

  1. I like that the Web Of Trust page for RDN has one comment claiming we're homosexuals and "cancer". GG, Internet

    Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 12:04:23 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    1. @ceruleanspark Source ?

      Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 12:06:40 UTC from web
      1. @critialcloudkicker @pony

        Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 12:08:09 UTC from web
        1. @ceruleanspark I'm in the thumbnail! Eeeeee~

          Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 12:09:53 UTC from web
        2. @ceruleanspark "Full of cancer" Well that picture sure doesn't look like that of an oncologist.

          Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 12:10:37 UTC from web
        3. @ceruleanspark I am pretty sure that his quote about the death of those who love ponies will give this BerndLauert person a direct trip to the time-out-zone once a mod sees it.

          Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 12:11:02 UTC from web
          1. @critialcloudkicker I did report it using the site tools. We'll see if anything comes of it.

            Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 12:29:23 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
            1. @ceruleanspark Progression \o/ ( Well that is what I hope at least )

              Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 12:30:50 UTC from web
        4. @ceruleanspark oh i see. Good ratings at least.

          Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 12:17:04 UTC from web
        5. @ceruleanspark Ha. This page claims we're "suitable for children".

          Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 20:22:57 UTC from web
          1. @redenchilada Well nothing here is going to psychologically harm a kid.

            Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 20:24:26 UTC from web
            1. @nerthos Remember that kid who looked up "yiffing" after seeing the word used here?

              Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 20:25:35 UTC from web
            2. @nerthos This place taught me what yiffing was

              Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 20:25:49 UTC from web
              1. @mastertdi @redenchilada Just another word for something they already know,

                Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 20:30:26 UTC from web
            3. @nerthos I think the criteria of entry is to be several degrees of normal anyway so...

              Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 20:26:38 UTC from web
    2. @ceruleanspark I don't even know Web of Trust

      Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 12:07:22 UTC from web
    3. @ceruleanspark To be fair, a lot of bronies are cancer.

      Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 12:07:28 UTC from web
      1. @zeldatra I'm a cancer!

        Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 12:52:32 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    4. @flashmint That kind of person is precisely why so many moderates and people who the fandom should be proud to contain feel the need to distance themselves from it.

      Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 12:10:32 UTC from web
    5. @flashmint yeah, ive been in totally un-pony related forums, like for motorcycles and stuff, and there was a guy there posting pony R34

      Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 12:12:04 UTC from web
    6. @flashmint I second that.

      Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 12:15:32 UTC from web
    7. @flashmint "fus-ro-dah!" ... I seem to be missing your point. Back in the knee-joke time that crap was upvoted faster than you could shout "I really dislike this stuff". That said, a lot of bronies take it too far.

      Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 12:21:33 UTC from web
    8. @flashmint Did I mention knee-jokes ? It happned back then too. I do not think that a handfull of bronies versus all the spam-voters out there ( possibly those for who the video was actually made ) would make a long enough lasting impact any more than the knee-jokes did, or the "better drink my own urine" or rick-rolling for that matter. People are not smart in masses is the jist of what I am saying here I guess. Are they more obnoxious than other hypes ? definitely but I can assure you that they mainly are because you know who they are and what drives them. Otherwize they would be a way smaller blip on your radar

      Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 12:27:22 UTC from web
    9. @flashmint To be honest, right up until I met my current meetup group, I've wanted to distance myself, but those people, and the people here, of course, have always been great. Youtube is the bottom of the barrel, content wise, of course. Twitter is pretty bad too, but once you get away from venues like that, to more personal, less "I NEED TO BE VALIDATED AND POPULAR" locations, you see that most of the fans are just regular people with a common interest.

      Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 12:29:03 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @ceruleanspark I second that actually. I went to 2 conventions here in the Netherlands. Both of which about 175 people were present. Things were of course pony-themed, but we had a great time as people ( not as ponies ) playing stuff like MtG and Mafia and looking at a "please keep the mill running" auction, and playing Super Smash Bros in a compo-style. It was really fun and I'd do it again. Ofcourse I saw some over-the-top behaviour, but I can assure you it was nothing worse than could happen on a LAN-party.

        Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 12:33:55 UTC from web
    10. @flashmint But is it worth it?

      Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 12:29:11 UTC from web
      1. @thelastgherkin Why didn't you stop it

        Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 12:29:50 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    11. @flashmint Oh, I'm pretty vocal about not ignoring the obnoxious idiots. The "Bury your head in the sand and pretend they don't represent your interests" strategy is a terrible way to handle that sort of thing. Look how well it worked for the furry fandom.

      Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 12:33:59 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @ceruleanspark So what do you think you should do ? Make a video reply to those who "misrepresent" your ideologies about [topic] ? And then see the world of pain burst open in a "War Z v Infestation:Survivor Stories" "I like it" "I hate it" kinda way ?

        Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 12:42:51 UTC from web
        1. @critialcloudkicker Those specific people should be beaten to death by Norwegians carrying atlases. At this point they'd be doing humanity a service.

          Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 12:45:07 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
          1. @ceruleanspark The people who represent misinformation, or those who make video replies and start a global information slapping of female kanines ?

            Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 13:29:40 UTC from web
    12. @flashmint Know what ? Try "time" instead of Youtube. In every event that has happned throughout history there have been 4 types of people whenever something "spectacular" happens. "Backers", "walkers", "haters/opposers", and those who do not care. Getting picked on by some bully at school ? the bully would be the "Backer". The people who walk around with him and cheer him on, or at least do not stop him are "walkers", those who back your back are the "opposers". and then there are people who just do not care you'd got bullied. Same thing kind of happens on abstract levels with Youtube. Only the schoolyard is worldwide

      Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 12:38:18 UTC from web
      1. @critialcloudkicker Yesterday in youtube comments I saw 5 people argue for 2 straight hours about whether or not Norway was a country

        Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 12:39:21 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @ceruleanspark Well? Is it? Did they reach a conclusion?

          Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 20:24:21 UTC from web
        2. @ceruleanspark Oh wow how could I have mssed you saying that... Anyway... Norway is a country. Norwegian have their own law and flag. I believe that is the requirement to be a country.

          Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 20:24:40 UTC from web
        3. @ceruleanspark well, according to a geography teacher of mine, Norway is actually a legend created to make us believe in the existence of perfect countries

          Sunday, 15-Sep-13 21:58:13 UTC from web
    13. @flashmint I still, to this day, do not call myself a Brony. Mostly just because I don't like labels and this show really does not define me. I don't call myself a "brodragon" and go around offering "browclaws" just because I like American Dragon.

      Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 12:43:17 UTC from web
      1. @zeldatra I'm not certain you'd need the title to be gender specific if your gender is the target audience.

        Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 12:46:18 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @ceruleanspark But the show itself wasn't gender specific in the first place. At least, not in it's original incarnation.

          Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 12:47:48 UTC from web
          1. @zeldatra I'm talking about ponies.

            Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 12:48:32 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        2. @ceruleanspark Ok, here's a better, non-gender specific example. I like Doctor Who. But I would rather die than be called a "Whovian". Ugh.

          Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 12:48:55 UTC from web
          1. @zeldatra I think that's a pretty common sentiment.

            Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 12:49:53 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    14. @snowcone As I said, not going to harm them.

      Tuesday, 10-Sep-13 20:30:57 UTC from web