Lincoln, NE
Howdy! I'm a brony.... duh. From Nebraska. I'm a huge fan of both the series and the toys I guess. Derpy is by far the most... well, I wouldn't say best, but you know. I love MLP so get to know me!
More details...Joel Morrow (rawrfish)
@ruperofbronies You know that feel? I know that feel bro.
@ruperofbronies Well truth be told. I think fire kinda hurts. :(
Moar shameless promotion of www.cloudsdale.org, a wonderful growing site dedicated to sharing stuff in the pony community!
Howdy everypony. :3
Holy Moley its been a while! It's good to be back. I'd love to tell you of a grand project that is coming out of Beta soon, my fellow bronies! www.cloudsdale.org is taking the pony filled internet by the flank and kicking it up a notch! I really encourage you to check out this 'So Totally Awesome' website!
Monday, 06-Feb-12 21:39:23 UTC from web -
!nebraskonponies YAY! OMG! Its everything I've ever wanted and MORE!
Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 01:30:47 UTC from web -
!nebronies @pageturnr1988 That would be "So AWESOME" /)^3^(\ I'd love to chill with all my Everypony who will be at Nebraskon as well as spread our wondrous show to others!
@maconmixx Yeah man! I don't know if any bronies from here noticed me, but I met plenty of us down there. It was sweet!
@shelltoon I understand man. I'll still be showing up. Decked out with what ever I can. Impromptu panel perhaps.
@dezzierose Deed somepony say TEE EFF 2?!
Hey !kcbronies Anyone going to RenFest this weekend? If so, I'll be singing with the Madrigal Choir, and I'm all up for some Medieval-Brony Collab.
@dmtactical Eeyup. Also, Good game Washington GO !nebronies
!thegala is hosting a Encore tonight at 9:00PM for all you Bronies who missed out on the Stream. http://www.livestream.com/thegala
Monday, 12-Sep-11 22:15:16 UTC from web -
!thegala Is up and running tomorrow at 4:00PM Eastern Time BE THERE!
Heya Everypony! Don't forget to check out the MARETHON going on over at www.livestream.com/thegala Its gonna be a good time over there! Starting in T-Minus 22 Minutes!
Monday, 12-Sep-11 19:42:12 UTC from web -
!Nebronies !Nebronies !Nebronies We have a once in a year opportunity here! Tom and Garys DDP's want to come to Omaha! #squee And we need your help to do so! https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=281647971851427 That is a link to say, Well yes! I'd love to dance around with boomboxes and what not! It also has all the information regarding the event, because I couldn't type out all the FUN!
Sunday, 11-Sep-11 20:02:42 UTC from web -
!nebronies #merchalert Pony toys at the Target on 56th and Highway 2
Saturday, 10-Sep-11 00:20:45 UTC from web -
!nebronies Did we just go from 6 member to 9 in less then a month? VICTORY!
Saturday, 10-Sep-11 00:17:09 UTC from web -
!Nebronies Such a good game, just got back from tailgating. Hope everypony had a good time listening/watching it!
Sunday, 04-Sep-11 02:10:20 UTC from web -
@pinhooves Eeyup!
@pinhooves Hey you up for some Zombies tonight?
Getting a new phone, and a new car. Pony Decals anyone?!
Friday, 02-Sep-11 19:35:39 UTC from web -
Pack that flank Applejack Eeyup!
Thursday, 01-Sep-11 23:51:40 UTC from web -
@Shelltoon !nebronies Whats the word on OkakuOmaha, and Nebraskon? Also, I stumbled upon this on EQD http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/04/bronies-at-conventions.html I don't know if this is dated, but is anyone going to this "Nuke-Con"?
Thursday, 01-Sep-11 02:12:52 UTC from web -
@derpy How did you know where I'm at. >.>
>MFW people don't realize that Michael J. Fox was the original Teen Wolf. D:<
Monday, 29-Aug-11 18:51:22 UTC from web -
Aaah, Photoshop... CURSE YOU!
Monday, 29-Aug-11 18:41:26 UTC from web -
@saintferret Good to see atleast on of you bronies joined! How goes it man?
Good Night everypony.