Caleb Martin's home timeline


  1. @russianbronymn I see you, always.

    Friday, 12-Jul-13 02:52:52 UTC from web
  2. Hey everypony. Can you help send some hugs to my friend Chatoyance? She really needs some because some internet meanies won't leave her alone:

    Wednesday, 10-Jul-13 01:29:25 UTC from web
  3. So you guys would be okay with high school setting?

    Monday, 10-Jun-13 18:42:11 UTC from web
  4. !atlantabronies Is anyone here going to GT?

    Tuesday, 25-Jun-13 19:54:09 UTC from web
  5. !atlantabronies Equestrialanta con anypony?

    Sunday, 12-May-13 18:51:09 UTC from web
  6. @septhor !atlantabronies i agree

    Tuesday, 25-Jun-13 18:06:52 UTC from web
    • !atlantabronies Went to see Equestria Girls in Hiram, GA. D sent me here.

      Saturday, 22-Jun-13 18:56:50 UTC from web
    • Goodnight.

      Tuesday, 18-Jun-13 04:46:45 UTC from web
      • !atlantabronies

        Thursday, 30-May-13 21:09:54 UTC from web
        • !atlantabronies it was going to be in Colorado then it was canceled, and i think now there doing it in Atlanta.

          Wednesday, 29-May-13 15:02:03 UTC from web
        • !atlantabronies why hasn't anything happened here in atlanta lately???? why don't we have a mlp con here? or at least a meet up! wasn't there nightmare night atlanta here a while ago, until they canceled it or something?

          Wednesday, 22-May-13 21:06:20 UTC from web
          • Hello! Whats going on in here?

            Wednesday, 22-May-13 04:04:51 UTC from web
          • !atlantabronies Does any one here wan't to go see Equestria girls?

            Tuesday, 14-May-13 20:44:12 UTC from web
            • The Power Glove - it's so bad!

              Monday, 06-May-13 04:35:03 UTC from web
            • !atlantabronies when is the next meetup?

              Monday, 29-Apr-13 18:35:31 UTC from web
              • @vt3c Here is a better picture.

                Monday, 29-Apr-13 13:48:16 UTC from web
              • Rand: Ah. All I had to do was become the most powerful warlord on Earth to get a woman to stop nagging me.

                Monday, 29-Apr-13 13:26:30 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
              • @snowlynx Tests you don't have to care about are fun. I also drew a slice of pizza for an answer and, on three separate occasions, answered questions with complaints about how the guy behind me kept resting his feet on my chair.

                Thursday, 25-Apr-13 02:38:11 UTC from web
              • yay and why am i your hero and what is lemongrab

                Thursday, 25-Apr-13 02:57:01 UTC from web
              • Mmmm. Apple cider.

                Thursday, 25-Apr-13 02:55:04 UTC from web
              • Ping statistics for XXXXXXXX: Packets: Sent = 100, Received = 84, Lost = 16 (16% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 41ms, Maximum = 109ms, Average = 53ms

                Tuesday, 14-Aug-12 15:38:25 UTC from web
              • I wish I had a healthy snake, I'm in the mood for an apple

                Thursday, 25-Apr-13 02:46:58 UTC from web
              • I just remembered that I have the soundtrack to like 3 sonic games and I don't even like Sanic

                Sunday, 21-Apr-13 20:32:22 UTC from web
              • Anything interesting being talked about?

                Tuesday, 23-Apr-13 04:28:49 UTC from web
              • For those not streaming, Boston police have preliminary confirmation of 2 confirmed dead, 23 injured so far

                Monday, 15-Apr-13 20:16:25 UTC from web
              • I would love to donate blood for these sorts of things if my blood wasn't useless.

                Monday, 15-Apr-13 20:13:09 UTC from web
              • Turn on your TVS! Explosions at the Boston Marathon.

                Monday, 15-Apr-13 20:02:15 UTC from web
              • God dammit I'm an emotional wreck. If I'm not happy I'm angry at someone or depressed by the dead-end my life will eventually become.

                Monday, 15-Apr-13 03:23:16 UTC from web
                • @zeldatra Now now. It gets better. Trust me. Life is has terrible ups and downs. Believe me. Just remember, don't let something petty like this break you. You are not a teacup. You are a sturdy tin cup that can take a beating or two.

                  Monday, 15-Apr-13 03:27:43 UTC in context
                • @cabal Yeah, I am by no means giving up entirely. I actually am very happy, most of the time. But I get angry really easily, and that's a flaw I constantly try to fix, to no avail. Depression usually sinks in after I realize how stupid I am and it is painful as all hell. Thanks, though.

                  Monday, 15-Apr-13 03:31:11 UTC in context
              • @widget @redenchilada Thanks ~ function plot(){plot();}plot(); Just to make this even more embarrassingly nerdish <3

                Monday, 15-Apr-13 03:02:54 UTC from web