Aya's home timeline


  1. Dropbox updated.

    Saturday, 30-Apr-16 18:52:04 UTC from web
    • @noyoushuttheFluffle Puffupdad The way you deal with this is: make a custom DOOM level where you kill everybody you dislike.

      No one who has ever done this has ever gone on to commit a crime.

      Saturday, 30-Apr-16 02:30:32 UTC from shitposter.club
    • What do you call a cow with no legs?

      Friday, 29-Apr-16 21:56:18 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    • Maybe I should start using Twitter and Facebook again so I have somewhere else to dump my synapse overflows.

      Friday, 29-Apr-16 21:41:55 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    • Someone expects me to put on pants and be an adult... too bad, they're getting a bathrobe and a barely setnient lifeform.

      Friday, 29-Apr-16 20:19:45 UTC from web
      • Y'all are cool

        Friday, 29-Apr-16 20:15:02 UTC from web
      • Only exception is in time of war and it put to vote, as with FDR.

        Friday, 29-Apr-16 20:06:30 UTC from web
      • That was a joke but here's a not joke: They would repeal the 22nd amendment for Obama.

        Friday, 29-Apr-16 19:58:55 UTC from web
      • If any of you want to find a bring chat just type in google bring chat chatzy and pick the first on that comes out in the search (warning there are no policy rules or protection in this chat go with your own risk)

        Friday, 29-Apr-16 19:54:07 UTC from web
      • I forgot, the Powerpuff Girls (2016) were supposed to go on the air in April. Are they any good ? Or do I need to wait for a bit longer till they air ?

        Friday, 29-Apr-16 19:47:24 UTC from web
      • I'm still trying to find a clip of Trump using the word "barrier".

        Friday, 29-Apr-16 02:02:45 UTC from web
      • Also that's just LOGICAL. They didn't release the poster for the Deathly Hallows before Chamber of Secrets was out, that would have been RIDICULOUS.

        Thursday, 28-Apr-16 16:31:25 UTC from web
      • Here's a cursed banjo I'm making for a RP heavy, Combat Free 6player Pathfinder campaign where everyone's a bard

        Banjo of Azure Plains
        Checks: 19 Lore 17 Dungeoneering

        Basic Description: "Black & Gold banjo with glowing blue stings and a moon theme, has a... wild smell to it"

        1/Day Moon Shines: Summon 1 "3 Liter Jug of Moonshine"*
        1/Day Hoedown: Causes 2 targets to dance uncontrollably for the duration of the song
        DC: Preform + 1/2 bard lvl +2 if the targets are non-hostile with each other +1 if played after another song from this instrument
        1/3 Days: The Moon shines on you too - A target suffers the same debuffs as you - Non avoidable except if the target is naturally or magically immune

        Curse: Upon being used it bonds with the player, should the player play another instrument the player can only use it again after drinking 3 Liters of any alcoholic beverage in one day

        Thursday, 28-Apr-16 02:48:03 UTC from web
      • It's 22:45 and I have the option to A "go to bed" B "Play some PlanetSide 2" ... Hmm...

        Wednesday, 27-Apr-16 20:47:24 UTC from web
      • If Donald Trump came out and said "I am a hermaphrodite and I will show you proof if I am elected president" would you vote for him? I, for one, would at least be curious.

        Wednesday, 27-Apr-16 20:14:12 UTC from web
      • Got bored, went to Amazon and started reading the sugar-free gummy bears reviews... time well spent.

        Wednesday, 27-Apr-16 03:02:28 UTC from web
      • QUESTION: Is it legal for me, as a video maker guy, to paint toy guns so they look like real guns, or do I need a license for that?

        Tuesday, 26-Apr-16 22:12:35 UTC from web
      • It was snowing this morning... it's almost fricking May, why in the nine hells is it still snowing?!

        Tuesday, 26-Apr-16 21:46:24 UTC from web
        • I find watching X Files hard work, so here I am attempting to concentrate on this episode. Literally the second shot of the episode features the text "West Philadelphia" so of course my brain just starts going BORN AND RAISED IN THE PLAYGROUND WAS WHERE I SPENT MOST OF MY DAYS

          Tuesday, 26-Apr-16 20:04:14 UTC from web
        • I'm getting pretty tired of all this "waking up"

          Tuesday, 26-Apr-16 07:31:27 UTC from web
        • how do I post pics here???

          Tuesday, 26-Apr-16 04:39:37 UTC from web
        • The polish man goes to the eye doctor. The doctor shows "C Z J W I N O S T W C Z", " can you read it?". "Read it? I know this guy!" http://rainbowdash.net/attachment/839422

          Monday, 25-Apr-16 23:31:59 UTC from web
        • That time when North Korea has a better news service than CNN or Fox... http://pny.lv/0e9g1

          Monday, 25-Apr-16 03:02:52 UTC from web
          • Jesus Christ http://zootopiastories.deviantart.com/art/The-passion-of-the-Hopps-593879921

            Sunday, 24-Apr-16 20:20:14 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          • See, when you say "I'm gonna go out the same way I came in," think about whether it should be "covered in blood," "covered in someone else's blood," or "covered in my mother's blood."

            Sunday, 24-Apr-16 06:32:23 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          • my brother is watching some new MLP and who teh Potato Knishes is the white-girl-with-dreadlocks pony

            Saturday, 23-Apr-16 21:16:38 UTC from web
          • @thelastgherkin http://wilwheaton.tumblr.com/post/143230352868/ #

            Saturday, 23-Apr-16 07:50:19 UTC from Choqok
          • If you're watching this week's episode of Game of Pones, please remember to use the tags "spoiler" or "spoilers" to discuss it during the 48 hour period after the episode ends. Thanks!

            Saturday, 23-Apr-16 07:41:04 UTC from StatusNet Android
          • Nevermind, it's 70 goddamned minutes delayed.

            Saturday, 23-Apr-16 00:48:31 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          • Now... if I could just figure out why everything in this apartment can read my external except my creaky ancient desktop, which keeps asking my to format it...

            Friday, 22-Apr-16 23:45:04 UTC from web