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RDN Plus

RDN Plus

!rdndev browserponies dev rdnplus

Teh Internets

This group is a place for talking about all those RDN-specific features that @minti and @widget/@ponydude are working on, including Browser Ponies, RDN Plus (Refresh built into the site), and Realtime.

RDN Plus (rdndev) group


  1. C'mon Widgey and Mintu! Make those features!

    Monday, 07-Jul-14 16:30:51 UTC from web
    • I'm trying to figure out what all I should work on for the site in the coming {period of time}. Here's a text doc of everything I can remember at the moment. Am I forgetting a bugfix/feature I said I'd work on? Elsewise, opinions on anything in the list? (I also brainstormed a bit for stuff I could add, so some things noted might be new ideas.)

      Monday, 25-Nov-13 23:43:01 UTC from web
    • Would any of you guys be interested in an option to hide all posts belonging to a particular conversation? Or all replies to a particular post, recursively? Because I know there are sometimes conversations going on that some people don't like (regardless of whether they break any rules) and some people might like to have that option. !rdndev !coderponies

      Thursday, 21-Nov-13 01:52:01 UTC from web
    • !dev Look into adding email subscriptions to groups, so that posting to a group emails those who opt into it. (Do the admins mind if I use this group as an idea holding place?)

      Tuesday, 23-Apr-13 03:23:19 UTC from StatusNet Android
      • # !dev The reason I propose the "read more" content break-style concept is to promote more... well, posting of content here. As an alternative to the "attach a .txt" solution that exists. It might be handy to be able to post those longer blog-post-style posts here on occasion without clogging the timeline a bunch. The specific use I'm thinking of right now is "Admin needs to get a message out to the site (say, 'Some changes are coming, here's what they are'). Message is really long. Admin wants to put message on Promoted but it'd clog up the sidebar. Solution: lead-in paragraph put behind a readmore." It'd be easier than using pastebin and other places like it for everything. It's just an idea of mine, though.

        Sunday, 21-Apr-13 20:14:41 UTC from web
      • I'd definitely be restyling the whole thing to match the current site aesthetic, if it did become a thing. Maybe also remove the given line-breaking ability. I've been putting some thought into that, though; maybe something along the lines of a "read more" option that would cut posts with a line break and let the full post be visible after, line breaks and all intact. I dunno how the userbase would take to it, honestly, and it might end up becoming something that doesn't get much use. It might be good for i.e. posting code snippets and such, though, particularly if the character limit was modified to only apply to content before the break. # !dev

        Sunday, 21-Apr-13 20:05:40 UTC from web
      • Actually, it might be a good idea to adapt TinyMCE to our site. Maybe. Possibly. I'd definitely remove the inline image bit and add the formatting options from RDNPlus that it doesn't have, but imo with a bit of tweaking (particularly stylistic tweaking :v) it would blow the current formatting options out of the water. I mean, just look at that rich text editing! !dev

        Sunday, 21-Apr-13 19:55:34 UTC from web
      • !dev PromoteEverything shows retweets, lol.

        Monday, 15-Apr-13 23:04:27 UTC from web
      • I wish @minti hadn't abandoned !mintrefresh =/ it was more than just a refresh script, and the additional parts of it still haven't been merged into !rdnplus.

        Monday, 04-Feb-13 12:32:26 UTC from web
        • Minecraft anyone?

          Sunday, 19-Aug-12 05:24:20 UTC from web
        • @greydragon412 I *was*. Kind of haven't touched it in awhile cause I'm a bad programmer who can't multitask. !rdnplus

          Saturday, 21-Jul-12 09:21:59 UTC from web
        • @widget I thought of something while sleeping last night. The reason the cookies wouldn't save in !rdnplus is because of Varnish caching and stuffs, kind of like how logging in/out takes forever for me.

          Thursday, 26-Apr-12 17:28:53 UTC from web
          • Lol we should set up a test bed for people to mess with !RDNPlus . >_>

            Sunday, 22-Apr-12 00:58:32 UTC from web
            • I'm surprised there isn't more admins on !rdndev. btw, anything new going on?

              Thursday, 19-Apr-12 00:38:44 UTC from web
            • !rdndev Really should make the twitter part of this optional, it's bugging me. ;p

              Sunday, 15-Apr-12 23:57:51 UTC from web