Matt Simpson's home timeline


  1. (For those of you unaware, Surrey is a rather expensive area in the worst part of the UK.)

    Wednesday, 24-Jul-13 13:41:48 UTC from web
  2. Wow my Dad actually came through for me and wired me the £300 deposit I needed for my accommodation at Uni

    Wednesday, 24-Jul-13 13:05:00 UTC from web
  3. Whoops guess I just ripped up your religious propaganda while you were still on the driveway

    Wednesday, 24-Jul-13 08:51:06 UTC from web
  4. Someone via email: 'Looking for a job in London?' How many times can I write 'no' before it stops being disrespectful?

    Wednesday, 24-Jul-13 09:26:17 UTC from web
    • RDN: where everybody knows your age...or not.

      Wednesday, 24-Jul-13 06:33:45 UTC from web
    • Are we still listening to brony rap

      Tuesday, 23-Jul-13 21:39:55 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    • Are you folks listening to Beat 106?

      Tuesday, 23-Jul-13 21:30:46 UTC from web
    • Playing Sanic the Hodgeheg, becuase I've run out of other Playstation 3 games.

      Tuesday, 23-Jul-13 19:40:51 UTC from web
      • Also why would you tag yourself as "teeth"

        Tuesday, 23-Jul-13 18:54:40 UTC from web
      • wow

        Tuesday, 23-Jul-13 17:54:13 UTC from web
      • So how much do the British people really care about the royal baby?

        Tuesday, 23-Jul-13 17:03:22 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      • Are all letting agents despicable scum, or is it just English ones?

        Tuesday, 23-Jul-13 12:56:25 UTC from web
        • The Guardian might be awful, but the 'hide the sprog' option on their website is a lifesaver.

          Tuesday, 23-Jul-13 08:30:20 UTC from web
          • "You don't have to come to work until 10," they said. Oh, that's nice, I thought. Maybe I'll get some more sleep. Then, at 5am, the loudest freakin thunderstorm

            Tuesday, 23-Jul-13 07:01:50 UTC from web
          • @thelastgherkin was this your idea?

            Tuesday, 23-Jul-13 08:06:30 UTC from web
          • I'm not sure if I'm dumb or just the most unmotivated and lazy person to walk the earth

            Tuesday, 23-Jul-13 08:01:21 UTC from web
          • Hmm, The Daily Mail have not gone with 'BENEFIT SCROUNGING COUPLE HAVE CHILD ON TAXPAYERS DOSH'. Funny that.

            Monday, 22-Jul-13 20:39:39 UTC from web
          • It's a boy!

            Monday, 22-Jul-13 19:47:13 UTC from web

            Monday, 22-Jul-13 12:56:50 UTC from web
            • Also in UK news: Windbag reveals new government strategy on censoring porno online. Right wing media claims it's a brave new step. However, leaked documents at the weekend reveal that it's all just propaganda and the ISPs are employing an opt-in policy for filters.

              Monday, 22-Jul-13 07:17:02 UTC from web
            • Breaking News from the UK: pregnant woman expected to have baby.

              Monday, 22-Jul-13 06:52:17 UTC from web
            • 14th June 2014. Be ready.

              Monday, 22-Jul-13 06:23:36 UTC from web
            • I swear if I get an email from an outraged parent about yiffing I'm going to kill all of you

              Sunday, 21-Jul-13 20:54:48 UTC from web
            • This is the first cup of !tea I've had since 6am.

              Sunday, 21-Jul-13 20:17:14 UTC from web
            • Every racing game should have an authentic 80's soundtrack.

              Sunday, 21-Jul-13 20:32:06 UTC from web
              • what have i walked in on

                Sunday, 21-Jul-13 20:15:20 UTC from web
              • My broadband has finally been cut off. What do I waste time with now?

                Sunday, 21-Jul-13 12:59:41 UTC from web
                • Like the lazy ocean hugs the shore, hold me close, sway me more.

                  Sunday, 21-Jul-13 09:40:34 UTC from web
                • I've been such a fool.

                  Saturday, 20-Jul-13 23:08:29 UTC from web
                • I also got an LPS bracelet. Time to find out which one.

                  Saturday, 20-Jul-13 22:02:19 UTC from web