Sunset^3^'s home timeline


  1. y'all need jesus

    Thursday, 17-Jul-14 18:19:10 UTC from web
  2. Without nipples, boobs would just be butt cheeks that don't poop

    Thursday, 17-Jul-14 18:13:52 UTC from web
  3. imagine if every single person in the world simultaneously said 'mayonaise'

    Thursday, 17-Jul-14 18:12:28 UTC from web
    • Pumpkin Party in Sea Hitler's Water Apocalypse

      Thursday, 17-Jul-14 15:10:06 UTC from web
      • Fish don't swim, they fly through the "air" on water

        Thursday, 17-Jul-14 09:42:58 UTC from web
      • Good night!

        Thursday, 17-Jul-14 10:02:34 UTC from web
      • Imagine if water is actually just a layer of "wetness" this layer of air have another form of gravity, and because of that change of gravity fish can ("fly") through the "wetness" layer, in the layer there is such a small amount of the air that we breathe so we suffocate

        Wednesday, 16-Jul-14 23:01:22 UTC from web
      • @c Clouds is just air being a transport system for water

        Wednesday, 16-Jul-14 23:01:56 UTC from web
      • omfg

        Wednesday, 16-Jul-14 19:20:43 UTC from web
      • Some easy night reading:

        Wednesday, 16-Jul-14 19:20:46 UTC from web
        • I am terrible with names

          Wednesday, 16-Jul-14 19:11:55 UTC from web
        • sneezes

          Wednesday, 16-Jul-14 19:03:39 UTC from web
        • Meeting you is like making a switch to polar coordinates: complex and imaginary things are given a magnitude and a direction.

          Wednesday, 16-Jul-14 19:04:15 UTC from web
          • No, that's not a Logitech MX-100 in my pants, but thanks for noticing.

            Wednesday, 16-Jul-14 18:57:07 UTC from web
            • @c We should all do the flob

              Wednesday, 16-Jul-14 18:54:17 UTC from web
              • Pumpkin Party in Sea Hitler's Water Apocalypse

                Wednesday, 16-Jul-14 18:36:38 UTC from web
                • @randomwonderbolt not what ross told me

                  Wednesday, 16-Jul-14 18:20:45 UTC from web
                • @mushi what a great day getting back on right? Happy Birthday you sexy thing

                  Wednesday, 16-Jul-14 18:19:58 UTC from web
                  • Do you smith Valyrian steel? Because you just gave me one of the hardest swords in the land.

                    Wednesday, 16-Jul-14 18:19:04 UTC from web
                  • !3DS Heres my friends code btw: 0318 - 8212 - 4490

                    Wednesday, 16-Jul-14 18:07:55 UTC from web
                  • He was into weird papayas

                    Wednesday, 16-Jul-14 18:02:22 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  • It's been a while since I was last here, new design and all, it looks great!
                    Oh well hi!

                    Wednesday, 16-Jul-14 16:04:28 UTC from web
                  • what the hell am i doing with my schol breakxD?

                    Wednesday, 16-Jul-14 16:53:05 UTC from web
                  • @c Nah just a funky tortoise from the 1950 with a strawhat and a cane :)

                    Wednesday, 16-Jul-14 16:42:04 UTC from web
                  • Money talks, use 1 civ5 turn to befriend a city state and build 3 Factories.

                    Tuesday, 15-Jul-14 14:18:51 UTC from web
                  • Oh yeah I said I was gonna stream didn't I

                    Sunday, 13-Jul-14 01:28:47 UTC from web
                  • Guys i am an egghead =(

                    Thursday, 10-Jul-14 15:10:06 UTC from web
                  • food does sound good

                    Thursday, 10-Jul-14 15:33:55 UTC from web
                    • Night all # and # for all

                      Wednesday, 09-Jul-14 04:00:57 UTC from web
                    • I finally got that duplicate timestamp off of posts *victory music plays*

                      Wednesday, 09-Jul-14 03:35:24 UTC from web