Johnny Patricks's home timeline


  1. Picnic time

    Monday, 19-Nov-12 05:00:31 UTC from web
    • Goodnight everypony, I'll see you tomorrow.

      Monday, 19-Nov-12 04:57:18 UTC from web
      • So in scribblenauts... I created a giant atomic jests.

        Monday, 19-Nov-12 04:37:55 UTC from web
      • @theawesomepony Can you make more? Free art for me. :)

        Monday, 19-Nov-12 04:14:39 UTC from web
        • Should this be my new avatar?

          Monday, 19-Nov-12 04:10:21 UTC from web
        • @macpony55 Yo

          Monday, 19-Nov-12 04:00:00 UTC from web
        • Urrrgh

          Monday, 19-Nov-12 04:00:48 UTC from web
        • @chibiterasu Nevee disrupt a testing setting.

          Monday, 19-Nov-12 03:54:08 UTC from web
        • @chibiterasu Yes sir.

          Monday, 19-Nov-12 03:48:10 UTC from web
        • RT @chibiterasu Guys, I do have to say that, give @zach a chance. Look, if you don't give him another chance and try to let him prove himself to you, all you guys do is risk making him extremely angry and hateful of RDN, thus furthering our potential hate for him. We will repeat our mistakes in 2011, fragmenting into the @zach haters and the people ok with @zach. Arguments will erupt, @redenchilada will scream the word # as a war cry despite how hackneyed and overused it is, and people will have open arguments everywhere. Just be smart and give him a chance. Hate me if you will, I'm just being civil here.

          Monday, 19-Nov-12 03:36:17 UTC from web
          • @thatonestocking There are many things you can do. Or you could just grab her by a leg and make her eat the floor when she starts being too anoying. It really works. My brother used to be really annoying because my mother always was there to defend him. Then I started using violence, and now he's a cool guy.

            Monday, 19-Nov-12 03:07:26 UTC from web
          • @thatonestocking -_- He's like my best friend here.

            Monday, 19-Nov-12 03:20:00 UTC from web
          • Hey @madflavors! What's up?

            Monday, 19-Nov-12 02:42:18 UTC from web
          • I'm new here O: ~Joined yesterday, joined by meeting a friend on FB and finding out where any brony conventions near Iowa are held.

            Monday, 19-Nov-12 02:35:01 UTC from web
          • How is everyone tonight?

            Monday, 19-Nov-12 02:27:49 UTC from web
          • # Mr. Cake has a gay brother named Fruit Cake.

            Monday, 19-Nov-12 02:02:41 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          • Hello every pony.

            Monday, 19-Nov-12 02:02:18 UTC from web
            • Does anyone here remember @nvrrmbr?

              Sunday, 18-Nov-12 22:59:32 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            • Just got done playong the WiiU today. I had a blast. Probably the best game in Nintendo Land was Luigi's Ghost Mansion.

              Sunday, 18-Nov-12 23:06:09 UTC from web
              • Good morning everypony.

                Sunday, 18-Nov-12 14:41:53 UTC from web
              • @pony Wanna Skype?

                Sunday, 18-Nov-12 04:06:01 UTC from web
                • My brother said he wanted hostess doughnuts one last time, I bought him some.

                  Sunday, 18-Nov-12 04:00:57 UTC from web
                  • That was a good episode and I don't see people getting all buttraged over it.

                    Saturday, 17-Nov-12 22:58:09 UTC from web
                  • how does RDN sleep?

                    Saturday, 17-Nov-12 23:09:35 UTC from web
                  • @chibiterasu We would, if it wasn't the fact he's done it for four times, it's hard to forgive after that.

                    Saturday, 17-Nov-12 22:34:49 UTC from web
                  • @juicyorange I have to go now but I'll be back. Plane is coming in

                    Saturday, 17-Nov-12 22:43:37 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  • Moopin'

                    Saturday, 17-Nov-12 22:43:54 UTC from web
                  • @thatonestocking I hated the other one more. This one only cried, the other one also had his share of fits of idiotic rage.

                    Saturday, 17-Nov-12 21:49:08 UTC from web
                  • @theoverdose And that's why I wanted love :P. he'll I'm 17, 18 almost and I haven't even kissed a girl.

                    Saturday, 17-Nov-12 22:01:32 UTC from web