Notices by Dopey Shrove (dopeyshrove), page 2

  1. @administrator Would this be of any help?

    Friday, 08-Apr-11 11:58:43 UTC from web
  2. @giygashy I'm afraid not...

    Friday, 08-Apr-11 11:48:19 UTC from web in context
  3. # Put your dinner plates in the air like you just don't care! Clap your coins to the beat, join me in eating some meat! Party up, party down, party like a salty clown! Get your freezer in the house 'cos it's about to squash a mouse! Rock on, rock on; no one does it like Gaston! Shake your vacuums to the side because they taste just like fluoride!

    Friday, 08-Apr-11 11:38:18 UTC from web
  4. @kreamous # @administrator

    Friday, 08-Apr-11 11:33:29 UTC from web in context
  5. @applebloomsarepetalknives All hail the Spammerhammer!

    Friday, 08-Apr-11 11:32:31 UTC from web in context

    Friday, 08-Apr-11 11:31:49 UTC from web in context
  7. Just bought the Flash addon for my game-making software. *checks email* Ah come on, serial key! Where are you?..

    Friday, 08-Apr-11 11:31:13 UTC from web
  8. @camptranshumanist Nobody doesn't do homework like GASTUUUHHHHRRNNN

    Friday, 08-Apr-11 11:29:39 UTC from web in context
  9. @sleepingautumn Or ponies bearing more ponies who are bearing muffins.

    Friday, 08-Apr-11 11:28:39 UTC from web in context
  10. @cheraklen # @administrator

    Friday, 08-Apr-11 11:06:54 UTC from web in context
  11. @sleepingautumn I hunger for PONIEEEZ

    Friday, 08-Apr-11 11:05:33 UTC from web in context
  12. @freblurd # @administrator

    Friday, 08-Apr-11 10:39:21 UTC from web
  13. @lonewanderer Thanks, you too!

    Friday, 08-Apr-11 10:26:34 UTC from web in context
  14. @ceadud @fleawielos # @administrator

    Friday, 08-Apr-11 10:26:18 UTC from web
  15. @bocrotrerd # @administrator

    Friday, 08-Apr-11 10:22:11 UTC from web
  16. @stouqous # @administrator

    Friday, 08-Apr-11 10:14:51 UTC from web
  17. @pacleaklouy # @administrator

    Friday, 08-Apr-11 10:11:20 UTC from web
  18. @lonewanderer @darkcore Good morning!

    Friday, 08-Apr-11 10:03:59 UTC from web in context
  19. @sleepingautumn Hmm. We seriously need a captcha in this place, or we're gonna be completely flooded.

    Friday, 08-Apr-11 09:43:36 UTC from web in context
  20. @frostbitepuck Good mornin'!

    Friday, 08-Apr-11 09:42:41 UTC from web in context
  21. @sleepingautumn It's usually quiet at this time. Either that or the spambots have been kidnapping our members.

    Friday, 08-Apr-11 09:41:55 UTC from web in context
  22. @cheaghejeap # @administrator

    Friday, 08-Apr-11 08:40:23 UTC from web
  23. Anyway... good morning, my fellow poh-knees! 'Tis a murky day, but not rainy... yet.

    Friday, 08-Apr-11 08:39:58 UTC from web
  24. @spiscour # @administrator LOLTYPO

    Friday, 08-Apr-11 08:39:06 UTC from web
  25. @distus @spisccour # @administrator

    Friday, 08-Apr-11 08:38:50 UTC from web
  26. Welp, I'm off to bed. Nighty night, ponies!

    Thursday, 07-Apr-11 21:57:35 UTC from web in context
  27. @administrator 20-year-old boy here. No wait. 20-year-old MAN here. #

    Thursday, 07-Apr-11 21:56:39 UTC from web in context
  28. I love Luna. No, not that one.

    Thursday, 07-Apr-11 21:55:28 UTC from web
  29. @fluttershy

    Thursday, 07-Apr-11 20:56:38 UTC from web in context Repeat of odin
  30. @sugarorange Don't worry. If you bought it from a dedicated computer shop, they'll fix it much much quicker.

    Thursday, 07-Apr-11 20:31:46 UTC from web in context