Notices by sb42 (sb42), page 4

  1. @zimzap Oh dude, I wanted that candy cane!!!

    Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 04:15:42 UTC from web in context
  2. Mind = asploded.

    Monday, 05-Mar-12 02:53:14 UTC from web in context
  3. That moment when someone realizes your pain, and they try to fix it, but what's done is already done. // Blood and tears They were here first Oily marks appear on walls Where pleasure moments hung before The takeover, the sweeping insensitivity of this Still life

    Sunday, 04-Mar-12 18:08:39 UTC from web in context
  4. @sebastian1314 Oh, that's from if anypony's interested.

    Saturday, 03-Mar-12 04:38:17 UTC from StatusNet iPhone in context
  5. Seriously?!?!? BROWNIES?!?! THAT'S what we are now?!?!? Geez, I guess the media is tired of calling us "man-children" and has instead resorted to the good old AutoCorrect way of doing it. Also the title... Seriously? What a way to oversimplify things.

    Saturday, 03-Mar-12 04:37:52 UTC from StatusNet iPhone in context
  6. Going to bed. Just want to wish everybody a happy Derpy day before I go, and if you are nearing the end of your day (like me), I hope you have had a great day! Attached is just ONE of my Derpy doodles I drew today. Might post more later! Goodnight everypony! And remember, a muffin a day keeps the Doctor away!!!

    Friday, 02-Mar-12 03:39:22 UTC from web in context
  7. @lyokotravels HAPPY DERPY DAY!!!!! 9-6

    Friday, 02-Mar-12 01:24:40 UTC from web in context
  8. @bronyalex WHAT IS THIS SORCERY?!

    Friday, 02-Mar-12 01:19:28 UTC from web in context
  9. So I herd u guise liek Derping?

    Friday, 02-Mar-12 01:17:41 UTC from web in context
  10. And rub my eyes, this can't be happening when busy streets a mess with people would stop to hold their heads heavy

    Thursday, 01-Mar-12 02:22:38 UTC from web
  11. @rotation Never used*, so I have no idea what parsing is in Java/how to use it.

    Thursday, 01-Mar-12 02:02:56 UTC from web in context
  12. @rotation Right. Then a simple text adventure game doesn't need imports, as all you use is sca- ... -_- Ok you got me there. We frankly haven't learned* for some reason that is beyond me; we've just learned Scanners. =/

    Thursday, 01-Mar-12 02:01:34 UTC from web in context
  13. Too long to post on here, so on dA it goes!

    Thursday, 01-Mar-12 01:44:34 UTC from web
  14. @mrdragon Well thank you for at least keeping a cool head. Like I said before, the only reason why I didn't complain about @thatonepony is that I didn't want to be a party-pooper/dole. And I sure as heck don't think I'm doing anything now; if I am please tell me and I'll stop. And I don't really care who complains about me, I just mind if it is a valid claim or not. And I don't think the claims were valid. The original post that started the war is here: . @thatonepony replied by saying that I make him sad, which I took to be very offensive. He didn't simply say "I disagree" or "Please stop posting this," no, he said "You make me sad." Then the war started, and in total he called me I would guess around ten really nasty names. But I didn't complain 'cause I though that would be a dole move. But here they are, all (I think) the names he called me: (read 4th message) And frankly, I apologized-

    Sunday, 26-Feb-12 21:00:49 UTC from web in context
  15. @doates

    Sunday, 26-Feb-12 20:40:03 UTC from web in context
  16. 1:19 This was us a few minutes ago before this whole army thing.

    Sunday, 26-Feb-12 19:42:21 UTC from web
  17. @bronyalex @macpony55

    Sunday, 26-Feb-12 19:40:27 UTC from web in context
  18. @bronyalex

    Sunday, 26-Feb-12 19:37:57 UTC from web in context
  19. @macpony55 XDDD

    Sunday, 26-Feb-12 19:06:11 UTC from web in context
  20. Looking over the timeline and all it reminds me of is...

    Sunday, 26-Feb-12 19:01:24 UTC from web Repeat of colfax
  21. @crystalcharmer Censorship, modification, butthurt, earr4pe, flaming, civil, war, and general hate! Welcome!,r:0,s:0&tx=57&ty=63&biw=1680&bih=952

    Sunday, 26-Feb-12 18:58:12 UTC from web in context
  22. @thephilosophicalbrony @scoot STOP IT WITH THE FLAMING GUISE. WE'RE ALL MAKING OURSELVES LOOK BAD. THIS ISN'T US. THIS ISN'T WHAT WE'RE KNOWN FOR. Love and Toleration, anyone? Or did that change, and now I'm out in the cold? I admit, I too haven't been the best recently with this whole !savederpy thing (which I still support), BUT WE NEED TO CHANGE. If not, Hasbro/Studio B are NEVER going to do anything for us ever again. We need to chill, let them come out with an official response, and then organize our PEACEFUL, ORGANIZED protests. In the meantime, listen to relaxing songs like Cara Mia, and keep checking the page for updates. I'm off! Sayonara!

    Sunday, 26-Feb-12 18:56:38 UTC from web in context
  23. Well, I'm going to do homework. I leave you guys with my previous post, which I think you should read, and with Cara Mia. LISTEN TO IT CELESTIADAMNIT.

    Sunday, 26-Feb-12 18:53:18 UTC from web
  24. #

    Sunday, 26-Feb-12 18:49:40 UTC from web in context Repeat of pony
  25. In other news, have some Cara Mia to distract you from the !saveDepry thing, ESPECIALLY if you're against it.

    Sunday, 26-Feb-12 18:29:28 UTC from web in context
  26. RT @ponyray wow on the 9 of march mcdonalds happy meal are going to have my little ponys inside

    Sunday, 26-Feb-12 18:25:07 UTC from web in context
  27. @thephilosophicalbrony Wait you can find that??? I just know of where they have links to the petitions, but not much else. !saveDerpy ( # if you don't like it.)

    Sunday, 26-Feb-12 18:21:46 UTC from web in context
  28. @ponydude . Goodbye. This is my last post.

    Sunday, 26-Feb-12 08:51:22 UTC from web in context
  29. @ponydude

    Sunday, 26-Feb-12 08:49:18 UTC from web in context
  30. @ponydude

    Sunday, 26-Feb-12 08:47:47 UTC from web in context