Überraschung mutterf***er
Scotland, UK
20-year-old male student from Scotland. Likes ponies, games, languages and... oh, did I mention ponies?
Also the founder of the Elements of Harmony holidays.
dopeyshrove subscriptions
These are the people whose notices dopeyshrove listens to.
celestia Her Royal Highness Princess Celestia of Equestria Canterlot
These are the dictations of your Princess.
chistery Chistery Contril Kirksville, MO http://yamathan.deviantart.com
I'm a brony and a writefriend. Won't you be my neighbor?
I'm mostly found on the RP section, but I drop by every so often.
stevenmagnet Kieren scotland
hey guys! names kieren! MY little pony is awesome! need any more info just ask :)
pixelsmith Pixelsmith Guitarly Portland, OR, United States
Herpin' and derpin' and rolling dice to pony beats with bros of the 20% cooler type. I sometimes read pony-fics with silly voices under the guise of "Twem". (A hobby? Maybe.)
silverlightning joshua w mcclain Vancouver, WA. United states
I have a fascination for MLP... really cant say why... Im a FlutterPie Btw
commanderjesus commander jesus, product of pinecones CT http://www.youtube.com/user/commanderjesussaves
I am jesus, that dumbass from /co/. I also make the musicks of the metal variety. That's about it.
shine Shine Sofia, Bulgaria
I live in Bulgaria. My interests include programming, drawing, music, basketball, skiing, beer and ponies. You can usually find me in the threads on /b/, though I sometimes lurk ponychan. Uhm... what else should I say...? I don't know...
autumnwind Michael Brothers Ann Arbor, MI
I'm a Michigan Bronie, and I'm here to connect! I'm kinda like a mix between Pinkie and Applebloom, so I guess you could call me an Apple Pie ^_^
applebutter Apple Butter ~Indianapolis, Indiana, USA http://bronychat.chatango.com/
Bronychat admin, musician, songwriter, novelist. Likes ponies.
pride Sir Lord Doctor Captain Johnathan David Elliot Maximillian Pride Wells the Third, Esq., M.D. Britain
hoppip Hoppip !HOPPIPqX/Q UK http://hoppip.deviantart.com
I go to /co/ and make plushies. Sometimes I draw.
sleepingautumn Sleeping Autumn UK
Pony fan from the UK. Gamer, geek, reader, wannabe writer. Trying out this 'being social' thing. WWTSD
ellistia Ellis London, United Kingdom http://ellistiaa.tumblr.com/
If you want something just let me know. Otherwise I've no reason to say anything. Might post my art but that's about it. http://steamcommunity.com/id/ellistia/ PSN/Skype: ecmc1093