Tukari's home timeline


  1. Just read about that @maxveers guy. THAT JUST RUSTLES MY JIMMIES RIGHT THERE.

    Thursday, 13-Sep-12 01:17:57 UTC from web
  2. @snowcone wat

    Sunday, 09-Sep-12 19:18:49 UTC from web
  3. It should be underneath the: -Meetups Forums Rules Staff Personal Account Logout Search- area. It should say: RP site is located here. Click the blue here for the link. ^-^

    Sunday, 09-Sep-12 17:39:49 UTC from web
  4. So...questions. Those would be cool. http://asknightbloom.tumblr.com

    Sunday, 09-Sep-12 18:29:51 UTC from web
  5. I would love to stay and argue that you are in fact, dripping yellow madness.

    Sunday, 09-Sep-12 18:07:25 UTC from web
  6. @thatonestocking ****I will judge them harder.

    Sunday, 09-Sep-12 15:47:08 UTC from web
  7. I just want to hug all you *adorable* ponies <3

    Sunday, 09-Sep-12 13:15:36 UTC from web
  8. It's too earlyyyy ugh

    Sunday, 09-Sep-12 12:54:20 UTC from web
    • even adventure time has romance.... :\

      Saturday, 08-Sep-12 15:38:29 UTC from web
    • @widget Pob.

      Saturday, 08-Sep-12 03:05:00 UTC from web
    • Does anyone know why I can't get the StatusNet app anymore..!

      Friday, 07-Sep-12 12:20:42 UTC from web
    • Morning, everypony.

      Friday, 07-Sep-12 12:11:53 UTC from web
    • Boo.

      Wednesday, 05-Sep-12 12:16:34 UTC from web
      • Just in case someone was interested in that vector someone might have noticed I mention something about and something, have a link: http://fav.me/d5dkefn #

        Monday, 03-Sep-12 19:41:41 UTC from web
      • @widget No, erectile dysfunction.

        Monday, 03-Sep-12 06:29:55 UTC from web
      • God dammit I'm mobile so I can't. That spammer grapes is on the RP, halp?

        Monday, 03-Sep-12 06:12:39 UTC from web
        • @step Ban evasion leads to the deletion of both accounts.

          Monday, 03-Sep-12 05:54:33 UTC from web
        • anyone know a G3 pony with a pink coat and a purple mane?

          Sunday, 02-Sep-12 23:51:42 UTC from web

          Sunday, 02-Sep-12 23:00:46 UTC from web
        • Putting sugar on fruit is no worse than not putting sugar on fruit.

          Friday, 24-Aug-12 20:02:50 UTC from web
        • I also went to the convince store and found out they sell Dr.Pepper! Yay! *Drinks Dr.Pepper*

          Sunday, 02-Sep-12 23:42:02 UTC from web
        • Hmm. Coding, or mow the lawn. Hmmmmm.

          Sunday, 02-Sep-12 23:40:29 UTC from web
        • -yawn-

          Sunday, 02-Sep-12 23:36:11 UTC from web
        • If ponycreator didn't have so many terrible options, there wouldn't be half as many terrible OCs.

          Sunday, 02-Sep-12 21:27:02 UTC from web
        • Typical first visit on Rainbowdash RP "OOC Hello everypony!" Reply "GO AWAY! we have a LUNA/NMM"

          Monday, 20-Aug-12 03:34:19 UTC from web
        • the rp site has its own universe. what seems "uninclusive" is just that you need to know this universe before RPing, and there also cant be two of the same character. best way to "fit in" is to use an OC.

          Monday, 20-Aug-12 03:38:16 UTC from web
        • RP Ponies are Strange.......

          Monday, 20-Aug-12 03:28:19 UTC from web
        • @frostflow Excuse me? You guys are calling _us_ a cesspool? We at least try to listen to our userbase instead of shutting them out at the first sign of disagreement.

          Monday, 20-Aug-12 03:16:06 UTC from web
        • @redenchilada @moonprincess Cool it!

          Monday, 20-Aug-12 03:27:05 UTC from web