Notices by what the (darkly9), page 5

  1. @machoman I'm not sure how to respond to this.

    Sunday, 05-Feb-12 06:13:16 UTC from web in context
  2. ::Hoping is not the only one who would read the whole Daring Do series if they existed::

    Sunday, 05-Feb-12 06:09:32 UTC from web in context
  3. !techno Why do I keep falling for this "Nightcore" thing?

    Saturday, 04-Feb-12 07:11:58 UTC from web
  4. !VG update, and why not. I now own Black Ops, Batman: Arkham Asylum, and GTA4 via birthday gifts as of january 17th.

    Saturday, 04-Feb-12 07:03:24 UTC from web
  5. @sebastian1314 Gnite.

    Saturday, 04-Feb-12 07:00:51 UTC from web in context
  6. @shadowlight I think I might have spotted that name while I was looking for TN residents in the account search long before me and him even started really fighting so as to prove a point to him that he wouldn't be alone if he became a brony.

    Saturday, 04-Feb-12 07:00:03 UTC from web in context
  7. @shadowlight Not that I am aware of. That name sounds familiar though, but on here he used "Conor Leary" and his real name is Seth Ledford.

    Saturday, 04-Feb-12 06:56:03 UTC from web in context
  8. @sebastian1314 I just watched that whole video. I don't think I have ever cried literal tears of joy before this day.

    Saturday, 04-Feb-12 06:54:14 UTC from web in context
  9. @shadowlight Not yet, but I might have to.

    Saturday, 04-Feb-12 06:12:09 UTC from web in context
  10. @shadowlight By the day after I mean, he started trolling this site the day after and only got my attention yesterday.

    Saturday, 04-Feb-12 06:10:37 UTC from web in context
  11. @shadowlight This is of course like the day after he actually told me he himself didn't want to talk to me anymore.

    Saturday, 04-Feb-12 06:09:47 UTC from web in context
  12. @shadowlight My stalker. A guy who lives in Tennessee who I used to talk to every day until I got sick of arguing constantly and flat out told him I didn't want to talk to him anymore. Lo and behold, he is apparently too dim to understand the words "leave me alone".

    Saturday, 04-Feb-12 06:02:26 UTC from web in context
  13. @shadowlight Yeah.

    Saturday, 04-Feb-12 05:56:36 UTC from web in context
  14. @pinhooves Clarification, I don't want to bulldoze tennessee, he only believes I do.

    Saturday, 04-Feb-12 05:48:09 UTC from web in context
  15. @pinhooves Oh I know it's his fault, but I don't know exactly whose opinion he may have swayed against me, if any. He has a very distorted view of what I believe and nothing I do or say to him has or will change that, which is why I stopped talking to him in the first place. Every day he would put down the things that I enjoy and any time I took issue with it he would make the argument the same argument he would make any other time. I could be talking about music and he would argue that I want to bulldoze Tennessee because of homophobes. I mean what do those things even have in common?

    Saturday, 04-Feb-12 05:47:13 UTC from web in context
  16. @pinhooves Because the only reason he had to be here in the first place was to get at me. He has no interest in this place or this fandom, he was just causing trouble around here till I would finally notice it so he could rant some more.

    Saturday, 04-Feb-12 05:39:31 UTC from web in context
  17. =/ ::Sigh:: I used to just be too busy to get on here, now I don't really feel like posting because I'm worried that you all might be mad at me because of -him-.

    Saturday, 04-Feb-12 05:36:32 UTC from web in context
  18. I'm going to bed, I've stayed up too late trying to deal with this.... Good night folks.

    Friday, 03-Feb-12 11:29:19 UTC from web
  19. @serrio As much as I want to avoid getting the police involved, I might have to if he keeps doing this. First just bugging me on messenger, then facebook, then following my family members' messages, now harassing random people on here. What next? Letters? IRL stalking? I mean he knows my address...

    Friday, 03-Feb-12 11:26:56 UTC from web in context
  20. @carcino Yeah, I read back through his previous dashes.

    Friday, 03-Feb-12 05:18:45 UTC from web in context
  21. @carcino Then I guess I wasn't talking to you then.

    Friday, 03-Feb-12 05:16:11 UTC from web in context
  22. @carcino Seriously, he's been harassing people on RDN, and I'm trying to apologize to anyone he may have offended.

    Friday, 03-Feb-12 05:14:23 UTC from web in context
  23. I'm sorry everyone. I thought I convinced this jackass to stop stalking me like a week ago. @1r1shh00v3s I have every reason to believe is actually Seth Ledford, someone who used to be my friend and who since I stopped talking to him as started stalking me on various websites.

    Friday, 03-Feb-12 05:11:51 UTC from web in context
  24. @commodorecrazycommanderofthe1stroyalbrigadeofspiceracksandcheese Bye :D

    Wednesday, 18-Jan-12 03:42:18 UTC from web in context
  25. @commodorecrazycommanderofthe1stroyalbrigadeofspiceracksandcheese Pretty much yeah lol.

    Wednesday, 18-Jan-12 03:40:20 UTC from web in context
  26. @commodorecrazycommanderofthe1stroyalbrigadeofspiceracksandcheese Creative nothing, I picked a name I slapped together and ran it through an anagram maker, voila. I saved it because it was so ridiculous but didn't think I would ever use it. My sister started using one of her friend's nicknames as a handle so I was like " :I No, how about I give you Lt. Velvet Lobes?"

    Wednesday, 18-Jan-12 03:38:27 UTC from web in context
  27. @commodorecrazycommanderofthe1stroyalbrigadeofspiceracksandcheese Pretty good today, feeling old though. Your name makes me feel better about giving my Sister the internet handle/anagram "Lieutenant Velvet Lobes" to use.

    Wednesday, 18-Jan-12 03:34:02 UTC from web in context
  28. @commodorecrazycommanderofthe1stroyalbrigadeofspiceracksandcheese Holy crap I haven't seen you in a while :O How are you?

    Wednesday, 18-Jan-12 03:30:10 UTC from web in context
  29. @derps I would get on that. Good luck, mein freund.

    Wednesday, 18-Jan-12 03:27:54 UTC from web in context
  30. @macpony55 Parakeets are adorable :D

    Wednesday, 18-Jan-12 03:24:13 UTC from web in context