Notices tagged with lol, page 5

  1. @redenchilada I can't believe you guys don't have free health care. # # #

    Friday, 31-May-13 22:00:23 UTC from web in context
  2. Mom told me to take off my skirt but I didn't XD XD # # #

    Friday, 31-May-13 09:27:33 UTC from web in context
  3. # "My Little Pony is the only group to take on 4chan and win. 4chan once took on the F.B.I. and won. So you might say that My Little Pony is more powerful than the F.B.I."

    Thursday, 30-May-13 00:41:24 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  4. @kolzach How can you be your own cousin. # #

    Wednesday, 29-May-13 19:41:37 UTC from web in context
  5. @mushi !lol

    Monday, 20-May-13 15:19:52 UTC from web in context
  6. @broniebrown !lol

    Thursday, 16-May-13 08:10:53 UTC from web in context
  7. @kolzach # # #!

    Thursday, 18-Apr-13 16:39:50 UTC from web in context
  8. Judge Finds Himself In Contempt Of Court When His New Smartphone Interrupts Closing Arguments # # #

    Tuesday, 16-Apr-13 20:35:11 UTC from at 58°13'8"N 6°23'16"W
  9. "Let me tell you a story . . . From my college days. But let my start by saying I think the horse is okay..." # #

    Friday, 05-Apr-13 22:14:21 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  10. @anarchycarcino haters guna hate # # :3 LOLMEMES R SIOOO FUNNEEE!

    Tuesday, 02-Apr-13 13:42:17 UTC from web in context
  11. #! No more lonely nights: romantic # get the look of # !science #

    Thursday, 28-Mar-13 11:58:07 UTC from
  12. I recently received an email from Runescape - an mmo, one of those things I avoid playing at all costs - saying they've supposedly caught me trying to sell one or more of my accounts #

    Sunday, 24-Mar-13 06:11:14 UTC from web in context
  13. @yodelerty, bazinga # #

    Thursday, 14-Mar-13 21:21:39 UTC from web in context
  14. @rarity, I listened to it earlier today, funny enough lol. Don't remember the words tho lol. #

    Thursday, 14-Mar-13 20:49:43 UTC from web in context
  15. @zora4444 that's good to hear. My dad knows and gets a look that makes me think he's worried whenever it comes up. !lol He still knows I'm awesome though.

    Monday, 11-Mar-13 07:28:21 UTC from web in context
  16. @kadziet If it's working for you, you'd better pay it! # # #

    Sunday, 10-Mar-13 07:01:50 UTC from web in context
  17. @tolderian I never used FB until I became a brony !lol

    Friday, 08-Mar-13 20:13:45 UTC from web
  18. Кстати, великолепный вброс в треды к православным гомофобам: по их же легенде у Иисуса было два отца! # # # #

    Thursday, 07-Mar-13 22:00:42 UTC from
  19. Обоже, оккультная имиджборда: # # #

    Wednesday, 06-Mar-13 20:38:22 UTC from
  20. Идея для супрематического полотна: «Операция на Кубе» # #

    Wednesday, 06-Mar-13 11:14:38 UTC from
  21. # #

    Sunday, 03-Mar-13 07:47:35 UTC from
  22. Не напоминает ли вам музыкальный этюд по ссылке песню «Вдоль да по речке, вдоль да по Казанке»? # # #

    Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 21:06:15 UTC from
  23. @boltaction !lol

    Tuesday, 19-Feb-13 02:48:51 UTC from web in context
  24. В России учитывают латиноамериканский опыт. Тамошних диктаторов вертолёты спасали уже не раз: # # #

    Sunday, 17-Feb-13 12:48:26 UTC from
  25. Another day, another... wasted lunchtime (by #OllyMoss )


    #Batman #AdventureTime #LOL

    Sunday, 17-Feb-13 02:14:46 UTC from
  26. Наверное, я херовато выгляжу со стороны. В троллейбусе подошла тётка и сказала, что меня спасёт только церковь :3 # # #

    Wednesday, 06-Feb-13 18:35:57 UTC from
  27. @firestormdangerdash !lol

    Saturday, 02-Feb-13 16:44:02 UTC from web in context
  28. Секта Массовой Информации # #

    Thursday, 31-Jan-13 04:21:28 UTC from
  29. Один из самых оригинальных заголовков, которые я видел в последнее время: «В Петербурге прошли пикеты в защиту митингов» # #

    Sunday, 27-Jan-13 16:11:06 UTC from
  30. Как негодуют по поводу англицизмов! Нет, конечно, каждый англицизм нужно заменить отечественными аналогами тюркского происхождения :3 #

    Tuesday, 22-Jan-13 15:49:54 UTC from