Leonardo Holguín's home timeline


  1. @pony why would you want anything else

    Thursday, 07-Jun-18 19:49:50 UTC from shitposter.club
  2. Kind of nice to see this site active again.

    Thursday, 07-Jun-18 19:46:37 UTC from web
  3. So the lab results are in and evidently I'm anemic.

    Thursday, 07-Jun-18 18:19:14 UTC from web
  4. I just assumed everyone used their sub feed but if you're complaining that a tab called 'Recommended' is recommending you stuff based on an algorithm I'm not sure how to help you

    Thursday, 07-Jun-18 09:18:31 UTC from web
  5. Watching Netflix’s “Safe” and Michael C Hall’s accent seems really off for aome reason to me. Like I can’t tell if this is because I’m used to him being Dexter or if it genuinely isn’t right.

    Sunday, 03-Jun-18 13:48:06 UTC from web
    • Okay folks, it's been fun, but I think it's time to say goodbye. This instance will be going offline on June 1, 2018.

      The main reason is because the Markov bots have been playing poorly with Pleroma notices, as they always have been with Mastodon notices, and I don't want to put time into fixing them. Without the bots, there's no reason to keep this instance going.


      Thursday, 31-May-18 15:48:57 UTC from gs.kawa-kun.com
    • So today I learned that there is an InCel dating website. And, no, I'm not snarking at the expense of a subreddit.

      Thursday, 31-May-18 23:17:30 UTC from web
    • Happy Memorial Day American dudes.

      Monday, 28-May-18 21:30:35 UTC from web
      • And if anyone cares, list of current giveaways:
        Last one is a bit tricky to grab since the base game is F2P and the actual giveaway are the DLC. Solution is to go to the dlc pages and manually clicking install on each, they should show up on your library under the game's dlc box after that.

        Friday, 25-May-18 13:38:52 UTC from web
      • Don’t know why but as much as I feel it’ll be a waste of time I want to see season 2 13 Reasons Why

        Thursday, 24-May-18 15:31:39 UTC from web
      • I've sort of become an anti-atheist recently, in that I don't think God has any faith in us

        Thursday, 24-May-18 14:45:21 UTC from web
      • also if your baby just papayaing dies for no reason how do you talk yourself out of that one

        Thursday, 24-May-18 13:30:39 UTC from web
      • For the people who care about federation (Probably just @nerthos and @awl) I have no idea why it isn’t working. This is actually a new server, at a new hosting provider and a functionally fresh install of RDN’s version of statusnet. So unless DigitalOcean, Cloudflare, or the other instances themselves are blocking us (or them), there’s no particular reason why it *shouldn’t* work.

        Thursday, 24-May-18 06:14:26 UTC from web
      • 13 Reasons Why, Lisa, whyy

        Monday, 21-May-18 22:26:30 UTC from web
        • Looks like a $45 part and possibly a new tool & couple of sockets or bits, but I think I can fix my truck.

          Saturday, 19-May-18 23:23:11 UTC from web
        • goddamn season 2 of Unfortunate Events was way better than the first, I forgot how brutal the story gets

          Saturday, 19-May-18 17:07:29 UTC from web
        • It's bad but I'll never not laugh when someone's response to someone's death is "hope they're okay"

          Friday, 11-May-18 13:05:06 UTC from web
        • So I understand Brexit voters were largely halfwits at best.

          Wednesday, 02-May-18 19:05:13 UTC from web
        • @deadsuperhero @normandy @karen Rainbow Dash Network, a server still running the old StatusNet software.

          Sunday, 29-Apr-18 04:45:51 UTC from shitposter.club
        • It’s a mantra for meditation

          Thursday, 26-Apr-18 14:08:13 UTC from web
          • RT @tirrefaqhu Vidhigra. three core things you want to be doing to bulk up effectively. In Vidhigra. big three squats has become Vidhigra. important. A squat works . all over Vidhigra. Vidhigra. in one go. Most importantly, putting Vidhigra. Vidhigra. through enormous workout actually causes in order to release creating hormones. Vidhigra. supplements really, all from exercVidhigra. e!

            Thursday, 26-Apr-18 14:07:44 UTC from web
            • Colin Powell. Condoleeza Rice. Hillary Clinton. John Kerry. These are all people who SHOULD have visited North Korea but didn’t. Who are we sending instead? A boatload of celebrities.

              Wednesday, 18-Apr-18 15:10:26 UTC from web
            • @mattskala @mayuutann maybe verbs like plan, start, want are about intention or being at the beginning.

              Sunday, 15-Apr-18 22:56:56 UTC from quitter.se
            • guess not also holy hell my profile pic

              Sunday, 15-Apr-18 19:52:15 UTC from web
            • Oh hey federation might finally be done

              Friday, 13-Apr-18 21:24:13 UTC from web
              • @mono A more civilized place

                Friday, 13-Apr-18 20:54:41 UTC from shitposter.club
              • I’m conflicted about Mike Pompeo. On one hand, I hate Mike Pompeo and I think leaving the President with no functioning Secretary of State in the middle of his second year would be really, really funny and exactly as humiliating as it should be. BUT, I think leaving the President with no foreign counsel, especially at a time like this where we’re on the verge of a diplomatic crisis in Syria, Russia, China, Japan, Iran, AND North Korea, would be rather irresponsible and dangerous. I think either A) Pompeo needs to be confirmed, or B) Trump needs to nominate somebody else ASAP. The second thing is not going to happen, so it’ll have to be the first.

                Friday, 13-Apr-18 16:53:47 UTC from web
              • http://rainbowdash.net/url/871859 The theory behind this opens up new possibilities and ways of thinking in philology. Did cave-art help develop spoken language for ancient humans?

                Friday, 13-Apr-18 17:03:42 UTC from web
              • https://youtu.be/geU5GLluUtk

                Thursday, 12-Apr-18 01:33:08 UTC from web
                • @snail Robot9000
                  Basically socially inept, sheltered people bitter at the outside world that thus ignore it and focus on their own online community.
                  In any case, does having a main character that is morally reprehensible really make a work of fiction bad? Say for example, suicide squad is about worst of the worst criminals going on a mission. Does having that kind of cast as main characters make the entire franchise horrible and disgusting? not really. Sometimes the characters are awful and don't click with the viewer, it's my case with inglorious basterds which I can't watch as I see it as a celebration of the whole spectrum of crappy human behaviour. That doesn't mean it's objectively bad in every way.

                  Wednesday, 11-Apr-18 21:12:44 UTC from shitposter.club