Notices by trilby, page 2

  1. I now have a Tumblr: No idea how to RP on it though, I'm just using it as a dumping ground for useless info.

    Sunday, 05-Jun-11 22:23:56 UTC from web
  2. Do want. I remember this being posted on here, somebody on the Network posted it. Who was that again?

    Sunday, 05-Jun-11 21:39:10 UTC from web
  3. Hello again everypony! I decided Earflaps wasn't adorable enough:

    Sunday, 05-Jun-11 21:26:58 UTC from web
  4. @doctorwhooffanatic Oh, I got around to uploading that Earthbound LP in case you missed it:

    Sunday, 05-Jun-11 18:54:34 UTC from web in context
  5. @chaosmagic ah, don't be such a downer. Have a rather cheerful song about how everyone finds love eventually:

    Sunday, 05-Jun-11 17:59:47 UTC from web in context
  6. Here's that Earthbound LP I mentioned earlier:

    Sunday, 05-Jun-11 16:19:24 UTC from web in context
  7. God, even Homestuck has ponies. This is from 2009, mind you. Click 'ABJURE'.

    Saturday, 04-Jun-11 10:41:34 UTC from web
  8. brushie brushie brushie

    Friday, 03-Jun-11 19:02:20 UTC from web in context
  9. So here's a quick sketch of the really simple Twilight costume I had in mind (using a body template I found via google):

    Wednesday, 01-Jun-11 00:05:16 UTC from web in context
  10. @pinkiederp No idea if you're online or not, but you're on Equestria Daily!

    Tuesday, 31-May-11 23:27:12 UTC from web
  11. @nvrrmbr Ah, no worries. Flappy hats are annoying to draw decently. Also, here's a somewhat better Evil!Wheatley picture. Potato included. Flappy hat not included.

    Tuesday, 31-May-11 20:08:08 UTC from web in context
  12. I have a proposal. A RBN collaborative project. We read this: Except instead of one person reading the whole thing, we give each character their own voice actor. Anyone up for it? I've already voiced Doctor Whooves!

    Tuesday, 31-May-11 16:05:31 UTC from web in context
  13. Bring me my brown pants!

    Tuesday, 31-May-11 15:11:19 UTC from web
  14. @fialvert

    Tuesday, 31-May-11 12:57:34 UTC from web in context
  15. This is possibly the most awesome credits medley in the history of credits medleys:

    Tuesday, 31-May-11 12:32:37 UTC from web
  16. @nvrrmbr Screw it, all spoiler alerts are out of the window. Here's the picture it was based on:

    Monday, 30-May-11 22:36:43 UTC from web in context
  17. There's a reason I wanted to wait for a decent camera: *SLIGHT PORTAL 2 SPOILERS, IF YOU CAN EVEN SEE THE BUGGER*

    Monday, 30-May-11 22:26:28 UTC from web in context
  18. I read a rather bad fanfiction blind.

    Monday, 30-May-11 19:42:40 UTC from web
  19. Speaking of cosplay, this just got posted on the DA We Love Wheatley group I'm really jealous of Layton at the moment :A

    Monday, 30-May-11 19:31:15 UTC from web
  20. And ironically enough, it doesn't work on the Apple iPod.

    Monday, 30-May-11 18:37:42 UTC from web
  21. @colfax A challenger appears!

    Monday, 30-May-11 16:41:55 UTC from web in context
  22. @delc17 Thanksies. In other news, I drew this: I buggered up the mane a bit, but otherwise, it didn't turn out too shabby.

    Monday, 30-May-11 16:37:51 UTC from web in context
  23. Sod it, I'll just post the lyrics here. Lemme know if you give a damn about it.

    Saturday, 28-May-11 23:02:40 UTC from web in context
  24. @doctorwhooffanatic You seem like a Doctor Who fan. Can't think why :A. But seriously, I've been looking for feedback on this, you might be able to help. (And yes, this is the third time I've posted it.)

    Saturday, 28-May-11 19:13:22 UTC from web in context
  25. Somepony who watches Doctor Who: what do you think of this?

    Saturday, 28-May-11 18:48:06 UTC from web in context
  26. I auditioned for BronyToons as Doctor Whooves. Fingers crossed.

    Saturday, 28-May-11 18:34:52 UTC from web in context
  27. @nvrrmbr More like (It's a work in progress)

    Saturday, 28-May-11 16:45:22 UTC from web in context
  28. This is why I should be banned from Windows Movie Maker :A

    Saturday, 28-May-11 16:15:30 UTC from web in context
  29. Right. I can't get Vegas. So, what other programs are out there where I can make things like this?

    Saturday, 28-May-11 16:08:18 UTC from web in context
  30. @auburnpixel Yeah I have

    Saturday, 28-May-11 15:53:41 UTC from web in context