Notices by orungano (tiff), page 3

  1. @mrmattimation batcave, i'm so sorry

    Sunday, 01-Mar-20 23:07:45 UTC from web in context
  2. @scribus yeah we're breaking down all these identity norms anyway, may as well do away with it all and quit worrying about labels

    Saturday, 22-Feb-20 17:06:54 UTC from web in context
  3. he says as if he doesn't walk around saying "I'M GAY" or some variation of every 5 seconds lol

    Saturday, 22-Feb-20 09:52:13 UTC from web in context
  4. @mrmattimation yup that tracks. when I came out (almost 10 years ago now dang!) i used the term "pan" because i think it also had an air of "personality over body" or whatever and even now i have friends who will use that term over "bi" when referring to me which is neat i guess, but honestly neither term feels right for me in my dumb head so i sort of just don't call myself anything these days

    Saturday, 22-Feb-20 09:51:33 UTC from web in context
  5. citation: me, who has dabbled in both terms and settled on just using "??!?"

    Friday, 21-Feb-20 17:08:18 UTC from web in context
  6. @mrmattimation @scribus I think ultimately it's a semantic difference more than anything. some people interpret "bi" as a term that excludes enby/intersex folks but this is obviously not necessarily true - for some people it might just be more convenient as it's pretty widely understood, or it might just sound better to them. "pan" is a more recent prefix to sound more all-encompassing, but this will inevitably be subject to confusion and the same joke over and over. i don't think either term is inherently exclusionary (although i do think most terms for sexuality are clunky and outdated at this point) and it kind of just comes down to what word you prefer the sound/feel of and how you want to present yourself

    Friday, 21-Feb-20 17:07:32 UTC from web in context
  7. @mrmattimation yeah call me it for real and see how turned on i get you papayaing cuck

    Wednesday, 19-Feb-20 20:33:04 UTC from web in context
  8. not to be a total papaya but seeing my mum in a healthy relationship with a nice dude who doesn't have any sort of alcohol dependency makes me very happy to see

    Wednesday, 19-Feb-20 17:19:52 UTC from web in context
  9. @awl if right is bad then alt right is good?? basic math

    Wednesday, 22-Jan-20 16:59:08 UTC from web in context
  10. @scribus year of the underdog

    Tuesday, 21-Jan-20 21:22:32 UTC from web in context
  11. @scribus whichever one is more mean to me personally

    Tuesday, 21-Jan-20 20:48:05 UTC from web in context
  12. time to deny the american people the right to vote

    Tuesday, 21-Jan-20 20:41:50 UTC from web in context
  13. @mrmattimation i don't think there's any one (or really any at all) appropriate emotional response to something like that. even if the odds are favourable it puts the transience of those you care about into harrowing perspective

    Friday, 10-Jan-20 17:58:20 UTC from web in context
  14. @mrmattimation that's so horrible, condolences to them and you

    Thursday, 09-Jan-20 22:29:07 UTC from web in context
  15. @ceruleanspark heck yeah, happy for you. hope all else is going similarly well for you

    Friday, 27-Dec-19 13:41:59 UTC from web in context
  16. TOP 25 ALBUMS of 2019

    Sunday, 22-Dec-19 12:24:37 UTC from web in context
  17. TOP 15 EPs of 2019

    Saturday, 21-Dec-19 12:17:26 UTC from web in context

    Friday, 20-Dec-19 12:21:00 UTC from web

    Friday, 20-Dec-19 12:20:43 UTC from web in context

    Friday, 20-Dec-19 12:20:16 UTC from web in context
  21. @mrmattimation honestly i agree

    Saturday, 14-Dec-19 14:22:39 UTC from web in context
  22. @mrmattimation that's cringe bro, you actually care about systematic oppression? that's pretty queer bro

    Saturday, 14-Dec-19 00:08:07 UTC from web in context
  23. there are people on this planet who want me and my loved ones dead, go papaya yourself if you think i'm not allowed to defend myself

    Saturday, 14-Dec-19 00:01:48 UTC from web
  24. "i hate minorities"
    "that's cool bro, everyone has their own opinion"
    "i hate people who hate minorities"
    "whoa man, that's not cool?? what have they done to you??"

    Saturday, 14-Dec-19 00:01:02 UTC from web in context

    Friday, 13-Dec-19 07:09:46 UTC from web in context
  26. apple TORIES

    Friday, 13-Dec-19 07:09:38 UTC from web
  27. also i'm pretty sure if you're diabetic you can still eat junk food if you take the appropriate amount of insulin?? like it's a good idea in general to not eat too much

    Thursday, 12-Dec-19 20:28:09 UTC from web in context
  28. @drinkingpony I told you how to conduct yourself and then you doubled down on your refusal to gender a trans person properly

    Thursday, 12-Dec-19 20:12:29 UTC from web in context
  29. @drinkingpony sorry but i'm really caught up on "queer oppression isn't real because there isn't a single semantic referent for it". also LGBTQ+ is a pretty widely established term of inclusion. you've demonstrated time and time again in this thread that you have no idea about anything regarding queer identity politics, the smart thing to do is admit that and shut up

    Thursday, 12-Dec-19 16:25:19 UTC from web in context
  30. @awl i can't believe language ended in 1964

    Thursday, 12-Dec-19 07:16:28 UTC from web in context