J Thomas Knight's home timeline


  1. This episode may be my new favorite.

    Saturday, 08-Dec-12 16:56:15 UTC from web
  2. By the way, I read too much into this show :D

    Saturday, 08-Dec-12 16:47:04 UTC from web
    • This one was probably my favourite S3 episode.

      Saturday, 08-Dec-12 16:06:12 UTC from web
      • Show all 10 replies
      • @nerthos Thats pretty true, but honestly it just kinda speaks out for them. And things definitely turned out a lot better than could have been said if their plan went through. It's possible that she could have realized that she'd been a total apples the entire time, but it's also possible that it just would have caused a rift between cousins. No one would have found out babs was being bullied and she might have went back to manehatten even worse off than she was in ponyville. But most importantly, CMC East would never have been established :D

        Saturday, 08-Dec-12 16:33:07 UTC in context
      • @mashuga31 But at what price? Babs just became evil out of fear, and as such, she should have been punished.

        Saturday, 08-Dec-12 16:34:21 UTC in context
      • @nerthos I feel they touched on this. And actually I just realized was wrong. Applejack told them she was being bullied, thats why they went to stop it. What applejack didn't know was that she was being a bully in turn. Applebloom could probably take the lesson she learned even further as applejack seems completely oblivious that DT and SS are her tormentors. They wanted to deliver justice, but the real injustice would be punishing without teaching. If their plan had gone through, the lesson would be - don't f*** with us. Instead, the lesson for babs was to be honest with herself about what she's been doing to them. It may all be a matter of perspective too. We don't know much backstory on Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, other than they're obviously rich and pampered. It's probabe they just think they're better than everyone else. But there's also the possibility that there's something else going on. After all, Filthy Rich doesn't seem too pleased with his daughters behavior in S2E12.

        Saturday, 08-Dec-12 16:43:41 UTC in context
    • Well I'm just gonna go to bed for real now; instead of waiting however many hours for the 1080p render to be done I can just TIME TRAVEL to when it's finished!

      Saturday, 08-Dec-12 16:09:37 UTC from web
    • my mothers birthday is tomorrow and this is the package i made for her.... do you guys think that it is fancy enough? http://ur1.ca/bx12i

      Saturday, 08-Dec-12 16:07:32 UTC from web
    • Gur jubyr qernzjnyxvat guvat jnf n ovg bs snaba V'q ubcr gurl'q znxr pnaba ohg arire gubhtug vg jbhyq npghnyyl unccra.

      Saturday, 08-Dec-12 16:07:05 UTC from web

      Saturday, 08-Dec-12 16:01:05 UTC from web
    • Naq V yvxr Yhan rira zber abj.

      Saturday, 08-Dec-12 16:00:46 UTC from web
    • Naq gura V jnf yvxr: <3 EQ rira shegure

      Saturday, 08-Dec-12 16:00:54 UTC from web

        Saturday, 08-Dec-12 16:00:20 UTC from web
        • # Nyfb, vs lbh'ir ernq Fvyrag Cbalivyyr: Qnexarff Fpbbgf, vg znxrf gur avtugzner frdhraprf gung zhpu zber rawblnoyr.

          Saturday, 08-Dec-12 15:54:01 UTC from web
          • Qvq nalbar pngpu jung fpbbgnybb fnvq orsber gur oernx? B.b vg fbhaqrq nyzbfg yvxr "jbbanzbafzna!" kQ

            Saturday, 08-Dec-12 15:52:55 UTC from web
            • # Fpbbgnybb faberf

              Saturday, 08-Dec-12 15:37:26 UTC from web
            • # Yhan Pnzrb! :Q

              Saturday, 08-Dec-12 15:41:52 UTC from web
            • I was literally like twilight doing the yes dance when the episode started. Scootaloo = win.

              Saturday, 08-Dec-12 15:33:48 UTC from web
              • Holy design change. I've been gone for far too long >_>

                Tuesday, 04-Dec-12 12:53:36 UTC from web
                • nevermind. i'll just hush now.

                  Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 23:16:13 UTC from web
                  • Why didnt my # tag work? I felt naked.

                    Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 23:14:19 UTC from web
                    • Are you stepping in my cornflakes? Let me tell you a little something about stepping in another man's cornflakes... that's a really weird way to eat cornflakes...

                      Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 22:23:36 UTC from web
                    • If the world gives you turmoil get in its FACE! Tell it that everything is going to be OK! You're going to take those supervillains, and their "evil" plans and you're going to make them look like CHILDSPLAY! IS THAT CLEAR?

                      Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 02:11:30 UTC from web
                      • @juicyorange Absolutely.

                        Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 02:07:58 UTC from web
                      • Y'all excited for a new episode tomarrow? :D

                        Saturday, 17-Nov-12 04:11:08 UTC from web
                      • YAY! i made popular notices! im popular! * dies *

                        Thursday, 15-Nov-12 21:38:53 UTC from web
                      • Mr. T Is best pony.

                        Monday, 12-Nov-12 06:08:24 UTC from web
                      • Wife and I finally watched the premier earlier this evening. It was so awesome!! ^_^

                        Monday, 12-Nov-12 06:02:52 UTC from web
                      • Oh look it's RDN.

                        Monday, 12-Nov-12 05:53:10 UTC from web
                      • What in the heck!? Everytime i unencrypt and decrypt my message, my avatar moves down. And now the slender pony is attacking @neurario

                        Monday, 12-Nov-12 05:59:58 UTC from web
                        • alright actual spoilery talk: Xvat Fbzoen vf Pryrfgvn'f rfgenatrq jvsr. #

                          Monday, 12-Nov-12 05:56:27 UTC from web
                        • can't wait until after the 48-hr thing so I can talk about how Celestia marries Luna in order to protect the kingdom against the Crystal Ponies

                          Monday, 12-Nov-12 05:50:19 UTC from web
                        • @thatonestocking As far as anime goes. But that like the inner circles of the anime fandom. Theres a lot of people who just kind linger on the purgatory of anime and don't even delve into it. And then theres the rest of the world. Who give you a blank expression when you say "manga" without having a printed definition at the ready.

                          Monday, 12-Nov-12 05:53:57 UTC from web