Johnny Patricks's home timeline


  1. @theoverdose Yeah, I am NOT cute

    Saturday, 17-Nov-12 21:59:04 UTC from web
  2. Hurricane Sandy | Zach Stargazer <--- Choose one

    Sunday, 04-Nov-12 11:20:14 UTC from web
  3. peeks head out hello?

    Wednesday, 14-Nov-12 20:29:48 UTC from web
  4. Hugs are funariffic :3

    Saturday, 17-Nov-12 21:03:14 UTC from web
  5. Was there a new episode?

    Saturday, 17-Nov-12 20:58:12 UTC from web
  6. Afternoon, everypony.

    Saturday, 17-Nov-12 19:52:20 UTC from web
  7. It's like fun on a bun

    Saturday, 17-Nov-12 04:34:49 UTC from web
    • Meep :)

      Saturday, 17-Nov-12 04:29:55 UTC from web
      • Hey guys! :3

        Saturday, 17-Nov-12 04:04:12 UTC from web
      • @jamesalan hi :)

        Saturday, 17-Nov-12 03:57:12 UTC from web
      • Tomorrow it's an FTC scrimmage then MST3k.

        Saturday, 17-Nov-12 03:52:55 UTC from web
        • @hoit21 Obviously, you spelled "incredibly" wrong.

          Saturday, 17-Nov-12 03:49:29 UTC from web
        • Hello everypony.

          Saturday, 17-Nov-12 03:38:04 UTC from web
        • How do I look today?

          Friday, 16-Nov-12 21:04:41 UTC from web
          • I'm resting now... Still don't feel we'll.

            Friday, 16-Nov-12 20:48:57 UTC from web
          • it is November.... it is not a time for chrismas commercials....

            Friday, 16-Nov-12 20:40:41 UTC from web
          • I am home... And apple patterned the action of turning a page

            Friday, 16-Nov-12 20:37:31 UTC from web
          • Oh I don't feel good. My stomach hurts :(

            Friday, 16-Nov-12 19:56:49 UTC from web
          • Hey every pony!

            Friday, 16-Nov-12 19:43:58 UTC from web
          • So I'm going on this career shadowing trip tomorrow, and the only student who I could get a ride with, is being driven by his dad. So uncool

            Friday, 16-Nov-12 03:27:54 UTC from web
            • #

              Friday, 16-Nov-12 02:25:29 UTC from web
            • Supey Dupey Poopy Scoupy... lol

              Friday, 16-Nov-12 02:20:32 UTC from web
              • hello strange man that has been standing outside of my house for the past hour i would really like it if you stop staring through my window now...

                Friday, 16-Nov-12 02:14:08 UTC from web
              • Guys. I have 669 objects in my library. I am such a child.

                Friday, 16-Nov-12 01:52:20 UTC from web
              • I would like to announce that the next generation of MLP is already in development.

                Friday, 16-Nov-12 01:46:57 UTC from web
              • This chair might be too comfy, I'm suddenly quite tired. -_- ZzZz....

                Friday, 16-Nov-12 01:42:54 UTC from web
              • Just watched the new episode of Big Bang Theory, was hilarious! What's up with you?

                Friday, 16-Nov-12 01:36:45 UTC from web
              • It is FREEZING COLD

                Thursday, 15-Nov-12 22:01:09 UTC from web
              • @arkantos' dash was in my faves and I had to redash it

                Thursday, 15-Nov-12 21:57:40 UTC from web
              • em..why is rainbowdash asking me "what's up"?...ironically i just took some viagra...

                Thursday, 16-Feb-12 13:47:39 UTC from web