Scotland, UK
20-year-old male student from Scotland. Likes ponies, games, languages and... oh, did I mention ponies?
Also the founder of the Elements of Harmony holidays.
Notices by Dopey Shrove (dopeyshrove), page 2
@administrator Would this be of any help? http://status.net/open-source/add-ons/recaptcha
Friday, 08-Apr-11 11:58:43 UTC from web -
@giygashy I'm afraid not...
#nonsequitur Put your dinner plates in the air like you just don't care! Clap your coins to the beat, join me in eating some meat! Party up, party down, party like a salty clown! Get your freezer in the house 'cos it's about to squash a mouse! Rock on, rock on; no one does it like Gaston! Shake your vacuums to the side because they taste just like fluoride!
Friday, 08-Apr-11 11:38:18 UTC from web -
@applebloomsarepetalknives All hail the Spammerhammer!
Just bought the Flash addon for my game-making software. *checks email* Ah come on, serial key! Where are you?..
Friday, 08-Apr-11 11:31:13 UTC from web -
@camptranshumanist Nobody doesn't do homework like GASTUUUHHHHRRNNN
@sleepingautumn Or ponies bearing more ponies who are bearing muffins.
@sleepingautumn I hunger for PONIEEEZ
Friday, 08-Apr-11 10:39:21 UTC from web
@lonewanderer Thanks, you too!
Friday, 08-Apr-11 10:26:18 UTC from web
Friday, 08-Apr-11 10:22:11 UTC from web
Friday, 08-Apr-11 10:14:51 UTC from web
Friday, 08-Apr-11 10:11:20 UTC from web
@lonewanderer @darkcore Good morning!
@sleepingautumn Hmm. We seriously need a captcha in this place, or we're gonna be completely flooded.
@frostbitepuck Good mornin'!
@sleepingautumn It's usually quiet at this time. Either that or the spambots have been kidnapping our members.
Friday, 08-Apr-11 08:40:23 UTC from web
Anyway... good morning, my fellow poh-knees! 'Tis a murky day, but not rainy... yet.
Friday, 08-Apr-11 08:39:58 UTC from web -
@spiscour #spammer @administrator LOLTYPO
Friday, 08-Apr-11 08:39:06 UTC from web -
@distus @spisccour #spammer @administrator
Friday, 08-Apr-11 08:38:50 UTC from web -
Welp, I'm off to bed. Nighty night, ponies!
@administrator 20-year-old boy here. No wait. 20-year-old MAN here. #testosterone
I love Luna. No, not that one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4WtxKoal-c
Thursday, 07-Apr-11 21:55:28 UTC from web -
@sugarorange Don't worry. If you bought it from a dedicated computer shop, they'll fix it much much quicker.