-14 21:24:54 UTC from web
            • You know what? I kind of miss the way things used to be. I miss the spaghetti and the internet hugs and the little squiggly marks at the end of every sentence. I miss really caring about the show, I miss reading fanfiction and watching ponies every week and getting really excited on Saturdays. I miss crawling through pages of Youtube videos and finding brony music and PMVs and stuff. I was a stupid little kid, but I was really happy. I loved calling myself a brony, now I dissociate myself from the word at every opportunity. It's really weird, because as much as I'm embarassed that I used to be like that at one point...I kind of wish I could be like that again.

              Sunday, 16-Feb-14 21:21:26 UTC from web
            • !nowplaying nanobii- Rainbow Road http://ur1.ca/gm9cq (holy murdock this song is amazing)

              Wednesday, 12-Feb-14 22:46:32 UTC from web
            • Aaah. I feel like I should be on here more, but I never have anything to say.

              Wednesday, 05-Feb-14 19:54:11 UTC from web
            • my new favorite band of 2014 is Nirvana

              Monday, 03-Feb-14 18:34:32 UTC from web
            • If there are any Android guys on here: I want to get the LG G Pad GPE but it's only available in the States. If I buy the regular one and flash an AOSP-based ROM, will there be any major differences in the user experience?

              Monday, 03-Feb-14 12:38:03 UTC from web
              • ohai guy- what the hell., @forestrain is here!

                Saturday, 01-Feb-14 22:01:59 UTC from web
              • Actually, I've been working on a song with Turquoise Splash that I'm trying to get out soon. You guys can preview if y'like. ^.^ http://ur1.ca/gjn9d

                Saturday, 01-Feb-14 21:55:10 UTC from web
              • @snowcone lol, I always have used 'em. ^.^

                Saturday, 01-Feb-14 21:54:04 UTC from web
              • Eminem is 41 years old and is still throwing "dolegot" around like a 14 year old. SMH

                Tuesday, 21-Jan-14 19:52:58 UTC from web
              • @sprite You're just a meme.

                Tuesday, 21-Jan-14 19:43:11 UTC from web
              • "What's Chris Benoit doing in the Impact Zone?"

                Monday, 20-Jan-14 22:16:12 UTC from web
                • I'm in a conversation with the Living Tombstone on twitter about Soundclown. This is weird.

                  Monday, 20-Jan-14 21:27:33 UTC from web
                  • DAE misspell suprise every single goddamn time

                    Sunday, 19-Jan-14 21:13:37 UTC from web
                    • Oh man, there's gonna be a kickass CM punk promo later tonight.

                      Friday, 17-Jan-14 22:53:10 UTC from web
                      • Awe, Reyrey gave his mask to a little kid, he seemed so happy ^_^

                        Friday, 17-Jan-14 22:26:54 UTC from web
                        • @vt3c Just like old times.

                          Friday, 17-Jan-14 22:24:41 UTC from web