Stumperman's home timeline


  1. Big fan of the conspiracy theory that Democrats are only pushing for popular, bipartisan legislation because they know Republicans will reflexively vote against it and make themselves look bad, and that actually they’re the ones who are against it.

    Sunday, 31-Jul-22 19:13:37 UTC from web
    • @zeldatra If the R's are so r'd that they will knowingly and willfully vote against their own self-interest, and even their own wants and desires, how tf could anyone work with that at all? I mean I know already but jfc man it is really tiring being neck-deep in hell and watching bubble-headed news anchors whine about how thousands dead in an historic heat wave isn't "fun" enough and asking what is wrong with *meteorologists* these days.

      Sunday, 31-Jul-22 20:41:33 UTC in context
    • @scribus I dunno what’s more embarrassing: Believing Democrats have concocted an evil scheme to make everyone’s lives worse by using reverse psychology to get Republicans voting against things Republicans want, or watching Republicans fall for the reverse psychology mind games and still deciding to vote for them.

      Sunday, 31-Jul-22 23:36:40 UTC in context
  2. re:that last bullet, i think the push for inclusivity is broadly good because it's a life simulator and i think the more inclusive games like this are, the better, but it seems like they use inclusivity as an all-encompassing shield to stymy criticism when their updates come out half-baked and even broken. this most recent update breaks the aging system beyond repair, removes most whims in exchange for wants and fears that cover exclusively the base game and the latest expansion pack, and somehow bungled relationship checks so now my sims wanna papaya their brothers. but hey, they've added a sexuality system that probably should've been in there seven years ago eight years after release, so all is forgiven, we can move on to The Sims 4: Need for Speed, which finally adds (a) car (which cannot be used outside of its specialized map)

    Saturday, 30-Jul-22 03:32:31 UTC from web
    • Show all 4 replies
    • @scribus I wouldn’t, at least not until they do at least a couple of bug fixes. Sims are currently aging up at random AT BEST, and at worst just straight up dying. It only affects long and short lifespans, and it’s actually an issue that has apparently existed for a few patches now, although I never encountered it before this one and the issue has verifiably been exasperated by something they did to the backend to support new features added by the High School expansion pack. And that’s just ONE of the problems… a lot of the new features are straight up broken and the new wants & fears system is actually less in-depth than the previous whims system, which it replaces, so… I don’t see many reasons to update ATM.

      Saturday, 30-Jul-22 22:20:36 UTC in context
    • @scribus the update DOES add sexual orientation and it’s surprisingly in-depth (albeit it is currently very gender binary), but that too is broken and is resulting in Sims rolling incestuous wants because the orientation check happens after the relationship check.

      Saturday, 30-Jul-22 22:28:33 UTC in context
    • @zeldatra Wow, used to need mods and plugins to bang your own mom, talk about updates

      Sunday, 31-Jul-22 16:05:26 UTC in context
  3. Judging by those prices, Trump Burger is a massive grift. $11 for an 8oz burger and drinks are SEPARATE?? That’s a scam.

    Saturday, 30-Jul-22 23:51:40 UTC from web
  4. I don't think these blatantly right-leaning survey questions are gonna like my answers

    Thursday, 28-Jul-22 04:30:30 UTC from web
  5. The Star Wars prequels only structurally make sense if you watch them after Empire but before Jedi, think about it

    Sunday, 24-Jul-22 20:34:00 UTC from web
  6. "Zack Snyder is a good director" is the modern day Lost Cause of the South.

    Saturday, 23-Jul-22 18:37:16 UTC from web
  7. Opening Disney+ and seeing Deadpool on the front page is making me wonder what exactly the point is of keeping Disney+ and Hulu as separate services anymore.

    Friday, 22-Jul-22 22:09:45 UTC from web
  8. Yeah! I got a wage raise! One that's above the inflation rate!

    Wednesday, 20-Jul-22 16:59:28 UTC from web
  9. Shelling out 130 Eurobucks for a used AC with an external condenser was worth every cent. My apartment never was so freezing cold, especially not with 36°C (97°F) outside. I'd die a horrible sweaty death.

    Monday, 18-Jul-22 17:59:35 UTC from web
  10. it is time to discuss the butt

    Monday, 18-Jul-22 18:03:49 UTC from web
  11. Wow didnt think this place was still around

    Sunday, 17-Jul-22 00:05:08 UTC from web
  12. You think it’s bad that Bart Simpson’s been ten for thirty-five years? The last season of Rugrats aired alongside the first season of All Grown Up and both shows take place in the early 2000s.

    Friday, 15-Jul-22 18:37:04 UTC from web
  13. Futurama has a baked in start date of December 31st, 2999, and the show takes place roughly in real time (+1000 years), so Fry and Leela should be in their late 40s by now but they both look twenty. Plastic surgery must be really, really good in the future.

    Friday, 15-Jul-22 18:39:44 UTC from web
  14. new D&D concept: a necromancer who only raises aborted fetuses and runs an orphanage where they can be adopted

    Thursday, 14-Jul-22 19:12:16 UTC from web
  15. On a brighter note: Tuca and Bertie Season 3 is out.

    Wednesday, 13-Jul-22 10:37:16 UTC from web
  16. When things starts to look better the world takes it and smashes it to smithereens. My father committed adultery and wants a divorce and wants to still live in the same apartment as my mother until the end of the year. I will probably have to support my mother financially (emotionally for sure), as she is too old to get a job. Also my father turned his asshole attitude up to 11. I strongly consider to turn my back on my father and never to forgive him for being a lying, conniving, selfish dick. He was always somewhat a dick but it could be glossed over back then. Now my eyes are opened.

    Monday, 11-Jul-22 20:21:53 UTC from web
  17. i think i might be completely out of touch with this generation. when i was a kid, if you got caught stealing beer, that meant you went and tried at a different store. these days kids come into the same store multiple times in one night without even so much as checking to make sure that the manager who caught you last time isn't still there.

    Wednesday, 06-Jul-22 19:07:20 UTC from web
  18. the sims mp game has escalated, Mortimer Goth is a slightly permanent houseguest now after a very silly misunderstanding

    Monday, 04-Jul-22 06:33:03 UTC from web
  19. things got a bit out of hand in my Sims 4 multiplayer game.

    Friday, 01-Jul-22 05:10:27 UTC from web
  20. anyway, i am on axiety meds now

    Thursday, 30-Jun-22 20:36:52 UTC from web
  21. i went to a psychologist last week. how much would you guys be surprised if i told you that she suspects i might be autistic?

    Thursday, 30-Jun-22 20:36:42 UTC from web
  22. I spoiled myself with a game treat and bought the game Tunic. It's a fine game. It is a cross between Zelda and Dark Souls. I had quite some fun but oh boy it is hard. Thankfully there is an accessibility option to make it easy. I used it only two times because my thumbs were already hurting enough and I didn't want to start a boss fight 100 times over. It is best to get into the game blind. I do admit that I looked up stuff at the end of the game because the puzzles to get the true ending are hard as heck and I have a life beyond that game.

    Monday, 27-Jun-22 20:04:49 UTC from web
  23. I just had a customer accuse me of racially profiling her (from what I can tell, purely because I checked her id on an alcohol purchase) and she said “I used to work here, so, I know how it goes”, which I can literally only interpret as “I know you’re profiling me because I used to profile people”

    Sunday, 26-Jun-22 16:05:59 UTC from web
  24. Finished watching "Dead End Paranormal Park". It was mostly harmless. Not groundbreaking but it is "just a cartoon". LGBTQ representation aside it the show is unfocused and the episodes themselves are lacking the energy to stand on their own. The pace accelerated towards the end but didn't manage to fully have any lasting impact as a whole.

    Wednesday, 22-Jun-22 07:22:11 UTC from web
    • @adiwan That's sounding sadly par for Netflix, post-BoJack. They coulda had another with Tuca and Bertie, but nnoooo, they had to fall asleep at the wheel.... Disenchantment is disenchanting me as of late, feels like every season is bookended by interesting big-P Plot moments, and filled with trivial slice-of-life misadventures. A whole season of not exploring themes and character, ending with some sudden developments and cliffhangers, only to be semi-resolved in the first 2 of the next season and shunted aside until the final 2 or 3....

      Wednesday, 22-Jun-22 19:23:54 UTC in context
    • @scribus Centaurworld was good. Not my jam but good. Carmen Sandiego was good. Glitch Techs is also very fun. Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts too. Kid Cosmic is a definitive recommendation. Dogs in Space is a good "nothing to see else"-watch.

      Wednesday, 22-Jun-22 19:46:54 UTC in context
    • @adiwan Yeah, Carmen Sandiego was good, even if they did whitewash the history of the Samurai caste.... Lol

      Wednesday, 22-Jun-22 21:13:34 UTC in context
  25. Thinking about retiring my Thinkpad x201. I LOVE the keyboard but it makes problems. When I hit the power button to turn it on, there is a 50:50 chance that the screen is blank and does nothing. It caused me some bigger problems with sleep mode and did the exact same thing on wake-up. Only turning the laptop completely off and on again helps, but on sleep mode all RAM content is gone. Hibernation is fine but it takes longer as a normal boot.

    Saturday, 18-Jun-22 08:23:24 UTC from web
  26. Big corporations use their power to suppress everything that can threaten their business. Microsoft famously adopts free and open standards and alter them such that they are dominating them.,_extend,_and_extinguish

    Friday, 17-Jun-22 19:05:47 UTC from web
  27. So now I have a set of folders synced between my iPad and my computer so animation I do on the go just appears on my desktop when I get home. Pretty convenient. For some reason I thought Apple was anti-convenience.

    Friday, 17-Jun-22 16:33:11 UTC from web
  28. Going to finally see Bob’s Burgers today after being delayed by relatable setbacks such as my co-worker getting COVID, me having to work 70 hours, and then me and my entire family getting COVID

    Wednesday, 15-Jun-22 18:06:25 UTC from web
  29. I'm debating with myself if I should buy and play TUNIC . And if I do, should I buy it from GOG or Steam?

    Saturday, 11-Jun-22 17:59:18 UTC from web
  30. Bob's Burgers was a good movie (:

    Friday, 10-Jun-22 06:13:41 UTC from web