Anthony Pucillo's home timeline


  1. !centralflbronies If you are not a Brony you should stop reading now. In south Tampa we need to get everybrony to participate in a "Running of the Leaves" race. we could ask permission from the Hub and everything. we could make it a huge deal and make it very public. Repost this wherever you think it will be seen by people who may participate. (like if you think it should happen) if enough people like it I'll see if I can get a group of people together to prepare. BROHOOF /)

    Monday, 22-Oct-12 00:10:54 UTC from web
    • !centralflbronies anyone interested in hanging out with furries and fun people there is a great event going on the 27th Halloween themed and I bet all the pony community would be welcome let me know if you guys are interested I could hook you up with the site or you can find me on Roomillenious on AIM

      Monday, 15-Oct-12 06:47:10 UTC from web
    • !centralflbronies Anypony from the Orlando area? I want to get some meetups going. Oh and I'm fresh in from Canterlata (down here for college).

      Thursday, 04-Oct-12 15:33:55 UTC from web
    • !centralflbronies Does anypony do anything active?

      Wednesday, 26-Sep-12 05:43:51 UTC from web
    • @forestrain Ohai Fore's Train

      Tuesday, 21-Aug-12 04:02:34 UTC from web
    • ... Holy crap, it's Rainbow Dash Network! :D

      Tuesday, 21-Aug-12 03:11:06 UTC from web
    • Whoa, @forestrain is back? :D

      Tuesday, 21-Aug-12 03:19:14 UTC from web
    • !centralflbronies I'm pretty new to the RD Network, but I just moved to Orlando for the Disney CP and will be here for 6 months! Hopefully I can attend a few meetups while here!

      Saturday, 04-Aug-12 05:46:28 UTC from web
    • Welp, off to bread. Nite RDN!

      Tuesday, 26-Jun-12 02:56:02 UTC from web
    • @comradeconventrix lol, apparently that has started making a comeback... It was requested several times on Fillydelphia radio.

      Tuesday, 26-Jun-12 02:16:26 UTC from web
    • $46.50

      Tuesday, 26-Jun-12 01:27:43 UTC from web
    • @forestrain Hello there :3 #

      Tuesday, 26-Jun-12 02:28:49 UTC from web
    • @minti I like what you did there.

      Thursday, 21-Jun-12 04:11:33 UTC from web
    • Holy crap, !mintrain still exists. >.>

      Thursday, 21-Jun-12 03:18:26 UTC from web
    • Still thinking about editing Upheaval, but tired. <_>

      Monday, 18-Jun-12 04:22:41 UTC from web
    • @forestrain I'm watching your livestream right now :D

      Monday, 18-Jun-12 04:21:50 UTC from web
    • Livestreaming the FillyCast tonight again! Starts at 8:00PM EST (1hr 2m)! Join us for random talk from all the DJs at Fillydelphia Radio, several musical artists, and avid fans of the station! Oh, and musical parodies. Cuz we do those too. ;D

      Sunday, 17-Jun-12 22:59:11 UTC from web
    • @Minti.... You can't hide from us forever.

      Tuesday, 12-Jun-12 05:33:54 UTC from web
    • Thank you to everyone who popped into my livestream tonight! You're all awesome. ^.^

      Sunday, 10-Jun-12 04:18:41 UTC from web
    • Livestreaming! Working on a string ensemble.

      Sunday, 10-Jun-12 00:32:32 UTC from web
    • # -- Looks mostly like lunch. Hotdogs, corn on the cob, and hash browns!

      Friday, 08-Jun-12 19:31:17 UTC from web
    • If anyone is looking for a Crysalis plush, Decibelle made an awesome one:

      Thursday, 07-Jun-12 00:19:10 UTC from web
    • Being interviewed on the Cloudcast tonight, apparently:

      Saturday, 02-Jun-12 00:06:42 UTC from web
    • !bronylon it looks like there are not many people here, but enough for a PAR-TAY. Send me your e-mail if you want to go, I will try and arrange something for about 6 people.

      Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 22:25:47 UTC from web
    • [b]Vocal Music: Trixie [Original by Forest Rain][/b]: Showmares! Rock Music! Vocals! Trixie! This song is definitely Great and Powerful tier. Obviously this means you should go listen to it, after the break of course. inb4biased (It's a good song!)  >

      Saturday, 26-May-12 22:21:04 UTC from Sethisto
    • Hay RDN, just posted a new song:

      Saturday, 26-May-12 18:21:45 UTC from web
    • Guess who's drunk!? :D

      Saturday, 26-May-12 04:44:04 UTC from web
    • I'm on The Old Grey Mare tonight, with I Bring Da LULZ, Cyril the Wolf, and Mic the Microphone. Check it out.

      Saturday, 26-May-12 04:31:37 UTC from web
      • On the FillyCast tonight -- and premiering a new song. Tune in:

        Monday, 21-May-12 00:02:02 UTC from web
        • Oh goodie. Just when I thought this day couldn't get any worse, several sets had to be cut from the Bronycon musical segment. Including mine. And Cyril's. >.>

          Friday, 18-May-12 23:21:44 UTC from web